Класс: 6
Предмет: английский язык
УМК: «Английский в фокусе» 6 класс; авторы: В.Эванс, Д. Дули; издательство: М., Express Рublishing,Просвещение», 2011
Место урока в учебном плане: Module 10d, Culture Corner
Продолжительность учебного занятия: 45 минут
Тип учебного занятия: урок
Тип урока: урок обобщения знаний (в форме викторины).
Цель урока: Обобщение страноведческих знаний по теме: "Шотландия в игровой форме (викторина)".
Образовательные задачи:
1. Использование тематической лексики в речевых ситуациях;
2. Развитие диалогической речи по теме урока в различных видах диалогов;
3. Обучение учащихся высказываться на заданную тему, аргументируя свою точку зрения;
4. Повторение грамматической структуры to be going to, грамматических знаний по темам; настоящее простое, настоящее совершенное, прошедшее простое время;
5. Развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста;
6. Развитие навыков поискового чтения текста по данной теме.
7. Развитие контекстуальной догадки;
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Приобщение учащихся к иноязычной культуре;
2. Формирование культурно-страноведческой компетенции;
3. Развитие умений ведения беседы, диалога, навыков игры в команде, группе.
Развивающие задачи:
1. Развитие образного мышления;
2. Развитие внимания, памяти.
Оснащение урока: CD-диск, карта Великобритании и Шотландии, символика Шотландии, компьютер и мультимедийное оборудование (для просмотра презентации к уроку), CD (ex.1, p.101, ex2, p101), рабочие листы учащихся с заданиями к викторине.
I этап Речевая зарядка. (тема и цель урока обозначены на слайдах №1, 2 презентации).
Teacher: Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you today. I hope our lesson’ll be interesting and you ‘ll participate actively in it. You are to revise and remember all information you know about Scotland. At home you were to read and learn as much as you can on this theme. Today you’ll divide in some groups
(teams) and do the tasks of the quiz. You’ll also work with the Student’s book and Students’ Work-sheets. We start with the poem dedicated to Scotland.
Аудирование стихотворения Р. Бернса с выборочным пониманием информации.
« He who has not seen Scotland does not really know Great Britain.»
1. «My heart's in the Highlands», the poem written by Robert Burns.
a) listen to the poem and think of the main idea of the poem
b) read the poem aloud
c) listen to this poem in Russian translated by S. Y. Marshak and say if you like the translation, if Marshak could express feelings and mood of the poet
d) find the English equivalents to the underlined parts of this poem
My heart's in the Highlands my heart is not here,
My heart's in the highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe –
My heart's in the Highlands, where I go
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of valour, the country of worth!
Wherever I wander, wherever 1 rove,
The hills of the Highlands forever I love
В горах мое сердце
В горах моё сердце...Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах моё сердце, асам я внизу.
Прощай, моя Родина! Север - прощай,-
Отечество славы и доблести край.
По белому свету судьбою гоним,
Навеки останусь я сыном твоим!
- What ideas of Scotland did Robert Burns express in his poem? What associations have you go with the word Sсotland?
2 этап - развитие умения прогнозирования содержания текста и умений поискового чтения.
Учащиеся выполняют задания упр.1, 2, стр.101 учебника (УМК «Spotlight-6»), прослушивая музыкальный отрывок из упр.1 и текст «The Edinburgh Experience». Затем выполняется упражнение 3-поисковое чтение по нахождению ответов на вопросы учебника.
Listen to the music in ex. 1 and say which county it reminds you. (Scotland).
Now I’ d like you to listen to the text about some sights in Edinburgh and answer the questions in ex. 3.
Учащиеся получают дополнительные новые культурологические и страноведческие знания о Шотландии, ее традициях, о столице Эдинбурге.
3 этап - закрепление в речи грамматической структуры to be going (to do).
Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу по тематике текста, используя данную грамматическую структуру (упр.4, стр.101).
4 этап-проведение игры-викторины на обобщение страноведческих, культурологических знаний по теме урока.
Looking at the map of Scotland, the posters, the flag , the screen (слайд 3), try to remember what you’ ve learnt , what you already know about Scotland.
