Разработка урока по теме "Свободное время"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Образовательная: формирование умений монологической и диалогической речи по теме урока, понимания высказываний учителя и собеседника в различных учебных ситуация.
  • Развивающая: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по теме “Свободное время”, развитие творческих способностей учащихся и расширение кругозора.
  • Воспитательная: воспитание интереса к культуре и традициям стран изучаемого языка, акцентирование внимания учащихся на способах проведения досуга.

Задачи урока:

  • тренироваться в употреблении лексики по теме “Свободное время”;
  • развивать умение аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации;
  • тренировка коммуникативного взаимодействия обучающихся;

Тип урока – урок обобщающего повторения.

Педагогические технологии: информационная, проектная, коммуникативная, критического мышления.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозаписи, УМК Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули, В. Эванс “Английский в фокусе 6 класс”.

Ход урока

Этап урока Цель УУД
1. Организационный момент Рабочий и психологический настрой учащихся, привлечение внимания к теме урока и его месте в модуле “Leisure activities” Познавательные
2. Актуализация имеющихся знаний по теме урока (warming up) Побуждение интереса к получению новой информации по теме урока познавательные
3. Проверка домашнего задания Развитие умений диалогической речи на английском языке по теме урока коммуникативные
4. Работа с презентацией “Our Free time” Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме урока, формирование коммуникативной компетенции коммуникативные
5. Представление учащимися мини-проектов по теме “Свободное время”. формирование навыков проектной деятельности регулятивные
6. Аудирование текста по теме урока Развитие умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации на английском языке познавательные
7. Лексико-грамматический тест Контроль усвоения материала урока познавательные
8. Домашнее задание Закрепление и творческое осмысление полученных на уроке знаний (сочинение по теме “My hobby” )  
9. Составление синквейна Более глубокое осмысление содержания урока, развитие способности кратко и точно выражать мысль. познавательные
10. Рефлексия Размышление, рождение нового знания, постановка учеником новых целей обучения коммуникативные

T: Good morning. Nice to see you and our guests! Look at the screen. What is the theme of our lesson? Yes, the theme of our lesson is “Our free time”. Our goals today: to practice the vocabulary on the topic; to develop speaking abilities; to practice reading and listening for gist. We have already discussed this theme and we are going to continue our discussion today. Which of these activities do you practice when you have free time? Please match the words:











a bike

to music


computer games







Look at the picture. How would you spend your free time?

I know that you like to have parties and to buy presents. Your homework was to prepare your own dialogues between the shop assistant and customer. You go shopping for your friend’s present. Listen to the dialogue. What does Mike buy for Judy?

Different people have different hobbies. Let’s talk about hobbies.

Free time (Презентация 1)

Pupils have free time after the lessons, on Saturday and on Sunday, on holidays.

  • Playing computer games. It is a very popular kind of hobby nowadays. Children like to work with computer, to play interesting games.
  • Watching TV. It is a popular way to spend free time too. You can watch interesting films, colored cartoons, documental programs, sport competitions, music shows.
  • Listening to music. You can listen to music everywhere: in the house, in the street, in the cafe, in the car, at the disco. Music improves your mood!
  • Drawing pictures. It is a very interesting kind of hobby. You can draw cats and dogs, trees and flowers, the sun and clouds, houses and cars, boys and girls.
  • Reading books. You can read about animals and birds, the rivers and the seas, fantasy countries and heroes. Then you can discuss books with your friends!
  • Walking. It is a very useful kind of hobby. You must walk every day – in the forest, in the yard. Fresh air – is a good thing. You will be healthy and strong.
  • Making toys. It is very interesting to make toys. You can make a pig, a wolf, a fox, a monkey, a mouse. Then you can play with toys or present them to your friends!
  • Going in for sports. Sports play a very big role in our life. It helps us to be in good form. You can play football, basketball, tennis, golf, badminton, hockey, darts. You can become a popular sportsman!
  • Dancing. It is a very beautiful and good kind of hobby. You can visit dancing club after lessons or dance at home.
  • Fishing. You can go fishing with your father or friends. It is good to sit at the river, to see the nature. Your mother will be happy to cook fish for you and your family!
  • Travelling. It is very interesting to travel by train and by plane, by car and by bus, by ship and by boat. You can visit interesting places!
  • Collecting. You can collect books and pens, stamps and stickers, disks and toys. Then you can show your collection to your family and friends!

T: How do the British spend their free time? (Презентация 2)

P1: Some English people prefer photography. A lot of people like taking off old buildings: palaces, castles, churches and old houses of historical interest.

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies, especially among older people. Gardening and cultivation of flowers, especially roses, is the most common hobby in England.

Television is the main leisure activity. Nearly every household in Britain has a television set, and most have video records too. People spend much time watching television.

The most popular forms of active leisure in Britain include walking, swimming, keeping fit and cycling. Football is the national sport in Britain. Rugby football, which is played with an oval ball, is also popular in Britain. Cricket is also associated with England.

Listening to music is also a popular pastime. Pop music is the most popular form of musical expression in Britain.

Other popular leisure activities include visits to the theatre or cinema. Britain has about 300 theatres, of which about 100 are in London. There are over 1,800 cinema screens in Britain.

T: Your report was very interesting. Students, what is the most popular pastime in Great Britain? And what can you tell about traditional Russian pastimes?

Traditional Russian pastimes (Презентация 3)

P2: In summer city people like to stay at a dacha, or country house. Children swim and play at the dacha, while adults fish, swim, work in the garden, walk in the woods.

In autumn there are a lot of mushrooms in the woods and fields. Armed with baskets and buckets, people go to the countryside for the varieties of mushrooms.

