Урок английского языка по теме "Землетрясение". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Пояснительная записка

Предлагаемый урок английского языка проводится в 8-м классе по теме “Землетрясение” (unit 1, section 5) по учебнику английского языка для 8-го класса М.З.Биболетовой. Он адресован учителям английского языка, применяющим в своей практике игровую технологию. Наряду с этим на предлагаемом уроке используются информационно-коммуникативная технология.

Урок построен на коммуникации с использованием презентации с целью зрительного восприятия учебного материала. Считаю важным на уроке научить своих учеников работать в коллективе, сотрудничать, слушать и слышать друг друга.

Данная разработка урока включает в себя поэтапный план занятия с учетом временной реализации данного урока. Некоторые этапы урока сопровождаются компьютерной презентацией. Целесообразность использования медиапродукта на уроке вызвана недостаточным количеством иллюстративно-информационного материала в существующих учебно-методических пособиях и способствует повышению эффективности усвоения учебного материала за счет одновременного изложения необходимых сведений и показа демонстрационных фрагментов, и развивают наглядно-образное мышление учащихся.


Цель урока: активизация речемыслительной деятельности по теме “Землетрясение ”.

Задачи занятия:


  • активизация лексики по теме;
  • создание условий для формирования навыка устной речи по теме “Землетрясение ” в форме игры.


  • развитие способности учащихся в умении кратко высказываться на заданную тему.


  • формирование умения работать в коллективе;
  • воспитание уважения к собеседнику.
  • формировать представление о катаклизмах в природе.

Обеспечение: презентации: карта мира, сюжеты по теме урока, картинки, плакаты.

Форма урока: конференция.

Место урока в изучаемом модуле:

Модуль: “Мы живём на прекрасной планете”.

  1. После дождя наступает хорошая погода.
  2. Мы – частица вселенной.
  3. Космическое путешествие.
  4. Космос и наука.
  5. Земля опасна для жизни?
  6. Выживание.
  7. Земля для тебя и меня.

Учащиеся должны знать: языковой материал: лексику, единицы речевого этикета, обслуживающие ситуации общения в рамках темы “Землетрясение”.

Учащиеся должны уметь:

  • употреблять лексику в высказываниях по теме “Землетрясение”;
  • обобщать свои знания по теме;
  • аргументировать свои предположения;
  • соотносить информацию с собственными знаниями;
  • анализировать процесс изучения материала.

Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков.

Стратегии урока связанны с общением, с умением работать друг с другом, находить общий язык.


Учитель: Good morning! There some guests in our room and the situation is unusual for us. As far as you understand we have unusual lesson. Today we are not pupils; we are the participants of the conference about earthquakes. What we know about these events and how to survive in difficult situations. By the way, how do you feel yourselves? Are you sad/happy/proud? I think it’s time to wish something pleasant to each other.

Пожелания к уроку: (ученики говорят друг другу пожелания) I wish you luck! My success attends you! Don't be shy! Courage! Behave yourself! Be good boy/girl! I do hope things go well with you. Cheer up! I wish you well.

I see you are well and we can begin our conference. (Присутствующие исполняют роли учёных, корреспондентов, очевидцев событий и т. д.) На экране появляется презентация плаката:


Ведущий: Good afternoon, dear participants of our conference! Scientists, correspondents, representatives of some charity organizations, eyewitnesses of these events are present here Look at this poster (указывает на презентацию плаката). This is our topic and we shall start with these pictures (презентации картинок; звучит печальная музыка. Рис №1)

Ведущий: What a horrible thing! Let’s discuss this problem. We’ll start with our scientists.

Учёный (1): (презентация географической карты Рис №2) Every year different natural disasters happen on our planet. They destroy cities and towns, kill people and animals.

According to our research serious earthquakes have taken place (показывает на карте) in Asia, South and North America, and Europe. The worst earthquakes were in Japan, China, India, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA, the Russian Federation, and Portugal.

Учёный (2): (презентация разломов Рис №3)As land moves it may crack. These cracks in the earth’s crust are faults. These are several different types of fault.

A thrust fault happens when one section of land breaks away and slides over another next to it.

Two parallel faults from a rift valley when rocks sink between two masses.

Учёный (3): (презентация происхождения землетрясения Рис №4) The origin of the earthquakes lies underground at the focus. Shock waves travel out from the epicenter above this. The Richter Scale is used to measure the strength of the waves.

As we live on the area where we extract oil and gas, so before people drill for oil, they study rock folds carefully.

Underground reservoirs of gas and oil may collect between layers of rock in an anticline. Layers of earth fall away. The bare rock is exposed to wind and weather. They erode the surface leaving pits and crags.

Ведущий: So, we understand that during the earthquake the ground shakes and cracks appear in the earth.

Учёный (4): Our planet is covered with a thick crust. The crust is cracked into sections – a bit like the shell of a boiled egg when you tap it with a spoon. These sections are called tectonic plates and they are always on the move. They move very slowly. When the plates rub against each other or collide with each other, an earthquake happens.