При участии в викторине, команды используют страноведческие знания, полученные ранее в ходе изучения предмета и при выполнении домашнего задания. Целью домашнего задания ставилось прочтение и изучение текстов о географическом положении, населении, производстве, культуре, традициях, символах Шотландии.
1. Quiz: “Do you know Scotland?” (слайд 3)
Класс или группа делится на команды. В данной части викторины команды отвечают на вопросы, получая балл за каждый правильный ответ. Отвечает команда, готовая ответить первой.
1. Scotland is situated:
a) in the north, b) in the south, c) in the west of the UK.
2. Scotland is washed by:
a) the Mediterranean sea, b) the North sea, c) the Black sea.
3. What is the highest mountain in Scotland?
(Ben Nevis)
4. Who is Patron Saint of Scotland?
(St Andrew)
5. The main rivers in Scotland are:
a) the Wairu and the Waikato; b) the Murray and the Darling; c) the Clyde and the Forth
6. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
7. The national instrument of Scotland is:
a) violin, b) banjo, c) bagpipe.
8. The mountainous part of Scotland is called Highlands. How is the plain part called there?
9. The unification of Scotland and England took place in:
a) 1807 b) 1707 c) 1907
10. What are two most interesting parts of Edinburgh?
(Old Town and the New Town)
11. What show takes place for five or six nights in August and September every year in Edinburgh?
(The Edinburgh military tattoo)
12. The ancient Celtic language still spoken today by 80,000 people in Scotland is :
a) Welsh b) Gaelic c) Latin
13. The ancient family groups each of which has its own tartan (patterned cloth) and its own name is called:
a) a clan b) a casta c) a class
14. This slow sport originated in Scotland. Now it is popular all over the world.
15. What do many Scottish surnames begin with?
(They begin with Mac. Mac means “the son of” someone.
16. How much is the population of Scotland?
a) 47mln b) 2,8 mln c) 5 mln
2. Captain’s competition.
В конкурсе участвуют капитаны команд. Капитан, первым выполнивший задание, получает 5 баллов. В задании следует соотнести названия, относящиеся к теме урока. Задание представлено на слайде презентации № 4.
Hollyrooodhouse |
Mile |
Edinburgh |
The statuette of the dog |
Royal |
Palace |
Bobby |
Edinburgh festival event |
Fringe |
Castle |
3. Guess the famous Scottish person.
The pictures of them are shown on the screen in the presentation.(слайды № 5-6). The short descriptions of life facts of these people are given on the Work – sheets. The team should say the right version who the person is. If the team fails the question goes to the next team.
A. The man was born in 1270, died in 1305 . He fought in the battles in Lanark, Stilling, Folkirk for the independence of Scotland from Englishmen. You may see the statue of him in front of the entrance to Edinburgh castle. M. Gibson played this national hero in the film “ The brave heart”. ( W. Wallace).
B. He is considered to be the most famous Scottish poet. People celebrate his birthday on the 25-th of January every year in Scotland. His song “ Auld Lang Syne” is performed on Hogmanay, Scottish New Year.(R. Burns).
C. He founded the genre of the historical romantic novel in the second half of the 19 –th century. His main productions are “ Ivanhoe”, “ Rob Roy”. You may see his monument in Princes’ street in Edinburgh. ( W. Scott).
D. This writer lived in the years 1850-1894. He wrote historic, adventure novels, the best of which are “Treasure island”, “The strange story of Dr Jackyle and Mr Hyde”. He suffered from tuberculosis and died in Samoa. ( R.L. Stevenson).
E. She is the most tragic, romantic and beloved catholic Queens of Scots. She became a queen when she was one week old , at 15 she married the French prince Francis and got the title of the queen in France. She became a widow at 17 and returned to Scotland. In 1565 she married Lord Darnley but he was jealous to her and killed her Italian secretary Rizzio. Earl Bothwell took a revenge for her and Lord Darnley died. Later she married the Earl. People did like her husbands and protests began. She was put in prison and spent there 19 years before Elizabeth 1 ordered her death. Her son the future James 1 of England and James 6 of Scotland agreed to her death. She was only 44 when she died. (M. Stewart)
F. He invented the market economy and improved accounting. (A. Smith)
G. He was the creator of the telephone. (A. G. Bell)
H. He is thought to be the inventor of penicillin. (Fleming)
I. He lived in 1736-1819 and made the steam machines work better. He is supposed to be the inventor of the steam engine. (J. Watt)
4. Sightseeing.
The students should describe the famous Edinburgh sights (homework). The team gets 5 points for each short story. The probable stories are presented below.
