Урок английского языка по теме "Описание распорядка дня". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Цель: повторить, обобщить и закрепить учебный материал по описанию распорядка дня, по использованию в речи учащихся глаголов в Present Simple и вопросительных слов.



1. Развитие умения самостоятельно мыслить и делать выводы из прочитанного.

2. Развивать познавательный интерес к предмету.

3. Развивать речь, внимание, память.


1. Развивать умения читать про себя и вслух связный текст с извлечением информации и полным пониманием содержания.

2. Развивать умения понимать текст на слух с опорой на иллюстрацию.

3. Закрепить употребление в речи учащихся специальных вопросов.

4. Развивать умения и навыки устной речи на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний.


1. Воспитывать самостоятельность, взаимоуважение, сотрудничество.

Оборудование и оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, слайды с картинками и заданиями по теме “Распорядок дня”, листы с текстом, запись английской песни “Clap, clap, clap your hands” и “Mulberry Bush”, диск с записями к учебнику (упр.1 стр.119), продукты для инсценирования диалогов.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие и введение в тему.

Teacher: Good morning, children!

Class: - Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning dear teacher!
We are glad to see you.

T: I am glad to see you too. How are you?

Cl: Fine, thanks. And you?

T: I am OK, thank you. When do you get up, Lena?

P: I get up at 7am.

T: What do you do at 8am?

P: I go to school.

T: Do you play football after school?

P: No, I don’t. I do my homework after school.

T: Good. Today we’ll visit Tiny and speak about what Jill and Tiny do.

II. Основная часть урока.

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Can you help me to remember some words? Я буду показывать, а вы называете их на английском языке. Первый ряд называет их в единственном числе, а второй ряд – во множественном числе.

Повторение множественного числа существительных и лексики по теме “Части тела”: an ear - ears, an eye - eyes, a head -heads, a shoulder - shoulders, a face – faces, a tooth-teeth, a hand – hands, an arm – arms, a nose – noses, a foot – feet, a mouth – mouths, hair, a neck – necks. (Учитель показывает части тела и дети называют их.)

2. Аудирование текста. (Приложение 1)

Teacher: Very nice of you. Thank you. Now open your books at p.119 ex. 1. Listen to the text and guess who will play the role of Red Little Hood. Выполнение упр. 1 стр. 119. Учащиеся слушают запись и выполняют задание.

3. Устная речь на тему “Распорядок дня”.

T: Thank you. You are very good listeners. Now I want to know what you do every day. Put these expressions in correct order and tell me about your day. (Работа по интерактивной доске)

Have breakfast at 8am;

watch TV

clean my teeth

come home

go to school

get up at 7a.m.

go to bed at 10p.m.

wash my face and hands

 do my homework

play with my toys or computer games

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Учащиеся расставляют выражения в нужном порядке и составляют предложения с ними.

P: I get up at 7 o’clock. I wash my face and hands. I clean my teeth. At 8am I have breakfast. For breakfast I have juice and porridge. After breakfast I go to school. At school I read books, write and count. I come home at 2 pm. I go for a walk and then I do my homework. Then I play with my toys or play computer games. At 10 pm I go to bed.

Слайд №1” T: Well done. Look here, please.

What does Jill do in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening?

Pupil 1: Jill gets up at 7 am. She cleans her teeth, wash her face and hands. Then she has breakfast. For breakfast she has a sandwich and a cake and drink a cup of tea.

Pupil 2: At 2 pm she has dinner. For dinner she has soup and some porridge. Then she does her homework. After it she plays tennis.

Pupil 3: In the evening she watches TV or plays computer games. Then she plays with her toys- teddy bears. At 10 pm she goes to bed.

Слайд №2” T: Do you want to know what Tiny do every day?

T: What does he do on Sunday?

P1: On Sunday he plays puzzles.

T: What does he do on Monday?

P2: On Monday he rides a bike.

T: What does he do on Tuesday?

P3: On Tuesday he listens to music.

T: What does he do on Wednesday?

P4: On Wednesday he plays football.

T: What does he do on Thursday?

P5: On Thursday he plays computer games.

T: What does he do on Friday?

P6: On Friday he reads books.

T: What does he do on Saturday?

P7: On Saturday he roller skates.

4. Физкультминутка. (Приложение 2)

Песня “Clap, clap, clap your hands.” Учащиеся поют песню и выполняют движения песни.

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. Повторение грамматики (специальные вопросы).

1) T: Let’s visit Tiny. Тайни пригласил нас к себе в гости. Давайте пойдем к нему. (Ребята разыгрывают диалоги. Ученик играющий роль Тайни, приглашает за стол гостей.)

1. P1: Nastya! Would you like a sandwich with ham and a cup of tea?

P2: Yes, please. I like sandwich with ham.

