Урок английского языка по теме “Интерактивная карта Австралии”

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Место урока в системе уроков: урок обобщения и систематизации ранее приобретенных лингвострановедческих знаний по теме “English Speaking World”.

Цели урока:

1. Стимулирование роста познавательной активности учащихся при изучении английского языка.

2. Формирование речевой и социокультурной компетенции учащихся в рамках предложенной темы.

3. Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:

I. Образовательные:

  • Совершенствование всех видов речевой деятельности (говорение, аудирование, чтение, письмо)
  • Активизация лексического материала.

II. Развивающие:

  • Развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
  • Развивать способность работать в команде.
  • Развивать учебно-познавательный интерес, компенсаторную компетенцию и самостоятельность учащихся.

III. Воспитательные

  • Воспитание эстетических чувств, этнической толерантности, чувства собственной национальной самобытности.
  • Воспитание чувства сотрудничества, взаимопонимания и взаимопомощи при работе в группах.

Педагогические технологии обучения:

  • технология коммуникативного обучения
  • проектная технология
  • информационно-коммуникационная технология

Материальное обеспечение:

  • компьютерная презентация
  • аудиофайл (Opportunities Intermediate, Module 9: Culture Corner. Australia. №4)
  • раздаточный материал (для проведения теста по страноведению, аудирования, составления монологов и диалогов)
  • лингвистическая карта (города Австралии)
  • журнал Speak Out № 57/ 2006 г. (с.2-9), № 62/ 2007 г. (с.14-19)
  • УМК V. Evans, J. Dooley, O. Podolyako, J.Vaulina “Spotlight” 9
  • издательства Express Publishing PROSVESHENIYE, 2010 г. (Module 6 Culture Corner)

Предполагаемые педагогические результаты:

Активизация учебно-познавательной деятельности, развитие творческих способностей, умение использовать различные источники знаний (межпредметные связи, личный опыт, ИКТ). Мотивация школьников на работу в группах на основе сотрудничества, взаимопомощи и взаимопонимания.

Ход урока “A Virtual Trip to Australia”

Preliminary preparation (i.e. before lesson activities): home reading and studying of 'Speak Out' articles performed by students, footwork, cooperative work on presentation. The students are divided into three sub-teams to make up their emblem and motto as well as to choose certain states and territories to report on. The teacher controls and corrects the students' work as well as monitors the requirement adherence (including information layer, aesthetic appearance, style unity and technical facilities)

1. Начало урока. Greeting / Warming-up

Slide I

T. Dear friends, today we are reading, talking and listening about a large continent in the Southern Hemisphere, which was called terra australis incognita, or “the unknown southern land” – Australia in the medieval times. We are going on a virtual trip to this wonderful country. People travel a lot for varied purposes and could you please give me the reasons they do.

P1 – to have a rest, for pleasure

P2 – to improve foreign languages

P3 – to exchange experience

P4 - to see new places, make new friends

P5 - to get some information

T. Our lesson is mainly aimed at revising what we already know about Australia: its geographical position, climate, administrative division, sights etc. You will be able to get more information about this continent while watching and listening to the presentation.

2. Основная часть урока

2.1.Team-based presentation (групповые выступление учащихся по презентации; (подготовленная речь)

SLIDE 2,3 Nowadays when people speak of Australia they can mean three things:

1) Australia as a continent;

2) Australia as an island and

3) Australia as an independent country.

Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent.

To the west of Australia stretches the vast Indian Ocean. In the east the continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean.

Australia is a land of striking differences. In the centre of the continent and in the west more than 50% of the land is desert — dry and uninhabited. There are three deserts there — the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert.

In the northeast, tropical forests cover the coast. In the mountains of the southeast the snow lies for seven months of the year.

Australia is divided into six states and two territories.

