Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "From discovery of America to the Thanksgiving Day"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа


  • Развивающая: расширять кругозор, представление об англоязычных традициях, исторических реликвиях (Mayflower Compact)
  • Воспитательная: прививать уважение к культурам разных народов, гуманизм на редком примере мирного сосуществования коренных жителей Америки и первых поселенцев Новой Англии
  • Образовательная: тренировать навыки говорения, расширять словарный запас

Оснащение: костюмы героев, магнитофон, книги, карта, манускрипт, игрушки-животные, стол с макетами блюд

Действующие лица: ведущий, Христофор Колумб, матросы, королева Изабелла, женщины на берегу, индейцы; первые колонисты Новой Англии

Part I

How Columbus discovered America

Scene 1

(Music of the sea)

Narrator: More than 500 years ago there lived a boy whose name was Christopher Columbus. He was interested in many things but most of all he loved the sea. He loved watching the ships that came from distant parts of the world.

Columbus (to the sailors): What things are you going to unload?

Sailor 1: Oh, there are many wonderful things, boy! Elephant tusks, for example.

Sailor 2: Do you like these monkeys or bright parrots?

Columbus: Where have you brought them from?

Sailor 1: We can tell you much about the countries we have sailed to.

Sailor 2: We had a lot of adventures -and dangers- when we were sailing along Africa.

Sailor 3: But you’re too young to listen about them (laughs).

(They sing “Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum”... and leave)

Narrator: The boy studied very hard. He learned Latin, Portuguese, Castilian and could read many books on astronomy, geography and history, he also knew how to make maps. As time went on Columbus became an experienced sailor. He wished to discover new lands which people had not yet been to.

Scene 2

Narrator: To fulfil his dream Columbus appealed for support to European monarchs in Italy, Portugal and England. At last he came to the Spanish court.

Maid: Queen Isabel, a man who has been seeking an audience is here. He asks your permission to enter.

Queen Isabel: Let him come in. What is your name?

Columbus: Royal Highness, I am Christopher Columbus, a seaman. I beg for your help. I have made many voyages to many countries. My dream is to sail west and reach India. You know how rich and beautiful this country is.

Queen Isabel: Of course, I do. But you are mad to speak about sailing west. India lies to the east, and Portuguese sailors are searching for this route – around Africa, and it is the only one.

Columbus: You are certainly right, but you also know the Portuguese won’t let Spain use it. I believe there is another way. Some astronomers say the Earth is round. If that is true (and I am sure it’s right), I can sail to the West and come to the East! I’ll find a new route to India.

Queen Isabel: And you believe it is possible to make such a long and dangerous voyage, don’t you?

Columbus: I’m a true sailor, your Royal Highness. And I’m not afraid of any difficulties. You won’t be disappointed!

Queen Isabel: Well... what do you claim for this discovery if you succeed?

Columbus: I need some ships and а crew for the voyage. Besides, I would like to be given the rank of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and appointed Viceroy and Governor of all the new lands I could claim for Spain.

Queen Isabel: We will submit your proposal to a special committee. Let the scholars decide if your plan is worth running risks.

Columbus: Thank you so much, your Highness. Thank you for the hope.

(He bows and leaves)

Narrator: After two years of negotiations at the Spanish court, Columbus’ plan finally was crowned with success. He could set out on his voyage with three ships and a hundred men.

Scene 3

Narrator: It was on August 3, 1492 when the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina (Girl) sailed from Spain to the west.

People on the shore: Bon voyage, Columbus! God bless you!

Girl: My fiance is on board the ship. He promised to bring a lot of gold from India. When he returns, we will get married and buy a new house to live in together.

Another girl: You’ll have to wait long.

Girl: It’s better, than nothing. I hope my dream will come true!

People: Happy journey! Come back rich!

Scene 4

(Music of the sea playing)

Sailor 1: I’ve heard a lot of stories about ships falling off the earth at the end of the sea. I believe they are true.

Sailor 2: I agree. There are many other stories just as terrifying.

Sailor 3: And our captain is crazy. He will lead us to death. We shall all die.

Sailor 1: I’ll go and tell him.

Sailor 2: Come on, Jim, don’t be afraid.

Sailor 3: We’ll stand for you!

Sailor 1: Ahoy, captain, listen, we are not going to sail farther west!

Sailor 2: We have sailed for two months and there’s no land yet!

Sailor 3: We want you to turn about and sail back home!

Columbus: Do not panic! We’ll reach land for sure. I promise you as I assured the king of Spain that I should find the way to India.

(Birds crying)

Sailor 1: Oh. What’s there? Look, there are birds flying in the sky!

Columbus: Now you can make sure that the land is not far away! Soon you will see it, as I said.

Sailor 2: Look there! A tree trunk in the water!

Sailor 3: Let’s get it!

Sailor 1: There’s a branch and berries on it, they are fresh and tasty!

Sailor 2: Wow! He is right, our captain! The land can’t be very far!

Sailor 3: Thank God!

Sailor 1: Land! I see land!

Sailor 2: Where?

Sailor 1: It’s over there!

