Урок английского языка на тему «Четыре страны – одно государство». 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель урока: ознакомить обучающихся с составом Великобритании и особенностями ее частей.

Задачи: найти и представить необходимую учебную информацию, строить монологические высказывания, учиться структурировать полученные знания, учится работать в группе, оценивать работу свою и других.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран, мультимедийный проектор.

Этапы урока.

  1. Постановка учебной задачи - этап мотивации и целеполагания.
  2. Фонетическая разминка.
  3. Этап освоения новых знаний - представление подготовленного домашнего задания в мини-группах.
  4. Выполнение квиза - самостоятельная работа в группах.
  5. Физкультминутка.
  6. Пoлучение дополнительной информации с помощью презентации или текста. Взаимопроверка квиза.
  7. Этап повторения и закрепления новых знаний с помощью игры “Веер идей”.
  8. Этап рефлексии, завершение урока.

 Ход урока

I этап

Приветствие учителя. Teacher: Good morning, friends! I am very glad to see you at the lesson today. I hope it will be interesting and useful for you. Let us start and firstly I want you to watch a short video, which helps us to find the topic of the lesson. (Просмотр видеоролика [1]).

T. – Now I want you to answer some of my questions. What do the people in the video talk about?

Possible answers.

P1/2/3 – They speak about the UK/ Great Britain/4 parts-countries of GB.

T. –  Do they speak about one country or four different countries?

Pupils. – We do not know.

T. – Do you want to know it?

P-s. – Yes, of course, we do.

T. – All right, then look at the proverb, which is written on the blackboard, read it and say, what should we do to get knowledge?

(На доске написана пословица “Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it”, дети читают, объясняют ее, тем самым приходя к цели урока и настраиваясь на продуктивную работу.)

Possible answers.

P1/2/3…To get knowledge we should practice in reading and speaking. We should find some information about Great Britain. We should train new words and expressions. We should ask and answer questions.

T. Well, I am very glad that you are ready to start working. And I suggest you to start with phonetic warming-up.

II этап

В качестве фонетической разминки можно предложить детям как скороговорки [2], так и слова по данной теме. Например,

T. Please repeat after me as quickly as you can:

A black cat sat on a mat and rapidly ate a fat rat.

Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy, why, Willy,
Why, Willy, why?

“Tick-tock”, - says the clock.
“Tock-tick, tock-tick”, be quick.

Слова по теме могут быть представлены в транскрипции и детям нужно будет правильно их прочитать, обращая внимание на звуки. Примерный список слов: the United Kingdom, the British Isles, the Irish Sea, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Straits of Dover, the Atlantic Ocean, the English, the Scots, the Welsh, the Irish, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, the Union Jack, state, industry, industrial, saint, consist(of), official, to be situated, capital, patron, floral, emblem, population, million, lonely, quiet, farmland, language.

III этап

Все учащиеся разделены на 4 мини-группы или команды. В качестве домашнего задания они нашли и подготовили информацию о 4 частях Великобритании. Командам можно дать условные названия в соответствии с той страной, которую они представляют: “Yellow/Blue/Red/Green Team”. У участников каждой команды есть эмблемы: у “желтых” это нарцисс, у “красных” – роза, у “зеленых” – клевер, у “синих” – чертополох. Выходя представлять свое задание, они прикрепляют на доске флаг и эмблему своей страны. Примерное содержание рассказов команд [3]:

Red Team – England

England is the largest part of the UK. The capital of it is London. The floral emblem of England is red rose. On the flag of England we can see a red cross on the white field. St. George is the Patron Saint of England. People there speak English and their nationality is the English. A lot of big industrial cities are situated there. For example- Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and others. When we speak about England these famous things come to our mind: London, Big Ben, Stonehenge, William Shakespeare, the Beatles, Wimbledon, Oxford and Cambridge. The English are very polite and they have a good sense of humour. Many of the world’s famous sports began in England, including cricket, football, lawn tennis and rugby.

Blue Team – Scotland

Scotland is a beautiful country with mountains and lowlands. The capital of it is Edinburgh. The emblem of Scotland is thistle. The flag is a white diagonal cross on the blue field. St. Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland. The Scots speak English and Gaelic, the ancient Scottish language. Highland region is famous by its valleys and lakes, called lochs. There are many stories about the water monster Nessie, living in Loch Ness. Scotland is known for its Highland Games. A bagpipe is a traditional musical instrument of Scotland. The Scottish men wear kilts. Scotland is traditionally regarded as the home of golf. People all over the world know the names of famous Scottish writers and poets: Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns.

