Открытый урок английского языка на тему "День за днем" ("Режим дня"). 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

I. Организационный момент.

T=Cl: - Good morning!

II. P on duty-Cl: (T: Ask him questions about himself; what does he do every day)

P-1: -Do you go to school every day?

-Yes, I do.\ -No I don’t.

III. The topic of the lesson..

T: How do you think what is the topic of our lesson?

Cl: My day; Day after day; Daily routine.

T: You’re right! The topic of our lesson is «Daily Routine». We’ll talk about our daily routines and what we do regularly. We’ll make teams and do a lot of work in our teams.

IV. Фонетическаязарядка.

1. T: You know if the verb ends on the sounds |k|, |t|, |p|, |f| we should read the end –s like:

|s| cooks, takes, gets, sleeps, laughs, kicks ;

In the other cases we read the end –s like :

|z| loves, gives, listens, plays, begins, swims

And the end –es we should read like:

|iz| kisses, washes, fixes, catches, watches

T=Cl: Now let’s read all together.

2. Sort of cards (Critical Thinking)

(раздаю по 1 листочку для команды, на котором написано):

Put the verbs in the correct column (распределите глаголы в правильную колонку):

crosses, calls, wakes, eats, brushes, lives, reads, keeps, finishes, visits, plays, relaxes.




A.(дать время, чтобы команда распределила глаголы в правильную колонку)













B. T: Now let’s check. Who wants to read all words in the 1-st column? (по 1 ученику поднимаю из каждой команды, читают весь список)

VI. Аудирование: (Tom’s day)

A. Listen about Tom’s daily life. I’ll give you these sheets of paper, you should choose the right answers on the following questions. Look through all these questions before. I’ll give you 1 minute.(исп.песочные часы)

B. Have you finished? Put tick next to the right answer. Now lets listen again.(2 раза слушают)

«Hi! My name is Tom. I’m a university student. My day begins at 6 o’clock in the morning. When I get up and have a shower I like my shower cold. I dress and have breakfast at 7 o’clock. At 9 o’clock my classes begin. I’m always on time. We usually have 3 or 4 classes. At 12 o’clock I have lunch. I go home at 4 o’clock. In the evening I like reading books, watching television or listening to music.»

B. Карточки у каждого:

I. Послушай, как Том рассказывает о своём дне, и выбери правильные ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. When does Tom get up in the morning?
a) at 5 o’clock
b) at 6 o’clock
c) at 7 o’clock

2. When does Tom have breakfast?
a) at 7 o’clock
b) at 8 o’clock
c) at 9 o’clock

3. When do Tom’s classes begin?
a) at 7 o’clock
b) at 8 o’clock
c) at 9 o’clock

4. When does Tom have lunch?
a) at 12 o’clock
b) at 1 o’clock
c) at 2 o’clock

5. When does Tom go home?
a) at 3 o’clock
b) at 4 o’clock
c) at 5 o’clock

Simultaneous Robin Table (4 участника одновременно выполняют письменную работу на отдельных листочках)

C. You should answer all these questions and write the sentences using the right time.(Rally Table) P1=P2 (совещаютсяспартнёромпоплечуизаписываютответыввидепредложений) You can discuss with your shoulder partner.

II.Напишите ответы на вопросы в виде развернутых предложений:

1. Tom get(s) up at … o’clock.
2. Tom have (has) breakfast at … o’clock.
3. Tom’s classes …
4. Tom …
5. Tom …

T: Now answer all these questions.(2-3 minutes):

1. Tom gets up at 6 o’clock.
2. Tom has breakfast at 7 o’clock.
3. Tom’s classes begin at 9 o’clock.
4. Tom has lunch at 12 o’clock.
5. Tom goes home at 4 o’clock.

T: Are you ready? Now let’s check! The first team, who wants to read the answer?

P-1: читает ответ.(по 1 человеку из каждой команды читают по 1 предложению)

T: Is it right? Cl: Yes, that’s right. Etc. P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5.

VII. Контрольдомашнегозадания. (Types of films-жанрыфильмов)

  • Cartoon (animation) – мультики;
  • Comedy – комедия; Horror — ужасы;
  • Action – боевик;
  • Science fiction – научнаяфантастика;
  • Adventure – приключения;
  • Detective – детектив;
  • Documentary – документальный;
  • Romance – мелодрама;
  • Thriller – триллер;
  • Western – вестерн.

