Урок английского языка по теме "Телевидение в нашей жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В ходе подготовки урока учащиеся были разделены на группы, каждая группа подготовила проект по темам: “Titanic” is the film that impressed me most of all, My favourite TV programme (компьютерная презентация).

Цели урока:

  • развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции;
  • совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех видах речевой
  • деятельности, умений планировать свое речевое поведение;
  • развивать умения и навыки выполнения заданий по чтению и аудированию в формате ЕГЭ;
  • систематизация ранее изученного грамматического и лексического материала;
  • развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;
  • развитие навыков проектной деятельности;
  • увеличение объема знаний о роли телевидения в современной жизни, его достоинствах и недостатках;
  • формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать уважение к культуре других стран.

Оборудование урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, аудиоприложение к учебнику, учебники, рабочие тетради, презентации учащихся.

План урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Повторение лексики по теме.

3. Практика в употреблении лексики (упражнения на интерактивной доске).

4. Чтение текста и выполнение задания в формате ЕГЭ.

5. Повторение грамматического материала - употребление Passive Voice.

6. Аудирование текстoв (различные мнения о роли телевидения) - задания в формате ЕГЭ.

7. Чтение текста с извлечением информации.

8. Развитие речевых навыков – беседа по тексту (речевые опоры на интерактивной доске).

9. Физкультминутка – зарядка для глаз (языковое действие + движение +музыка), демонстрация слайдов

10. Домашнее задание.

11. Презентация проектов учащихся по темам: “My Favourite Film”, “My Favourite TV Programme”.

12. Групповая работа – обсуждение роли телевидения в жизни подростков.

13. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to speak about the role of television in our life. Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so its role has.

We’ll discuss advantages and disadvantages of television. But before we begin let’s know the meaning of the word ‘television”. (Cлайд 2). Презентация

2. Повторение лексики по теме (интерактивная доска. Cлайд 3)

3. Практика в употреблении лексики (упражнения на интерактивной доске. Cлайд 4, 5)

4. Чтение текста и выполнение задания в формате ЕГЭ (рабочая тетрадь упр.10, с.15)

Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-g) below.

а) This scans the screen

b) Live television programmes show you what is happening as it happens.

c) Baird showed his set in 1926.

d) These pass into the TV set.

e) Scientists have been interested in the idea of television since the 1880s.

f) Now nearly every home has one.

e) These tiny flashes of colour build up the picture on your screen.


Television is a way of sending sound and pictures through the air. (1) --------- Although John Logie Baird was the first to show how television worked, his success was based on work by many other scientists from all over the world. (2) --------- The first television service opened in 1936 in Britain. Colour television began in the United States in 1956. At first, all television was black and white. Few people owned television sets because they were very expensive. (3) ---------- Television works by changing light waves into electric signals. This happens inside the TV camera. A picture of what is happening in front of the camera forms on a special screen behind the lens. Behind the screen is an electron gun. (4) ---------- It moves from left to right to cover each part of the picture. Each part is turned into an electric signal which is made stronger, then sent to the transmitter as radio waves. They are picked up by home TV antennas and changed back into electric signals. (5) ----------- The TV screen is covered with tiny chemical dots. In a colour set, these are arranged in groups of three: one red, one blue, one green. At the back there are other electron guns. These fire a beam of electrons to scan the screen just as the camera gun does. As each electron hits the screen, it lights up a dot. (6) ----------- You do not see lines of coloured flashing lights, because the electron gun moves too fast for the eye to follow. What you see is a picture of what is happening in the television studio. (7) ----------- Most programmes are recorded on film or videotape and sent out later.

5. Повторение грамматического материала - употребление Passive Voice

Say the same using the passive voice

1) John Logie Baird made the first television of old cars, bicycle parts, lenses and other things.

2) Baird demonstrated the first TV in 1925.

3) They opened the first television service in Britain in 1936.

4) They first used colour television in the United States in 1956.

5) In the early days of television few people bought television sets because they were expensive.

6) They soon developed new technologies and built a lot of TV stations.

7) They formed the BBC in Britain according to the monarch’s order.

8) The BBC World Service shows programmes in forty different languages as well as English.