Yellow Team- Wales

Wales is the land of rocks, mountains and valleys. The capital of it is Cardiff. The emblem is daffodil. On the flag of Wales you can see the Red Dragon on a green and white background. St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales. The largest cities are Swansea, Newport, Wrexham. The scenery of Snowdonia is the pride of Wales. The Welsh language is spoken widely. Wales is often called “the land of song”. The Welsh are fond of poetry, singing folk songs and playing the harp. The Welsh are great storytellers. You will hear tales of King Arthur, Merlin the Magician, battles, dragons, castles if you are in Wales. Wales is famous for Eisteddfod, the largest and oldest festival of welsh culture, poetry, music, language.

Green Team – Northern Ireland

NI is the smallest part of the UK. The capital of it is Belfast. It is a great industrial centre and a large port. The floral emblem is shamrock. The flag consists of the red cross with the red hand and the crown on a white field. Ireland’s Patron Saint is St. Patrick. Ireland is often called “the Emerald Isle”. Thanks to the winds blowing from the Atlantic Ocean the soil and the air are warm and damp. That is why fresh green grass covers the ground there. The Irish speak Irish and have a lot of legends and myths. Irish people wear shamrock on the national day on March 17th.

IV этап

Учащиеся выполняют квиз, применяя полученные знания. Каждая команда получает лист с таблицей, которую нужно заполнить коллективно. В таблице есть следующие графы: по вертикали- England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland; по горизонтали- population, capital, emblem, language/people, Patron Saint, sights.

V этап

Пятиклассникам обязательно нужна физкультминутка на уроке. Провести ее могут выбранные учащиеся. Веселые упражнения взбодрят детей, переключат их внимание.

Possible action rhymes. [4]

Stand up and look around,
Shake your head and turn around,
Stamp your feet upon the ground,
Clap your hands and then sit down.


Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you run like a dog?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still, like a good child,
As still as you wish?


Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down,
Hands up, to the sides,
Bend left, bend right,
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down,
One two three - hop,
One ,two, three - stop!

VI этап

T. And now I suggest you to watch a presentation about Great Britain/to look through the text “The land and the people of Great Britain”. There you can get the rest of information to finish your quiz. (После просмотра презентации или текста в учебнике, закончив заполнять таблицы, группы обмениваются работами для проверки и взаимооценивания).

 VII этап

T. Well, friends, you have finished checking up your quizez, and we should repeat all new things with the help of the game “Fan of ideas”. You will get a petal with one idea about GB, you should add as many ideas as possible.


  1. Great Britain is an industrial, highly developed state.
  2. GB is an island state.
  3. GB is a kingdom ruled by a queen.
  4. GB is a country of pet-lovers.
  5. GB is a state which consists of 4 parts or countries.
  6. The population of GB is about 60 million people.
  7. GB is situated on two large islands.
  8. GB is a country keeping its traditions.
  9. GB is famous by its sights.

Possible added ideas

  1. Each part of GB has its own language and traditions.
  2. GB is a country of changeable climate.
  3. GB’ s flag is often called “the Union Jack”.
  4. Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the west.
  5. A lot of tourists visit GB every year.
  6. Great Britain is a country of gardening- lovers.
  7. GB was a host- country of the Summer Olympic games in 2012.

 VIII этап

На этапе рефлексии и завершении урока важно, чтобы ученики осознали достигли ли они поставленной цели, рассказали, что им понравилось/ не понравилось на уроке, что нового они узнали. Поэтому учитель может задать следующие вопросы:

Have we reached the aim of our lesson? Do you know now if Great Britain is 1 country or 4 different countries? What new things did you learn at the lesson? What did you do well? What did you like or didn’t like at the lesson?

T. Thank you for all the answers and for your active work at the lesson. Our lesson is over. Good bye!

Использованная литература, интернет-ресурсы:

  1. http://www.Learnenglish.britishcounsil.org;
  2. Кулиш В. Г. Занимательный английский для детей. – ООО “Издательство АСТ”, 2002.
  3. Шереметьева А. В. Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник. – Саратов: Лицей, 2010.
  4. Данилова В. Г. Английский язык. 5-9 классы: обучающие игры на уроках. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2008.