Урок по теме "Appearance". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5


  • познавательный аспект: знакомство с новой лексикой, умение составлять предложения с новыми словами, переводить предложения на русский язык, переводить с русского языка на английский,
  • описывать внешность, употребляя новые слова, вставлять пропуски, подходящими по смыслу словами;
  • воспитательный аспект: расширение творческих способностей учащихся;
  • учебный аспект: формирование навыков свободного высказывания в виде монологической речи.

Речевой материал: bald, crooked, aquiline, protruding, tiny, even.

Ход урока

1. Warm-up.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What do we touch with?
  2. What do we do with our eyes?
  3. What is the colour of your eyes?
  4. What colour of eyes do you like best?
  5. Can we see when our eyes are closed?
  6. When can we see?
  7. Do we smell with our noses or ears?
  8. What do we hear with?
  9. What do we taste with?

2. Listen to the sentences and translate them into Russian.

Ann’s hair is not long but thick and curly. Jane has a blue ribbon in her chestnut hair. John has a very great forehead and dark hazel eyes. His cheeks are plump but very pale. His eyebrows are dark but his hair is grey. Nina looks older than she is but when she smiles or laughs two pretty dimples appear in her cheeks and she becomes younger. Pete wears his hair parted in the middle.

The girl had rather small features (nose, mouth), a snub (turned up) nose and a fair complexion (the colour of her face was not dark).

3. New words

  • Bald - лысый
  • Crooked - изогнутый, искривленный
  • Aquiline - орлиный
  • Protruding - выдающийся (подбородок)
  • Tiny -  очень маленький
  • Even - ровный

Ant. uneven

Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the new words.

Today we’ll learn some more words about appearance. When we speak about one’s hair we must know that if a person has very little hair or no hair at all we say that he is bald. A nose may be long or short, straight or crooked, aquiline or snub (turned up).

A chin may be large or small, round or protruding. Speaking about one’s teeth we say that they are large, small or tiny, even or uneven.

4. Read the sentences and then describe the appearance of any boy or girl, using the underlined words their antonyms.

Mike is unlike (like) his mother. His forehead is narrow (broad) and low(high), his teeth are large(small) and even(uneven). He has an aquiline (straight) nose and a protruding(round) chin. Betsy is rather short

(tall) and plump(thin). Her hair is black (fair) and straight(curly). Her eyebrows are bushy (pencilled), her

eyelashes are thin (thick) but long (short). She has small (large) hazel eyes and a crooked (turned up) nose. Her cheeks are never rosy (pale). Her lips are thin (full) and red. Her face is very unpleasant (pleasant) when she smiles.

5. Use the new words in sentences of your own describing any of your school mates, relations or neighbours.

6. Dramatize the joke.

Bobby: Ma, what do we call people who have no hair on their heads?

Mother: We call them bald.

Bobby: Look at that man. He is absolutely bald. He has no hair on his head.

Mother: Hush, dear, he may hear you.

Bobby: And doesn’t he know it?

7. Say it in English.

Большие глаза (маленькие, серые, голубые, карие, умные).

Маленькая голова (большая, круглая).

Круглое лицо (квадратное, овальное, веснушчатое, приятное).

Короткие волосы (длинные, кудрявые, прямые, светлые, темные, седые, рыжие).

8. Fill in the blanks with proper words and read the sentences.

1). Some middle-aged and old people have no hair on their heads. They are ... .

2). I can’t call him good-looking: his nose is ... and his chin is ... .

3). She has rather small features but her teeth are not ... . They are large.

4). When she smiles a pretty ... appears in her left cheek. One can see her ... teeth and she looks younger than she is.

5). He has a ... complexion but very dark hair.

8. The result of the lesson.

9. Home assignment: describe your best friend in written form.