Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Travelling to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island»

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Цель мероприятия: систематизировать и обобщить изученный материал, углубить и расширить знания по теме.

Задачи мероприятия:

  • Образовательные: обобщение и закрепление изученного лексического и грамматического материала,  расширение образовательного кругозора обучающихся.
  • Развивающие: развитие умений и навыков работать в команде, развитие внимания, памяти, мышления.
  • Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, формирование мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.

Оборудование мероприятия:

  • интерактивная доска,
  • компьютер, проектор,
  • презентация,
  • раздаточный материал,
  • учебная доска.

Структура мероприятия.

  1. Приветствие.
  2. Сообщение задач и целей мероприятия.
  3. Деление на команды: выбор капитана и названия команды.
  4. Город картинок.
  5. Город филворда.
  6. Город артикля «the».
  7. Город «Чисел».
  8. Город «Согласен или не согласен».
  9. Город «Вопросов».
  10. Город «Творческих работ».
  11. Город «Результатов».
  12. Подведение итогов и награждение.

Ход мероприятия

1. Приветствие

Good morning, students! Take your seats please! Let me check the absentees, first of all. Ok, tell me please, what date is it today? What is the day of week today? What is the weather like today? And how are you today?

2. Сообщение целей мероприятия:

So today, we have an unusual lesson. As today will visit different cities which consist of the information about Great Britain. In these cities we will work with the words, revise our grammar material and improve our English. So today we have a lot of work to do, that’s why be active and attentive, please.

3. Деление на команды: выбор капитана и названия команды.

There are two teams. Let’s introduce your teams.  Who is the captain of your team? What is the name of your team?

Our captain is…

The name of our team is…

Ok, I see. So, students, now we are going to visit different cities with a lot of interesting tasks. For each right answer you'll get 1 point, for each wrong answer you’ll get no points. The team which will get more points will be the winner today. All right, let’s start our travelling.  

4. And the 1st city is the city of pictures.

Your task will be to look at the picture and name it.
(каждой команде по очереди на презентации демонстрируется картинка, которую они должны отгадать).

  1. The Tower of London.
  2. Buckingham Palace.
  3. The Houses of Parliament.
  4. Tower Bridge.
  5. Westminster Abbey.
  6. 10 Downing Street.
  7. London Eye.
  8. Globe Theater.
  9. Madame Tussaud’s.
  10. 30 Saint Mary Axe.

Well done, let’s count your points.

  • The 1st team (название команды) has … points.
  • The 2nd team (название команды) has … points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске, после каждого «города»).

5. The 2nd city is the city of fillword.

So, now your task will be:

  1. to find the names of the famous British people as many as you can in this fillword.
  2. cross it, read it and translate.





















































































All right, let’s count all the names which you have found.
The 1st team found…people.
And the 2nd team found…people.
The 1st team has found … names that’s why they get… points.
The 2nd team has found… names that’s why they get … points.
Let’s continue our travelling! And the next city is the city of the article «the».

6. The 3rd city is the city of article «the».

Your task will be to put the article where it is necessary and explain the usage of the article «the»:
I use «the» because it is __
I don’t use «the» because it is __

  1. Queen Elizabeth II.
  2. Princess Diana.
  3. David Cameron.
  4. Parliament.
  5. London.
  6. The Thames.
  7. Trafalgar Square.
  8. Scotland.
  9. The British Isles.
  10. The English Channel.

Very well, let’s count your points.

  • The 1st team has … points.
  • The 2nd  team has … points.

7. Ok, it’s time for the 4th round. For the round of «Numbers».

You are to tell me the facts about the history of Great Britain, holidays and so on and so forth which connected with these numbers. Ok, let’s begin.

1666 – The Great Fire of London.

1926 – Elizabeth II was born in 1926.

1952 – Elizabeth II began to reign in 1952.

2012 – The Summer Olympic Games took place in London in 2012.

25 – Christmas in England is celebrated on the 25th of December.

14 – Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14h of February.

221 – 221B Baker Street is the address of the detective Sherlock Holmes.

Ok, thank you everybody! Let’s count your points.

  • The 1st team has … points.
  • The 2nd  team has … points.

8. The next city is the 5th city. This is the city of «Agree or disagree». 

Your task will be to agree or disagree with the sentences on the slides. If you agree with the sentence you are to repeat it. If you disagree with the sentence you are to correct it. Let’s read it and translate. And then you will have time for your decision. First team! Begin, please.

I agree …because…

I disagree …because…

  1. The nickname of the 30 Saint Mary Axe is «skyscraper». 
  2. The nickname of the 30 Saint Mary Axe is «skyscraper». 
  3. The nickname of the 30 Saint Mary Axe is «skyscraper». 
  4. The nickname of the flag of the United Kingdom is «Jack».
  5. «Bobby» is a British policeman. 
  6. The current Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office is a cat Tom.
  7. «Beefeater» is a nickname of the raven at the Tower of London.  
  8. «The Beatles» is a nickname of the taxi drivers in London.

9. The  6th city is the city of «Questions».

  1. What is the capital of the UK and England?
  2. What is the national emblem of England?
  3. What is the capital of Scotland?
  4. What is the national emblem of Scotland?
  5. What is the capital of Wales?
  6. What is the national emblem of Wales?
  7. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
  8. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?

Thank you, everybody for your answers! Now let’s count your points.

  • The 1st team has … points.
  • The 2nd  team has … points.

10. The 7th city is the city of «Creative works».

You are to tell us about any places of interest of London that you like most of all, show me your creative work which you have prepared at home and explain why you have chosen this place.
Begin, please one by one. The 1st team, and then the 2nd team.

  1. I want to tell you about …because…
  2. I can say that the most interesting for me…because…
  3. I think that ….
  4. I learnt that…

Students, our works are so interesting! Well done every body! Now it is time to count your points.

  • The 1st team has … points.
  • The 2nd  team has … points.

11. The city of «Results».

Ok, now we will visit the last city for today, the city of «Results». It is time to find out who will be the winner. So..

  • The 1st team has … points.
  • The 2nd  team has … points.

12. Подведение итогов и награждение.

1st \2nd team (название команды) is the winner! And you will get «excellent» for your active work. 1st \2nd team (название команды), you will get «good» for your very well work. My congratulations! Now stand up, please. Our travelling is over. Thank you for your work! Good-bye!