T: Now let’s check your homework and remember the types of the films and TV programmes.

T: Now let’s make Rally Robin with your shoulder partner. You should remember all words which you know in English during 1 minute.(за 1 мин называют все жанры фильмов и телепрограммы по очереди) P1=P2.

b) T; Now let’s remember the dialogue:

T: translate into English, please.

- Привет! Ты свободен сегодня вечером? –

CL(- Hi! Are you free tonight?)

- Думаю да. Почему? (-I think so. Why?)

- Потому, что идёт новый триллер в кинотеатре. Ты не хотел бы присоединиться ко мне?

(- Because there’s a new thriller on at the cinema. Would you like to join me?)

- Нет, спасибо. Я не люблю триллеры. Триллеры - не моё.

(-No, thanks. I don’t like thrillers. Thrillers are not really my thing. )

- О, а как насчёт комедии тогда? (Oh, what about a comedy then?)

- Это замечательная идея! Давай встретимся на нашем месте в 7.30 тогда.

(-That’s the great idea! Let’s meet at at our place at 7.30 then)

- Классно! (- Cool!)

c) Mix-Pair Share (+ Rally Robin)

T: Now let’s have a rest. Stand up and push your chairs. Mix! (звучит музыка)
(музыка остановилась) Т: Pair!(P-1=P-2)хлопают ладонями и создают пару.

T: Now let’s reproduce this dialogue using the 1-st ( 2-nd) information:

1. on DVD

 2. on TV

 - Horror

 - Reality Show

 + Romance


 at 4.30

 at 6.30

A. The 1-st person will be a pupil who is taller. P-1=P-2(Rally Robin) . Who wants to reproduce this dialogue? P-3=P-4.

B. Look at the second information. The 1-st person will be a pupil whose hair is darker. Etc.P-7=P-8 Thank you very much. Take your seat, please.

VIII. Reading and writing. (Workbook Ex.1 p.26)

1. T: Open your Workbooks at p.26 Ex.1 Read the text and translate silently. I’ll
give you 1 minute. Have you finished?

2. Now complete the missing information in John’s diary. You can discuss with your shoulder partner.(1)8.15; 2)12.45; 3)5.00; 4)7.00

3. T: Now you should ask and answer the special questions. Which question word we should use when we ask about the time? On the second place which small verb we should use(when we ask about John)? On the third place? On the fourth place? (verb with the end-s or without? In which form?)
When\What time does John V_ ?

A. Round Table (сначала в команде записывают на общем листочке 4 специальных вопроса)

B. The 1-st team ask the 1-st question! (to catch a bus)

- When does John catch a bus?(1 команда задаёт вопрос)

The 2-nd team answer it.

- John catches a bus at 8.15(2 команда отвечает на вопрос)

The 2-nd team ask your 2-nd question!

When does John have lunch? (2 команда задаёт вопрос)

The 3-rd team answer it! Etc.

4. Sing a song: «After school» Now let’s have a rest just a little!


After school there’s a lot to do.
Things on my own, and things with you.
After school there’s a lot to do.
Things on my own, and things with you.
1. I do my homework, I help my mum.
Then I play with friends, and we have fun.



I write an email, I read a book
I listen to music, I help to cook.


5. Проект.

Thinking Maps (Креативное мышление)

Т: Now I’ll give you these posters. You should remember and write a lot of phrases with daily routines what you can do in the morning(the 1-st team), in the afternoon (the 2-nd team), in the evening (the 3-rd team), at night (the 4-th team).

T: Have you finished? How many phrases has the 1-st team written?(Count please) Super! Well done!

IX. Итоги. Самоконтроль.Рефлексия.

T: Now children take these sheets of paper and write down:

1. items that you’ve learned; (+)

2. items you liked most of all; (!)

3. I didn’t understand. (?)

Homework: WB (Ex.3 p.26)Look at Martha’s diary and write about her daily routine. And now discuss your work in your groups. You should put this mark in your record book.

X. Окончание урока.

T: Thank you for the lesson and your work, children .Good Job! You’re the best! The lesson is over! Good bye!