SLIDE 4 The state of Western Australia is dry and inhospitable except the southwestern corner of the state. Nearly all of the state’s farms, sheep stations1 and fruit gardens are situated there. The rest of the state is dry desert land with very few towns or lonely cattle stations.
SLIDE 6 South Australia is the third largest state. Most of South Australia’s people, farms and industry are in the southeastern part of the state. Adelaide is the capital and the largest city. Most of South Australia is too dry for farming. Farming very much depends on irrigation. Some of Australia’s most unproductive desert lands occupy the greater part of the state. Wheat and fruit (apricots, pears, peaches, nectarines and grapes) are grown along the lower part of the Murray River.
SLIDE 8 New South Wales is Australia’s leading industrial state. Most people live along the east coast, and most of them are in Sydney. Sydney is also the largest city in Australia.
SLIDE 10 Queensland is Australia’s second largest state. Brisbane, its capital, is situated on the east coast. Queensland has long beautiful sandy beaches. Its coast is a popular place for holidaymakers. The climate along the east coast is hot and humid. It is the tropical corner of Australia. Bananas and other tropical fruits are grown here. Most of the land in the south is too dry for farming. Some of Australia’s most unproductive desert lands occupy the bigger part of the state.
SLIDE 12 In Victoria most people live in the south. Melbourne is the capital of the state and the largest city. Sheep and wheat are the main products here. Citrus fruits, grapes, peaches and apricots are grown along the Murray River.
SLIDE 14 Tasmania, the island state, is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples. Tasmania is one of the few places in Australia that have enough rain all year. Tasmania is Australia’s leading producer of pears and berries of different kinds. Potatoes are also grown in some areas.
SLIDE 16 Northern Territory is the least populated and least developed part of Australia. Crocodiles still live in some of the swamps along the coast. Darwin is its capital and the only large settlement in the north. Alice Springs, generally called Alice of the Alice, is the only town in the south.
SLIDE 18 The capital of Australia is Canberra. The city doesn’t belong to any state. It is situated on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which occupies an aria of 2,432 square kilometres.

Group work (Test) (Приложение 1)

Listening: аудиофайл (Opportunities Intermediate, Module 9:

Culture Corner. Australia. №4

Ссылка для скачивания аудиофайла:


Handout: cards with key words for taking notes. Listen to a woman talking about Australia to get the information about... You should make notes while listening to her (2 min)

Now it is time to check your answers (Приложение № 2)


T. List the major Australian activities and sports.

Ps bushwalking, diving, fishing, horse-riding, sailing, swimming, surfing, golf, cricket, rugby and tennis

T. Name the Australian animals inhabiting its territory.

Ps Kangaroos, koalas, emus, platypuses, echidnas, possums, dingoes, poisonous snakes and insects

T. What is the key farming industry in Australia?

Ps It’s sheep farming. There are seven sheep for every Australian.

T. What have you learned about the immigration to Australia?

Ps There was a lot of immigration from Italy, Greece and Turkey after World War II. More recently there has been a lot of immigration from Thailand, Vietnam and Hong Kong.

T. What are Native Australians called? What can you say about their number?

Ps Aborigines, 1% of the population.

2.5 Writing a leaflet (team work)

T. Imaging you are to attract more tourists to your state, so try and do your best to make your leaflet convincing that your state is really worth visiting. Listen to the speaker and get ready with your questions

A one-minute presentation (from each group) Students
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3


Ask the speaker some questions

Handout: vocabulary cards with key words Приложение № 3 (LEXICAL CARDS)

Making up a dialogue: (Приложение 4)

Reading (Student’s book 1 p. 101)

Before reading (прогнозирование содержания текста)

T. Read the task. Look at the pictures. What is the text about? What can someone do in Sydney?

P1 climb a bridge

P2 fly in a seaplane

P3 go cycling

P 4 surf at Bondi Beach

P5 take an ecotour in the Blue Mountains

While reading: (развитие умений изучающего чтения и навыка восстановления текста)

T. Fill in the correct derivatives of the words in brackets

2.7 Grammar in use (The Passive Voice) 6c (ex.1 – 4 )

(на усмотрение учителя)


Итог урока

T. Let’s make a lexical diagram as a conclusion

Specify the words standing for every item (i.e. adjectives)

A - amazing
U - unique
S - strange
T - tremendous
R - romantic
A - attractive
L - Land of kangaroos
I - interesting
A - amusing

T: Dear friends! Our lesson is over. I appreciate your being active, attentive and brilliant. I was really delighted to work with you. Hopefully, this lesson was interesting, important and useful for all of us. Your marks for the lesson аrе: ... Write down your home assignment: ex 4,5 page 102-103.