Учащиеся отвечают домашние задания, получая баллы в данном этапе викторины. Возможные рассказы по теме: Виды Эдинбурга приведены ниже. Фотографии с видами Эдинбурга представлены на слайдах презентации № 7-8.
Edinburgh castle (open from Easter to September 9.30-18.00, October- March 9.30-17.00; www.edinburghcastle.gov.uk) is a symbol of the city and its past. People can see a beautiful panoramic view from its walls. Next to the entrance of the castle there are statues of R. Bruce and W. Wallace. Inside the castle you may see the palace where the Coronation hall, the sword, the crown and the Stone of Fate are kept. The National Military Museum of Scotland, Mons Meg- the huge canon of 1449, the Chapel of St Margareta of the 12-th century in the roman style are also situated here. “Nemo Me Impune Lacessit” (“Nobody can insult me and leave without punishment”) is the motto of the castle.
The Palace of Hollyroodhouse is a mile from Edinburgh castle in the end of Canongate street. It was built at the place of the broken Hollyroodhouse Abbey. You can see the ruins of this Abbey to the north-east of the palace. The oldest part of the northern tower dates back to 1528-1533. Young Mary Stewart lived here after returning from France. The rest part of the palace was built in 1671-1676. It was the residence of the Scottish kings.
Royal mile is the chain of the streets from Edinburgh castle to the Palace of Hollyroodhouse. They are the most interesting historic streets of the Old Town. You may buy any souvenirs you like here.
Greyfriars Bobby is the small statue to the clever and faithful terrier-dog that worked with his master – a policeman J.Grey. The dog came to the grave of his master during 14 years before the death united them.
Scottish parliament was opened in 2004 and designed by the project of the Catalonian architect E.Miralles. Your attention will surely be appealed by this building that reminds turned over boats. It is open from April to September 10.00-17.00, October-March 10.00-17.00: www.scottish.parliament.uk.
The monument to Walter Scott is located near the station Waverly which was named after the famous novel. W.Scott is depicted in marble with his favorite dog Mayda and surrounded by 64 characters of his novels. The height of the memorial is 61m, and this is the largest monument to the writer in the world built in 1840-1846. It has got the gothic spire. Open April-September 9.00-18.00, October-March 09.00-15.00.
Princes Street is the busiest shopping street in Edinburgh. Along it there is a nice landscape park Princes Street Gardens. People may see the beautiful buildings of the different epochs.
5. The competition of the translations.
Команды участвуют в конкурсе переводов. Команда, выполнившая лучший перевод своего короткого текста о традициях Шотландии, получает 5 баллов.
Work in group. Read one of the part of the text to understand the main idea and translate the text in the written form.
(Тексты для команд приведены ниже)
Highlanders: The kilt was worn by Highlanders and it was first used as a blanket. This was wrapped around their waist and over the shoulder. Soldiers would sleep in the snow with the plaid over them. At the time the kilt was used by everyone, but these days most kilts are only ever worn at weddings or other formal occasions.
Match the words and their definitions.
1. the Highlands A. a thick piece of fabric used to keep you warm in bed
2. a blanket B. the bit of the kilt that goes over your shoulder
3. a plaid C. the area in the North of Scotland with a lot of mountains. Highlanders are the people who live here.
Tartan: Kilts all have a special fabric pattern known as tartan. Tartan is the key to understanding Scottish culture, since it is everywhere - bag-pipes, shortbread tins, expensive raincoats and even some bus seats in Edinburgh! Tartan is the criss-cross pattern of coloured squares that you see on a kilt, and a beautiful, complex design which has hundreds of varieties.
