Цель | формирование гражданской идентичности, чувства патриотизма и гордости за свою страну и свой родной город у обучающихся 5класса, формирование способности представлять на английском языке родную страну и свой родной город. |
Ориентация на учебник | Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н. Титул, 2010 |
Дидактическая направленность материала,задачи | Может использоваться во внеклассной
работе для духовно-нравственного воспитания
обучающихся, для:
Оборудование | Интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультипроектор, магнитофон, кассеты с записями инструментальной музыки, фотографии Инты, информация на бумажном носителе |
1. Организационный момент – встреча участников мероприятия
Звучит песня:
In my country, we are happy.
In my country, we are happier.
In my country, we are the happiest of all.
In my country, we are friendly.
In my country, we are friendlier.
In my country, we're the friendliest of all.Chorus:
My country, your country,
travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
which land is the best?II
In my land, it's very sunny.
In my land, it is sunnier.
In my land, it's the sunniest of all.
In my land, the skies are blue.
In my land, they're bluer.
In my land, they're the bluest of all.Chorus:
My country, your country,
travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
which land is the best?III
In my land, the grass is green.
In my land, it is greener.
In my land, it's the greenest of all.
In my land, it is peaceful.
In my land, it's more peaceful.
In my land, it's the most peaceful of all.Chorus:
My country, your country,
travel east or west.
If north is good and south is better,
which place is the best?My country, your country,
travel east or west.
Learn to live with one another...
One world is the best.
One world is the best.
2. Начало мероприятия – приветствие участников студенческого обмена
Диалог – знакомство:
a) – Hi, Patric!
– Hi, Polly!
– I am from Russia.
– I am from Great Britain
b) – Nice to meet you, Roy!
– Nice to meet you, Tanya!
c) – How are you, Melissa!
– Fine, thank you!
d) – Where are you from?
– I am from Russia. And you?
e) – My hobby is football.
– My hobby is music.
f) – My name is Sam.
– You are welcome in our town.
g) – How old are you?
– I am 10.
3. Совместное выступление гостей и организаторов встречи:
Our Family Comes from Around the World
Our family comes
From around the world
Our hair is straight
Our hair is curledOur eyes are brown
Our eyes are blue
Our skins are different colours too.We're girls and boys
We're big and small
We're young and old
We're short and tall.We're everything
That we can be
And still we are
A family.
We laugh and cry
We work and play
We help each other
Every day
The world is a lovely place to be
Because we are a family.
4. Выступление российской делегации – комментирование слайдов презентации «Россия»: (Приложение 1)
– It is the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on two continents:
Europe and Asia. The Urals form a natural border between the continents. (слайд 1).
– Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west. The Black Sea is in
the south; the Baltic Sea is in the west.
The Arctic Ocean washes my country in the north and in the east is the Pacific Ocean
(слайд 2).
– Russia is a very rich country (слайд 3 ).
There are many mountains, rivers, lakes and forests in my country, some of which are very
beautiful. (слайд 4).
– The plant and animal worlds of my country are also very rich. (слайд 5).
There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in our forests, fields and
mountains. Russia is also rich in gold, silver and other minerals.
– Moscow is the capital of Russia (слайд 6). Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri
Dolgoruky (слайд 7). You can see the Kremlin and Red Square in the city.
– The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the famous theatres all over the world (слайд 8)
You can go to the Tretyakov Art Gallery or to the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum.
There are many fine buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares and monuments in
There are a lot of theaters, museums, libraries and cinemas in Moscow
– One Russian symbol is the Russian national flag (слайд 9). The stripes are white,
blue and red. These colours have always been symbolic in Russia: white – noble and
sincere, blue – honest and devoted – devoted to friends, family and the country. The
red colour has always meant love and bravery.
– Russian people have always loved their country, though life in Russia has never been
Russian people have always been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and
independence against enemies on their land.
5. Выступление представительницы Инты:
Hello, everybody! My name is Olga. I am from Inta. I have got some pen –friends from Syktyvkar. I would like to give them a present: these souvenirs and an album about Inta. I have got only pictures but there is no information. Can you help me and complete the album?
6. Работа над проектом «Инта»
a) – обучающиеся получают листы А-4 с названием страниц альбома, фотографии достопримечательностей города, улиц, символов, и тексты, из которых необходимо выбрать нужную информацию о родном город, для создания собственного проекта страницы альбома, например:
Inta is my native town.
Inta is situated
- in the North of the Republic of Komi
- not far from the Polar Circle
- not far from the Urals
- on the Inta River
- in Africa
- on the Volga
- in the South of the Republic of Komi
Places of interest
There are some places of interest in Inta
- Red Square
- The Tretyakov Gallery
- Lenin Square
- the Water Tower
- the Town Museum
- our Town Park
Symbols of Inta
The symbol of the town is
It is very attractive.
The heart of the town is
It is one of the most popular meeting and walking place in Inta.
- the Tower of London
- the Kremlin
- the Water Tower
- Lenin Square
Monuments in Inta
There are some monuments in Inta
- the monument to V. I. Lenin
- the monument to S. Kirov
- the monument to P. I. Tchaikovsky
- the monument to A. S. Pushkin
- the monument to Minin and Pozharsky
Streets in Inta
There are a lot of streets in Inta
_________ is the main street in Inta.
_________ is the longest street in Inta.
_________ is the oldest one in Inta.
_________ is the newest one in Inta.
- Polyarnaya Street
- Mir Street
- Morozov Street
- Gorki Street
The Climate in Inta
The climate in Inta is not ________________________________
It is usually very ______________________ and frosty in winter.
Winter is the coldest and longest season in Inta. Summer is usually short.
It is rainy and windy in ___________________________ .
- winter
- summer
- cold
- mild
I love Inta because
- it is my native town.
- it is nice and beautiful.
- people in Inta are talented, friendly and hospitable.
- it is the capital of Russia.
- it is a boring place.
b) – присутствующим гостям предлагаются
оформленные в виде брошюры отрывки из книги
Л.Н.Малофеевской «Город на большой Инте»,для
ознакомления с историей города, известными
людьми города, его культурой
c) – звучит инструментальная музыка
7. Защита проекта – обучающиеся рассказывают об Инте и демонстрируют страницы альбома (слайды 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16). В ходе защиты участники обмениваются впечатлениям и разыгрывают диалоги:
Andy: Excuse me. Can't you help me?
Pete: Sure. What do you want?
Andy: Where is 42 Mir Street, please?
Pete: Oh, that's easy. Walk to the corner and then turn to the left.
Andy: To the corner and then to the left?
Pete: That's right.
And you are in Mir Street.
Andy: Thank you
A: Excuse me.
В: Yes?
A: Is there a post office near here?
B: Yes, there is.
A: How can I get there?
B:You can walk. First right, second left. It'll take you about ten minutes to get there.
A: Thank you.
B: That's all right.
Oleg: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to Lenin Square?
Linda: Oh, it's very easy. Can you see that wide street over there?
Oleg: Yes, I can.
Linda: Good. Go along that street and it will leadyou to Lenin Square.
Oleg: Thank you very much.
Linda: You are welcome. Have a nice day!
A: Excuse me, I'm looking for the local museum. Can you tell me where it is, please?
B: It's just in front of you! Look!
Frank: Excuse me, can you tell me where the bus station is?
A: No, I'm afraid I can't. You'd better ask a policeman.
8. Оформление альбома
Представительница Инты благодарит участников
проекта за помощь: Thank you for your help. Our present is ready.
Она собирает страницы, формирует альбом и дарит
его присутствующим гостям из Сыктывкара.