Outdoor ice-skating has long been a national pastime in Russia for people of all ages. In winter frozen ponds or artificial rinks attract crowds of skaters. Fishing is one of the most popular pastimes of the Russian people. Hunting was traditionally one of the most popular hobbies in Russia. For Russians there is nothing healthier and better than native Russian food. Russians are very fond of drinking strong black tea at any time of the day. Now the samovars are run by electricity. A popular tradition in the Russian culture is the bathhouse or banya.

It involves steam, high heat, cold, and an invigorating beating with birch leaves and branches.

T: There are different hobbies in different countries. What hobby have you got?

P3: We like sport.

Sport in our life (Презентация 4)

Sport plays a very important role in our life.

Many people go in for sports because it helps to be healthy.

Popular sports in the world are figure skating, rowing, swimming, ice-skating, boating, running.

The most popular sport in the World is figure skating.

Popular games in the World are football, basketball, golf, chess, tennis, ice hockey, rugby, volleyball. The most popular game is football.

Football is a game invented and developed in England.

P4: I learn to play football in the sport school “VOSTOK”.

We have a lot of awards.

We take part in the matches in the different countries and cities of our country.

I like my hobby.

P5: My hobby is Grass Hockey. Grass Hockey is a popular sport in Europe. We went to different countries to take part in different tournaments: Germany, Holland, Belarus. I like my sport.

P6: I like to ride a bike. Do you wish to go outside and ride a bike? Follow these simple steps:

- Find a safe place to practice;

- Make sure you know how to brake;

- Practice balancing on the bike;

- Use a bike helmet.

I took part in the competitions last year. I joined the Team of Moscow Region, and during the last race I was in the top ten in my age group. It is not bad for a beginner.

T: Our group of students decided to know about the most popular pastime activities of students at our school. (Презентация 5)

P6: We have made a hobby survey. Aims of our work:

- to know interests of pupils of our school;

- to find out what their most popular hobbies are.

Such information can be used to organize clubs and circles at our school. We worked in groups and interviewed many pupils of our school. We asked them about their hobbies and pastimes. We’ve made a survey of the most popular activities for different ages. You can see the results: age group 1 (forms 1-4), age group 2 (forms 5-8), age group 3 (forms 9-11).

We’ve learnt:

We will ask our school administration to organize:

- a computer club for children;

- sport competitions for teenagers.

T: Thank you very much. Kate, tell us about your hobby.

My outside interest (Презентация 6)

Guitar is a string musical instrument. Guitars used nylon and metal strings. Start to play the guitar using nylon strings because they are easier to play. Playing the guitar is the most interesting activity for me.

In our time many people can play the guitar. I advise you to start playing the guitar.

T: And what board games do you know?

P7: We know backgammon, chess, dominoes, Monopoly, Scrabble.

T: What is the aim of the Monopoly?

P7: The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible. In order to do that players buy, sell and rent property.

T: OK. How do you play Scrabble?

P8: In Scrabble players pick seven letters at random and then try to make words using their letters.

T: Now listen to the text about different activities and then answer the questions:


1. What game are Mark and Les playing?

A: You know, Les, I really don’t like this game. It’s so boring.

B: But Mark, you usually love playing marbles.

A: Not anymore. Let’s play dominoes instead.

B: I don’t have dominoes but I have Monopoly. How about that?

A: Great idea.

2. What club does Jane want to join?

A: So, Jane, what school club do you want to join? I’m in the Drama Club and it’s great!

B: I’d like to join the Music Club but it’s full up.

A: I hear that there are some places left in the Art Club. What about that?

B: Oh, That sounds nice.

3. What activity does Simon think is boring?

A: Shall we go swimming at the weekend, Simon?

B: Why don’t we try windsurfing, instead? And I don’t want to go fishing again either.

A: Why?

B: It’s so dull. All we do is to sit there all day. I never catch any fish either.

A: OK.

4. What is Mary doing at the moment?

A: Hi, Mary. Do you want to come for a walk in the park with us?

B: I’d love to but I’m doing my homework now.

A: Oh, no. Perhaps you can come later on.

B: I have to cook dinner as well, so maybe tomorrow is better.

A: OK then. See you tomorrow.

5. Where does Roger usually go cycling?

A: Wow! Your new bike is great, Roger.

B: Yes, I love it. I go cycling every weekend.

A: Where do you go? I know there are some nice cycle tracks in the park.

B: Oh, I don’t go there – too easy. I usually go out into the country.

A: Really?

B: And sometimes I even go up that mountain over there. That’s tough.

A: I bet.

The last task at our lesson is a test.


1. Monopoly is a ... .............game.
A board B team
2. She is ............... ..............for the sun to cum up.
A going B waiting
3. John is doing a ...... ............puzzle.
A jigsaw B scrabble
4. It’s not ............ ...... . I work all day and you do nothing.
A clear B fair
5. Brian is not ...... ..........to the party.
A come B coming
6............... .....you watching TV?
A Are B Do
7. They ............ ....English very well.
A speak B speaking
8. He often ......... ....... the shopping.
A doing B does
9. She is always ......... ..........her mobile phone!
A lose B losing
10. He ......... .......like playing monopoly.
A doesn’t B isn’t

Key: 1-A; 2-B; 3-A; 4-B; 5-B; 6-A; 7-A; 8-B; 9-B; 10-A.

At the end of our lesson let’s make a cinquain:

  • the first line is the theme of our cinquain;
  • the second line contains two adjectives or participles;
  • the third line contains three verbs;
  • the forth line is your personal attitude to the theme;
  • the fifth line is the word-summary.

Here is the cinquain we wrote:

Exciting, interesting.
Play, sing, collect.
Let the good times rock.

T: Thank you everybody. You’ve been very active. You've shown very good knowledge of our topic. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye, children.