Урок 61 English VIII О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева (УМК). Education:The World of Learning. Формирование лексических навыков по теме

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование новых лексических единиц по указанной теме.

Задачи урока:

  • Учебные – формирование новых лексических единиц по указанной теме, обучение использованию новых лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания и предложения.
  • Развивающие – развитие памяти и логического мышления, развитие языковой догадки.
  • Воспитательные – воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их познавательной активности, формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его многообразии.


– Good morning/good afternoon, dear students! Nice to meet you! Today we are going to speak about education.

Приложение 1. Слайд 2.

1. At what age do children go to school in Russia?
2. How long do they study in primary school?
3. What subjects do they learn in primary school?
4. When do children in Russia have their exams?
5. What exams do pupils in Russia take at the end of the 11th form?

Слайд 3.

Warming-up. Express the same in English.

– Я забыл книгу дома – I have left my book at home.
– На каком мы абзаце? – Which paragraph are we on?
– Не могли бы Вы написать слово на доске? – Could you write the word on the board, please?
– Как Вы скажете это по-английски? – How do you say it in English?
– В слове буква пропущена. – There is a letter missing in the word.

Слайд 4.

Student Book, p. 83

Education can be given in various types of schools:
State school – государственная школа
Private school – частная школа
Boarding school – школа-интернат
Primary school – начальная школа
Secondary school – средняя школа
Preparatory school – частная подготовительная школа

Слайд 5.

Student Book, p. 84

A school building usually has:

Cloakroom – гардероб
Classrooms – кабинеты
Medical room – медицинский кабинет
Staff room – учительская
A library – библиотека
A gym – гимнастический зал
A canteen – столовая

Слайд 6.

Activity Book, ex. 2 p. 19

– Listen to the text “School Report” № 4 and mark the aspects in which John has improved his French.

3) French grammar
5) spelling
6) his attitude toward French

Слайд 7.

– Let’s have a break.

Слайд 8.

– Read the following statements. Which ones are true for your school?

1. Students wear a school uniform.
2. There are lots of rules.
3. Facilities and equipment are good (e.g. libraries, science labs, sports equipment)
4. The teachers are strict.
5. Students are motivated (want to study).

Слайд 9.

Discuss in pairs.

– What would you like to change at your school? Why?

Слайд 10.

Activity Book, ex. 20 p. 28

Fill in the articles (a, the, zero) to complete the text.

1) –, 2) –, 3) –, 4) a, 5) a, 6) a, 7) a, 8) –, 9) –, 10) a, 11) a, 12) –, 13) –, 14) –, 15) –, 16) a, 17) a, 18) the, 19) the, 20) –, 21) –.

Слайд 11.

Activity Book, ex. 30 p. 32

See if you can guess the real meaning of these break idioms and match the idioms with the phrases explaining them.

1) c, 2) g, 3) a, 4) b, 5) f, 6) e, 7) d.

Слайд 12.


Student Book. Ex. 56 p. 79
Match these phrases with their Russian equivalents.

– Thank you for your attention! The lesson is over! You are free! Good – bye!