Scene 5

Narrator: Columbus and his crew landed on a shore. They saw strange trees, plants, animals and birds.

Sailor 1: Look! There are strange people there.

Sailor 2: They have painted their bodies red.

Sailor 3: And others have blue faces.

Sailor 1: Let us take some things to exchange presents and to make friends with them.

(The sailors meet people on the shore and exchange presents).

Narrator: It was October 12, 1492. A new unknown world lay before the men’s eyes. But Columbus thought it was India. Some years later it was called America after another navigator who had described the new continent. In later decades thanks to Columbus Spain became extremely powerful and rich. The great discovery that changed the world history brought nothing to Columbus himself. He died forgotten and poverty-stricken in 1506.

(Sad music is playing)

Part II

Thanksgiving Day

(The first Celebration in America)

Narrator: More than hundred years passed from the discovery of America. Christopher Columbus believed that he had reached The Indies (East India). That is why the inhabitants of the lands he visited were called Indians. Primarily, Spanish colonies dominated in America. The British colonization began in the17th century. The first successful settlement appeared in 1620, when The Pilgrims from Plymouth set foot on land at Cape Cod on November 11. The region they settled in was called New England, Massachusetts. The Indian word Massachusetts meant "by the great hills." The first Thanksgiving celebration took place in the autumn of 1621.

Woman: We’ve all gathered together for the meal. The table is already set.

Governor: Let’s give God thanks for many things we have here.

Man: It’s been a very hard year at a new place, but we have food to eat, thank goodness!

Governor: That is why I decided to hold a special Thanksgiving feast and to invite our Indian friends to attend it.

Man: They are just coming after hunting in the forest. Look, they are bringing deer meat and wild turkey.

Woman: That’s all quite to the point to feed all the people. I guess there are not less than ninety Indians there.

(Native American Indians come)

Governor: Oh, here you are, chief Massasoit! Samoset and Squanto, dearest guests, welcome to our dinner! Women, take this wild game to be roasted.

Woman: You have even brought popcorn to share. Thanks so much, friends!

Woman: What could we do without the help of Indians during the first hard winter here? They gave us sweet potatoes, squash, different beans, pumpkins. Without these foods we all wouldn’t have survived.

Man: And they taught us how to fish, hunt and plant corn.

Governor: It’s a great honour to accept you and your people, chief. Let friendship and peace live between Native Indians and the Colonists forever!

All shout: Hooray!

Governor: It’s time to remember those who are not with us today – many died after a voyage to a new place.

Man: It was a dangerous travel indeed. We left in the middle of September, 102 pilgrims on board the “Mayflower” – two months later we reached North America. But storms had blown the ship off coast, and we were far north of Virginia and our English colony there.

Man: It took us another month to find a place to settle - Plymouth Rock. Then the difficult life full of danger began.

Woman (crying): I’ll never forget that hard winter of sickness and starvation. By the end of it half of the colonists died.

Governor: Cheer up now – isn’t it a wonder we’re alive and have such a successful harvest? We’ll celebrate for three days – I’ve decided so. Thank God and glory to the King! Where’s the King’s Charter? Give it to me, boy! You must always remember what this document says.

Young man: (holds the manuscript) Of course, I know. King James allowed us to leave England and to settle in this country where we could start a new life free of religious persecution.

Man: Unfortunately, the first patent was not valid in New England.

Man: That was because we landed far off the patent's boundaries.

Man: Anyway, we found the solution how to govern ourselves as the official authority was not granted. Before leaving the ship, while aboard, we signed the Mayflower Compact.

Governor: Everybody should obey the principles of this agreement.

(reads solemnly): In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, for the Glory of God, and the Honour of our King and Country, do by these presents, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politic, for our better Ordering and Preservation, And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony...

Do not forget we are all under the rule of just and equal Laws!

All: In the name of God, Amen.

Woman: It’s so nice to have Thanksgiving dinner with all our people here. Let us say grace.

All (pray): For health and strength and daily food we praise thy name, o Lord!

(They begin to eat)

Woman: The pumpkin pie is ready.

Boy: Hooray for the fun! Hooray for the pumpkin pie!

All (sing a traditional song): Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Narrator: The Thanksgiving Day has become an official holiday, one of the most significant in America. The story of the first celebration shows peaceful relations of Europeans and Native people. The Pilgrims passed the laws equal for all the people in the area and treated colonists and Indians justly. Unfortunately, their friendship didn’t last long. Throughout the country Native Americans were relocated from their homelands losing their independence and traditional lifestyle. That is why the initial period of contacts with the first harvest feast is a unique example of tolerance and mutual respect that shows how people of different nationalities can live alongside and cooperate for happy life.

Используемая литература.

1. America’s museum of Pilgrim possessions. Сайт музея. http://www.pilgrimhallmuseum.org/ap_mayflower_compact.htm

2. Кэррол К. Новикова М. Л. Holidays Gо Round and Round. American Holidays: Traditions, Poems, Songs. Учебное пособие для широкого круга изучающих английский язык. – СПб: “Триада”, 1996

3. Учебник. Богородицкая В.Н., Хрусталёва Л.В. English VI

4. Christopher Columbus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Columbus