Originally, it was used to distinguish members of different clans (families in the Scottish Highlands), and was central to people's identity. So you can imagine the fuss when the English made wearing the kilt illegal in 1745.
Match the words and their definitions.
1. | bagpipes |
А. anxious or excited behaviour |
2. |
shortbread |
B. a metal container for food |
3. |
a tin |
C. a musical instrument that is played by blowing into it |
4. |
a fuss |
D. food like biscuits with sugar on the top |
6. Этап - развитие диалогических умений по теме.
Учащиеся составляют различные виды диалогов с помощью речевых опор или без них. (задание выполняется при наличии времени на уроке).
Complete the dialogue and then try to act it out. You may choose the dialogue you like best.
A: Excuse me, I don't think we've met before. I'm from Russia.
B: (вариант ответа)
A: Edinburgh? I have never been to Scotland, but I'd love to go there some day. Is Edinburgh bigger than London?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: If everything you say is true it must be a great place to live. When I am in Edinburgh, what should I see first?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: That will take me several days, I'm sure. And what's the best place to buy souvenirs?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: Princes Street. I should remember that. When is the best time to come to Edinburgh?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: A military tattoo? What is it? What a strange name!
B: (вариант ответа)
A: Thank you. I'll talk to Dad and ask him if we can go to Scotland.
Complete the dialogue. Your friend has just come back from Scotland and you ask him about his journey.
A: Hi, Andrew! How are you? Where did you go on your holidays?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: How lucky you are! Did you like your journey? What have you learnt about the country?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: Who takes part in the Games?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: What things do they do at the Highlands Games?
B: (вариант ответа)
A: How interesting you are telling. Maybe I'll be able to go to Scotland some day.
6А - развитие неподготовленной диалогической речи по теме (речевые упражнения).
A. Complete the dialogue. You have just visited Scotland and your friend is asking you about your journey.
B. Complete the dialogue. You are having a week of Scotland next month and you and your classmates are doing some preparations.
Домашнее задание - At home: imagine that you are in Scotland on holidays and write a postcard about your trip, tell your friend what you are excited about most of all.
- Эванс В., Дули Д. «Английский в фокусе-6», М., Express Publishing, Просвещения, 2011
- Бернс Р. «My heart’s in the Highland
- Путеводители Питкина по городам: Эдинбург. Pitkin publishing, UK, 2012
- Голди Р. «Шотландия: путеводитель», М. «ФАИР», 2011
- Базанова Е., Баканова И., и др.«Английский язык: 600 устных тем для школьников и поступающих в вузы» М., Дрофа, 20002
- http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/news/4366/
- http://www.holidaym.ru/mel/england/gid_map_scotland.php3
- http://aleksascotland.livejournal.com/
- http://www.eurocompanybusiness.eu/ru/european-company-formation/scotland/
- http://www.tourblogger.ru/articles/shotlandiya-korolevstvo-ostrovov.html
- http://1001doroga.ru/shotlandija/266-dostoprimechatelnosti-shotlandii.html
- http://mykilt.ru/Scotland?id=46
- http://dergachev.ru/geop_events/101009.html
- http://www.about-scotland.ru/symbols-scotland.php
- http://dergachev.ru/Landscapes-of-life/Scotland/index.html
- http://pallcare.nnov.org/memories/zagadka-shotlandii/
- hthttp://scotlandia.ru/souvenirniy-shopping-v-shotlandii/tp://domflagov.com/catalog.html?itemid=21
- http://www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/280511/14589/
- http://a-nomalia.narod.ru/bem/205.htm
- http://nationaloffensive.wordpress.com/2012/01/16/free-scotland/
- http://www.sokolovs.narod.ru/auto07-gl17.htm
- http://www.poedem.ru/country/scotland/photos/edinburg/16470/
- http://moikompas.ru/compas/edinburchmoikompas.rucompas
- http://www.msresistances.com/NewsLetter/2010-12/BtB/BtB.html
- htthttp://www.edinburgh.ru/vydayuschiesya-lichnosti/sir-walter-scott-1771-1832p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Robert_louis_stevenson.jpg
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3,_%D0%90