Цели урока.
- Обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление ЛЕ по теме “Дом.Квартира”.
- Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение структуры to be going to.
- Создать условия для отработки навыков говорения по теме “Дом. Квартира”.
- Содействовать развитию интереса к изучению английского языка.
- Содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения.
- Способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в группах.
- Содействовать развитию эстетического вкуса и культуры речи.
- Создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности.
- Создать условия для развития у учащихся таких аналитических способностей, как умение сопоставлять, сравнивать, делать выводы.
- Создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения.
Практические задачи урока.
1. Организовать активизацию лексико-грамматического материала по теме “Дом.Квартира” на основе подстановочных и условно-коммуникативных упражнений.
2. Организовать повторение учащимися структуры to be going to на основе условно-коммуникативных упражнений.
3. Организовать монологические высказывания учащихся на уровне 1-8 предложений по теме “Дом.Квартира”.
1. Оргмомент – Hello. Glad to see you. Sit down. We go on speaking about our flats and houses. Is it interesting to decorate and furnish flats and houses? How do we call people whose profession is to furnish our flats? That’s right, they are designers. Do you want to try to be designers? OK. So, what are we going to do during our lesson? Yes, today we are going to work as designers who furnish flats and houses and who can describe the rooms they furnish. Today we’ll see how well you can do it in English.
2. Речевая зарядка – But first I’d like to know about the places where you live. Answer my questions, please.
-Where do you live?
- How many rooms are there in your flat/house?
- Have you got your room?
- What makes you room comfortable? (e.g. The carpet on the floor makes my room comfortable.)
- Do you want to be a designer?
Thank you.
3. Решение задачи №1 - Professional designers know the names of different rooms. Let me see what rooms you know.
Look at the board. Read the definition ad guess the word. (Cлайд 1. Приложение). (Rita, help me, please).
Thank you. Good job. You do know the names of rooms in English as real designers.
But our rooms are not empty. There is a lot of furniture in it. Let’s remember the names of different items of furniture in English, so that you can furnish the English house.
Look at the board. Match the pictures with the words. (Cлайд 2) (All together repeat the names of the items of furniture).
Well done. I see that you can work as designers in the English flats and houses.
But to furnish the rooms we need some special words. Let’s remember them.
Look at the board.
Match the Russian words with their English equivalents. (Cлайд 3)
Look at the picture and insert the words into the sentences. (Cлайд 4).
Put the words in the right order to make a sentence. Let’s see if you are right or not. (Cлайд 5).
4. Физкультминутка. - OK. We’ve worked a lot, let’s have a rest.
5. Решение задачи № 2. – I see that now you are ready to work as designers. Usually professional designers work in teams. We are also going to work in groups. Today we are going to design the rooms. Look at the furniture we have got. Each group has only 2 minutes to get ready with the design of the room. You will speak one by one, sentence by sentence. (Cлайд 6)
e.g. I’m going to put the chair near the table.
And you (the other group) should listen and say what we can do in this room. Is the task clear? OK. Let’s start.
I see that you are really good at designing rooms. They are really well done.
6. Решение задачи № 3 - And as professional designers you can see even small differences between the pictures.
Look at the pictures and find the differences between them. (Cлайд 7)
e.g. In picture 1 the TV set is in front of the fireplace.
In picture 2 the TV set is near the fireplace.
That’s was nice. It was really professional of you to find the differences between the pictures.
I’m sure that you are professionals and you can describe any room you see.
We have got a lot of pictures on the board. Some of you will describe any of them.
Listen and guess what room is described.
e.g. (Описывают любую картинку).
Thank you very much. Now I understand that you can work as designers and you can furnish even the English house or the room of your British or American friends. Professional designers have certificates. Today you get the certificates of designers. (Cлайд 9)
(Раздаю сертификаты)
Thanks for work. Do you like to be designers? What did you like most of all?
Open your record books and put down the hometask.
Design the house of your dream.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.