Ведущий:Thanks for your information. I want you to pay attention at our spidergram (висит на доске Рисунок №5).You have heard a peace of information about the earthquake and the task is to fill in our spidergram with the right words in order to understand what the earthquake is.

(Участники подходят и заполняют таблицу, используя слова из сообщений выступающих; образцы слов чёрного цвета)

После заполнения таблицы ведущий читает слова, характеризующие понятие о землетрясении. Now we see the real picture of the earthquake. It is a terrible disaster.

Корреспондент (1): (презентация рисунок №6)I have read in one magazine that earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice most of them because they are small. Big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fall down, set off landslides and do other deadly things. I have heard about the Rift Valley in Africa. It was created by repeated earthquakes over thousands of years, which opened up the ground to form an enormous trench. The trench is so deep and wide that it can be seen from the moon!

Корреспондент (2): As for me, I have read the following information that San Francisco is situated on the greatest earthquake zone San Francisco is a special place, very different from most American cities. People live there and are still building houses, shops and office blocks. Children have earthquake drills at school. And they hope that it will never happen.

Корреспондент(3): I have found an article in the Internet about the earthquake in San Francisco (презентация картинок).Рис. №7 This was in 1906. The Great Earthquake happened at five o’clock in the morning when most people were asleep. The Great Earthquake destroyed San Francisco and more than 1000 people were killed.

The strange thing is most Americans rarely talk about it. There are no jokes, few books or magazines, articles and very few films about this event.

Очевидец: I am an eyewitness of the earthquake. The earthquake struck at 9 a.m. local time. I was at school. We heard a terrible noise which was coming from the ground. We ran to the street. The ground was moving up and down like a sea .We heard screams; we saw that buildings began to fly at us. It was horrible. I’ll never forget it. People died, others made homeless. Рис. №8.

Архитектор: I am an architect. Nowadays, new buildings in earthquakes – prone towns and cities are built to withstand the shock. They are not high and we don’t use slag concrete. We use special building materials. Even so, during the earthquake most of the damage may be caused by fire.

Ведущий: Pay attention at our spidergram again (висит на доске). The task is to fill in our spidergram with the words you have heard in order to understand what the earthquake is. Now we see the real picture of the earthquake. These words characterize this natural disaster.

Cпасатель: Rescue workers provide fire – prevention and medical help. Of course, our people are brave, strong – willed, hardworking but they can help people after this terrible disaster. We can find people who are buried under debris, build shelters, treat the injured and take them to a hospital in a nearby city. And today we want to remember some rules which help you to survive in difficult situation.

Включается видеосюжет о правилах поведения при землетрясении без звука (учебный фильм на занятиях по ОБЖ). По ходу демонстрации сюжетов идёт комментарий на английском языке: Рис.№8.

  • If you are at home, it is necessary to switch gas, water, electricity off. Take your documents, clothes, water and food. Leave your flat.
  • If the earthquake is not powerful, you may stay at home but you must stand in the openings. Be careful on the staircase and don’t use your lift. It is better to run to the ground where there are no buildings.
  • If you are in a bus or car, it is necessary to leave them.
  • If you are in the obstruction, don’t use the fire, and try to give a signal. Remember that your discipline and self – control help you to survive.
  • If I’m a rescue worker it’s rather interesting to know about your behaviour in the following situation: look at this island (презентация).Рис. №9You have washed ashore. Decide what you will do. How will you get water, food or shelter? How will you get away from the island?



You dig a will.

You take water from the river/lake.



You hunt wild animals.

You sleep on the ground.

You pick fruit.

You look for caves to sleep in.

You go fishing.

You build shelter.


You make a signal fire

You wait for rescue from the outside world

You build a raft to sail away.

После презентации идей от участников конференции: Thanks. Now I see you can survive in any situation.

Ведущий:Thanks for your information. Let’s return to our conference and let a member of a charity organization speak

Член благотворительной организации: I’m a member of a charity organization. The aim of it is to help people in difficult situations. And the earthquake is one of them. We help people to find each other. People suffer because of this event and we free them of stress. We give food, water, clothes, medicaments and places to sleep. Our humanistic help is very important.

Ведущий: Thanks for your information. I think our conference was very useful for everybody. When we live in peace we don’t think about our natural disasters. But they are present in our life.

They are permanent enemies of all human beings. Every year they are the reason of death of people, animals and plants. Today we try to get a piece of information about earthquakes and realize the importance of this knowledge. Thanks and good bye.

Учитель: We have heard that our conference was very useful. Why? (Варианты ответов)

It helps us to:

  • broad our mind;
  • get knowledge;
  • learn something new;
  • develop and improve our speech;
  • brush up our English…

Учитель подводит итог и выставляет оценки, даёт домашнее задание.