P1: Here you are. Help yourself!

P2: Thank you. Oh, the sandwich is good. May I take an apple?

P1: Yes, take it, please. Would you like some sweets?

P2: I’m sorry, I don’t like sweets. I like red apples. May I have once more apple, please?

P1: Of course. Help yourself!

P2: Thank you.

P1: You are welcome!

2. P1: Tiny! What do you like to eat?

P2: I like cakes, ice cream, sweets, chocolate and jam.

P1: I think you are a sweet tooth.

P2: Yes, I am a sweet tooth.

P1: What do like to do?

P2: I like to play computer games, listen to music, ride my scooter and roller skate.

P1: Do you like to write fairy tales?

P2: Yes, I like to write fairy tales for my friends. I often play jokes.

P1: You are merry and kind gnome. We are glad to visit you. Bye, Tiny.

P2: Thank you. See you. Bye. Etc.

2) T: Thank you. Now look here, please. We must help Tiny to ask questions.

(Работа по интерактивной доске) Ребята вставляют пропущенные вопросительные слова и отвечают на вопросы.

Task. Ask questions and answer them.

1. … is your name?

2. …. is your surname?

3. … are you from?

4. … do you live?

5. … old are you?

6. … is your birthday?

7. … do you like to do?

8. … is your favourite season?

9. … friends have you got?

10. … is your favourite pet

What Where How many Who What Where What When Why Which How much How

6. Работа с текстом. Чтение вслух и про себя с извлечением информации и полным пониманием содержания. (Текст на листках.)

Task 1. Прочитай про себя рассказ о Майке и его друзьях. Назови номера отрывков в нужном порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ.

a) Mike is nine. He is a pupil. He has got a lot of friends. They are in the 3rd form. On Sundays the friends walk, play football or go to the zoo. Football is Mike’s favourite sport.

b) On Fridays they often watch wonderful TV programmes. And on Saturdays they like to go to a birthday party. They help their mothers to clean the rooms. They are good friends. They like to work and rest together.

c) On Monday they would like to play and play. But they are pupils. They are busy and must do their homework. They do it every day.

d) On Tuesdays they have some time to listen to music. And on Wednesdays they often play computer games. Thursdays are for reading funny fairy tales.

Task 2. Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. When do Mike and his friends play football? On Saturdays

2. When do they do their homework? On Thursdays

3. When do they listen to music? On Fridays

4. When do they play computer games? On Mondays

5. When do they read fairy tales? On Sundays

6. When do they watch TV? On Wednesdays

7. When do they help their mothers to clean the rooms? On Tuesdays

7. Работа с лексикой.

1) T: Ребята наш гном Тайни получил письмо, но он не может читать его, так как там не хватает слов. Кто-то стер их. Давайте поможем ему прочитать письмо и ответить на вопрос.

(Работа по интерактивной доске.)

What do they buy for mum’s birthday?

tomatoes school bike ball cake farm wash football

Dear Tiny,

My name is Helen. I am eight. I live on the … with my family. My brother Peter is ten. It is Saturday. On Saturdays we do not go to … . We go shopping. I and my brother help mum to buy some cabbage, carrots, …. , apples and some milk.

I have got a nice cat. His name is Tim. He likes to drink a lot of milk and play with a … . He likes to … its face and ears every day. Peter buys some meat and bones for his dog Jack. Jack likes to run, jump and play …. with Peter. He is clever and kind dog. We would like to buy a lot of sweets and cakes. But it is not healthy. So we buy a … and two ice creams. The cake is nice. It is for our mum. It’s her birthday.

I like to ride a … . I ride a bike and play tennis with my brother on Sundays. Can you play tennis? What do you like to do in summer? Have you got rivers and forests? Please write back.

With best wishes,


8. Песня “Mulberry Bush”. (Приложение 3)

T: Well done. Thank you. Now let’s sing a song “Mulberry Bush”

Here we are round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we are round the mulberry bush
On a Sunday morning.
This is the way
We wash our hands, we wash our hands.
This is the way we wash our hands
On a Monday morning.
This is the way
We wash our face, we wash our face.
This is the way we wash our face
On a Tuesday morning.
This is the way
We brush our hair, we brush our hair.
This is the way we brush our hair
On a Wednesday morning.
This is the way
We clean our teeth, we clean our teeth.
This is the way we clean our teeth
On a Thursday morning.
This is the way
We clean our room, we clean our room.
This is the way we clean our room
On a Friday morning.
This is the way
We meet our guests, we meet our guests.
This is the way we meet our guests
On a Saturday morning.

III. Заключение.

Teacher: Thank you for your work. For the next lesson repeat the words, please. You will have a test. I’ll give you the following marks … . Give me your diaries. The lesson is over. You may be free. See you next time.