Занятие-игра "Мы – профессионалы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Цели: контроль знаний, умений и навыков курсантов 131 и 331 групп по английскому языку по темам “Безопасность на судне”, “Управление судном”, “Прием сообщений”


  • Практическая: обобщить и проконтролировать уровень усвоения полученных знаний по английскому языку в практическом применении
  • Развивающая: развивать память, мышление, логику, внимание, ответственность, дисциплину, развитие коммуникационных способностей, уверенности и раскованности в общении, расширить кругозор курсантов
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать у курсантов, как у будущих специалистов, понимание важности изучения профильных дисциплин

Оборудование: компьютер; мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска (или экран), презентация игры (выполнена Microsoft Power Point 2007)

План мероприятия

Welcome to our meeting!

Today we are going to find out if you are ready for your future work as professional specialists in a certain field of English concerning safety and securing aboard.

There are two teams in our competition: navigators and radiomen. Each person has to write the answers in his copy –book, but one person is to give answers as a representative of his team. Everybody will have some points. That will be your personal achievement. The experts will count the scores of the teams. The maximum amount of points will show us who is profi.

Are you ready? Let’s start

1. The first task is to give synonyms

  1. help
  2. to request
  3. to acknowledge
  4. to prepare
  5. forward part

2. The 2nd task is to call antonyms

  1. ETA
  2. Stern
  3. Aft
  4. Starboard
  5. Switch on

3. The 3rd task is to make the different parts of speech

  1. to assist
  2. danger
  3. to collide
  4. to ground
  5. to warn
  6. to locate
  7. to navigate

4. The 4th task is to choose the correct word

1) rich – reach

a) I expect to ... you at 5 UTC

b) He is a very... person.

2) mast – must

a) We ... learn

b) The ... of a ship has some sails

3) missed –mist

a) Visibility is restricted by...

b) The cadets ...the lesson

4) master – muster

a) The Captain ordered to organize a ...

b) The... of this ship is very experienced

5) our – hour

a) My ETA is in 1.....

b) .... vessel is in the port

5. The 5th task is to answer the questions:

  1. What assistance do you require?
  2. Are there dangers to navigation?
  3. How many compartments are flooded?
  4. Why did your crew abandon the vessel?
  5. When do you expect to refloat?

6. The 6th task is to ask questions

  1. There is no danger of flooding
  2. Slight swell is reported in your psn
  3. Accommodation is on fire
  4. I located 5 survivors in psn
  5. My IPERB was transmitting by mistake

7. The 7th task is to complete the phrases with necessary words and translate from English into Russian:

  1. There is no danger of flooding
  2. Slight swell is reported in your psn
  3. Accommodation is on fire
  4. I located 5 survivors in psn
  5. My IPERB was transmitting by mistake

8. The 8th task is to correct the mistakes

  1. Fire is on the holds
  2. I have collide with light vessel
  3. Crew abandoned the vessel after aground
  4. I transmitting a DSC distress alert
  5. How many rafts will you sent me?

9. The 9th task is to paraphrase the sentences (to say it differently):

  1. My vessel requires assistance
  2. They sent me 5 boats
  3. I sighted some persons on rafts in psn
  4. We expect you to arrive in half an hour
  5. I will jettison cargo to refloat

10. The 10th task is to translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Подтверждаю получение сигнала бедствия от судна К на канале УКВ 16
  2. Предупреждение! Ненанесенные на карты скалы в координатах!
  3. Я меняю курс на правый борт!
  4. Есть опасность повторного возгорания
  5. Мой АРБ сейчас передает

11. The 11th task is to listen to and receive the message

Attention! You are running aground, because there is shallow water ahead of you.

This is mv North Star. I am already aground in psn 26 30m N 30 12 m W.I advise you not to approach close to my vessel? Because I am jettisoning dangerous cargo

12. Now we are to check your points and we’ll see who is who. The winners are.....

Ответы на задания

1. give synonyms

  1. Help - assistance
  2. to request - to require
  3. to acknowledge - to confirm
  4. to prepare – to get readу, to stand by
  5. forward part – bow

2. call antonyms

  1. ETA - ETD
  2. Stern - bow
  3. Aft - forward
  4. Starboard -portside
  5. Switch on – switch off

3. Make the different forms of the words

  1. to assist – assistance, assistant
  2. Danger - dangerous
  3. to collide - collision, collided
  4. to ground – aground, grounding
  5. to warn -warning
  6. to locate - location, located
  7. to navigate – navigation, navigator

4. Choose the correct word


a) I expect to reach you at 5 UTC

b) He is a very rich person.


a) We must learn

b) The mast of a ship has some sails


a) Visibility is restricted by mist

b) The cadets missed the lesson


a) The Captain ordered to organize a muster

b) The master of this ship is very experienced


a) My ETA is in 1 hour

b) Our vessel is in the port

6. Answer the questions

  1. I require fire fighting assistance
  2. Yes, there are dangers for navigation
  3. 3 compartments are flooded
  4. Crew abandoned the vessel after explosion
  5. I expect to refloat when tide rises

7. Ask questions

  1. Is there danger of flooding?
  2. What is the sea state in my psn?
  3. What is on fire?
  4. How many persons did you locate?
  5. Was your IPERB transmitting?

8. Complete the sentences

  1. You are running into danger.
  2. Visibility is reduced by fog
  3. All ships in vicinity keep sharp lookout and report
  4. How many lifeboats can you launch?
  5. Did you transmit a DSC distress alert?

9. Correct the mistakes

  1. Fire is in the holds
  2. I have collided with light vessel
  3. Crew abandoned the vessel after grounding
  4. I was (am) transmitting a DSC distress alert
  5. How many rafts will you send me?

10. Paraphrase:

  1. Assistance is required
  2. 5 boats were sent
  3. Some persons were sighted
  4. You are expected to arrive in half an hour
  5. Cargo will be jettisoned to refloat

11. Translate

  1. I acknowledge receiving MAYDAY from the vessel K on VHF channel 16.
  2. Warning! Uncharted rocks are reported in psn.
  3. I am altering my course to stb.
  4. There is danger of re-ignition.
  5. MY IPERB is transmitting.