9) They publish TV programmes in the TV Times, a popular weekly.

10) They show some programmes live but record most of them on film or videotape.

11) Nowadays you can find video shops everywhere in Britain.

12) Young people usually enjoy video clips and action films.

13) Some of the older people never miss old black-and –white films.

14) They always devote a lot of programmes to sport

15) TV people introduce new programmes all the time.

6. Аудирование текстов (различные мнения о роли телевидения) - задания в формате ЕГЭ

Упражнение 1 стр.44, аудиоприложение к учебнику, задание 161. You will hear five young people speaking about television. Match the speakers (1-5) with what they say (statements a-f). There is one extra statement. Fill in the table at the end of exercise.

Упражнение 1 стр.51, аудиоприложение к учебнику, задание 19.

2. Listen to the tape. You will hear five parents speaking about television and their children. Match the statements below (a-f) with what the parents say (1-5). There is one extra statement.

7. Чтение текста с извлечением информации

Rea the text and find the advantages and disadvantages of television.

Television Unifies Us

The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the life of society. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people say, “News is not what happens – it is what you see or read in mass media”. In other words, mass media shapes public opinion. Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers and magazines. Television dominates one’s life if the family watches it most of the time. Television informs, educates, and entertains people. It is also a habit-forming drug impossible to resist. Various TV games, such as quiz shows, and music programmes attract a large audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the viewers. Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. Some people find them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation. There is also a lot of advertising on TV. A lot of commercial firms buy the time to advertise their goods. Advertising often annoys the general public. A film, a good basketball or football match may be interrupted several times with advertisements for soap powder or perfume. To convince the viewers that a certain product is the best and to persuade them to buy it takes not only a lot of imagination but also a lot of time. The same advertisements are repeated many times every day, which bores the viewers. Some people say there is too much violence on television, which had a bad influence on viewers, especially young people. Television often shows scenes of violence.

But it hardly fair to say that television doesn’t try to raise cultural level of the people or develop their artistic taste. Many of TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment, but also cultural and educational programmes. Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and brings us closer to other people. Besides it is a good company for people who live alone.

8. Развитие речевых навыков – беседа по тексту (речевые опоры на интерактивной доске, слайд 6)

9. Физкультминутка – зарядка для глаз (языковое действие + движение +музыка), демонстрация слайдов

Look up! Look down! Look to the right! Look to the left! Blink your eyes!

Выполнение команд происходит под музыку, затем внимание учащихся переключается на живописные пейзажи, которые демонстрируются на интерактивной доске.

10. Домашнее задание

11. Презентация проектов учащихся по темам: “My Favourite Film”, “My Favorite TV Programme”

“Titanic” is the film that impressed me most of all..

My favourite TV programme.

12. Групповая работа – обсуждение роли телевидения в жизни подростков

Nowadays television plays an important role in most people’s lives. How true is it for you? In small groups speak on the following items. Choose one person in the group to sum up the results.


1) how much time you usually spend in front of the TV,

2) what channels and programmes you like to watch and why,

3) if you ever watch sports programmes on TV and what programmes you prefer,

4) if you are fond of serials and which of them you think to be the best and why,

5) what feature films you like to watch on TV and on the video,

6) how often you watch the news on television,

7) which quizzes and talk shows are your favourite and why,

8) what you think of Russian television, its strong and weak points,

Summing up

1) In this group

…. pupils watch TV more than 2 hours a day.

….. pupils watch TV less than 2 hours a day.

….. pupils seldom watch TV at all.

2) … The favourite channels and programmes are …. .

The most popular reasons are ….. .

3) ….. pupils watch sport on TV.

Their preferred programmes are ….. .

4) The most popular serials are ….. .

They are thought to be ….. .

….. pupils never watch serials .

5) The most often watched films are ….. .

6) ….. pupils watch the news regularly.

…. pupils watch the news from time to time.

….. pupils never watch the news.

7) The best loved serials are ….. .

They are believed to be ….. .

8) ….. pupils think that Russian television is very good.

….. pupils believe that it could be better.

….. pupils say that it’s very bad.

The most often mentioned strong points are ….. .

The most often mentioned weak points are ….. .

13. Подведение итогов урока