Завершающий урок по теме "Технологии будущего". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цели урока:

  • систематизировать и обобщить у учащихся знания по данной теме;
  • способствовать дальнейшему развитию навыков говорения и аудирования.


Образовательные: формирование лексико-грамматических навыков по темам: “Технология” и способы выражения будущих действий; развитие навыков устной речи и умения выступать перед аудиторией; закрепление умений представлять информацию в виде презентации; развитие умений работать с разными источниками информации.

Развивающие: развитие познавательных интересов и творческих способностей учащихся в проектировании технологий будущего; развитие умений установления причинно-следственных связей и способности выражения своего отношения к теме; развитие внимания, образного мышления и коммуникабельности.

Воспитательные: формирование осознанного и неравнодушного отношения к технологиям, способным изменить будущее; формирование способности осознавать последствия воздействия человека на окружающую среду и стремления сохранить ее для будущих поколений; формирование потребности в коллективной работе и ответственности за свой участок работы.

Тип урока: обобщающий по теме в игровой форме (телепередача) с использованием проектного продукта-презентации. Презентация

Оснащение урока: проектор для демонстрации презентации, аудитория в виде телестудии.

Использованные материалы:

Laser B2 Unit 3 “Technology” авторов Malcom Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles издательства Macmillan; интернет-ресурсы.

Предварительная работа:

Деление учащихся на группы: архитекторы города будущего; инженеры-создатели гаджетов будущего; компьютерщики; экологи; дизайнеры одежды.

Поиск группами информации по теме и подготовка презентации с комментарием.

Выбор учащихся из группы для представления своей темы.

Написание сценария телепередачи.

Действующие лица телепередачи:

St 1, 2 - телеведущие

St 3, 4 - архитекторы

St 5 - дизайнер дома

St 6 - эколог

St 7, 8 - компьютерщики-программисты

St 9, 10, 11 - дизайнеры одежды

Ход урока

Slide 1

St 1: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our studio at our programme “Step by Step” and today we’ll be experiencing a taste of the future and we’ll be looking at how we could be living in 20-30 year time and how tech will influence our future life.

St 2: We, the presenters of the programme Helen and Svyatoslav, are glad to meet our guests who will help us to predict the future. We are going to speak about use of new tech in cities, homes, our daily life with a help of our guests-experts in architecture, engineering, gadgets, computers and fashion design.

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St 1: Since humans first discovered fire and built the wheel, technology and society have been permanently intertwined

The creation of crude stone tools like spears and axes helped prehistoric humans adapt to their natural environment by allowing them to hunt, to build dwellings and to make clothes. The furnace and bellows were soon used to forge metal such as copper, lead, silver and gold and create even better tools and more advanced weapons.

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St 2: Inventions such as the wheel (around 4000 B.C.) and ship's sails (around 3200 B.C.) contributed significantly to the ability of people to not only travel greater distances but also to wage wars in faraway lands. Eventually, simple machines like the lever, screw and pulley gave way to the industrial revolution and more complex machines like the electric generator, the radio, the computer and nuclear power. As technology increases, humans have to train and educate themselves to maintain and build even more complex machines.

St 1: Most people in the developed world live in an environment that is totally dominated by modern technology. We live in centrally heated houses that incorporate many high-tech materials, eat scientifically engineered food, travel at high speeds in motorized vehicles, and communicate to a greater and greater extent by electronic means. Technology is having a profound effect on the natural environment and on our minds. As it becomes ever more dominant, it becomes increasingly important to understand both its benefits and dangers.

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St 2: Of course, you are right. I think it’s interesting to know what the city of the future will look like. And my question to our guests- architects. Will modern tech make it ideal?

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St 3: Ideal city is successfully organized both socially and architecturally human settlement in harmony with the environment.

Imagine a city of the future. How do you see it? Clean streets, flying machines,robots do all the work?

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St 3: Let's take a closer look at the so-called "Green City of the Future." Using modern tech there will be a lot of electric transportation systems and bike rental and air quality will improve so that office workers can finally open the windows. Complement this picture skyscrapers in which residential and office space are combined with greenhouses and vegetable patches on the terraces and roofs are covered with greenery. .

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St 4: Or vice versa- an authoritarian regime, a hotbed of crime, people in bunkers because of war or some catastrophe. In such a city, you will not find peace of mind, you will have to chase fear. And dangerous ways of using tech can lead constant wars and disasters and what is more people could find themselves under the power of machines.

St 1: Let’s hope for the better.

St 3: The ideal city of the future exists only in the plans and projects. And we are happy to introduce our vision of the ideal city where tech comes to the service to people.

Video 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBkY1h6G8as )

St 2: Thank you very much. As for me, I would like to live in such a city and I wonder how clever my new home will be. Just how much will it vary from ordinary houses? And my questions are to our guest-house designer.

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St 5: Well, in some ways it’s very similar. The kitchen, the bathrooms, the televisions are just like now but the tech in the house makes them more energy efficient.

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St 5: It will have a new design.

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It will look unusual.

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It could be controlled by gadgets.

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It will have its own system which controls everything in the home.

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Also it will control other things like curtains, garden, temperature of water in the home.

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Of course, it will have eco-system of solar panels, eco-drainage system and own system for cleaning up water.

I always ask people who are interested in house design what they would like to see in the house of the future. And what about you, Helen and Svyatoslav?

St 1: I’d like a device that could carry me up to bed when I feel tired.

St 2: I would love a self-cleaning house.

St 1: In my house of the future I’d like a robot teacher that I can turn off.

St 2: I’d like a house where I could watch football in every room.

St 5: I hope we should go for this…

St 2: And will your house be environmently-friendly? Will it be possible to drink running water?

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St 6: Of course, people will use new methods of water purification such as the action of constant magnetic field that restores the structure of water. Also the treatment of water with ultraviolet rays will be used. It will disinfect water by special photochemical reaction.

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St 6: Along with this the devices using ozonation which destroys harmful microorganisms will be installed in each house and I’m convinced this method is the best.

St 1: How will these houses look from inside? Will they be nice and cosy?

St 5: Yes, from the latest in home design to incredible gadgets. I’d like you to enjoy video project about one of the most modern houses in the world. It was built as an experiment to test the latest tech and ideas for living. It is called Living tomorrow……

Video 2 with comments and without sound (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DJr8QwgLEA )

St 5 (comments): Living tomorrow shows what house to expect in the near future. How could it be to have a house where everything is controlled out of your bed?

Today Susan, the reporter, is in Brussels, able to experience house of the future.

Fingerprints recognition tech let her enter the house.

The kitchen is often the heart of the house. It looks functional and has everything we need in modern kitchen: a built-in TV, a music player and, of course, a lot of equipment to cook.

You can set the mood for yourself, so if you are looking for a romantic evening with your loved once only you do is simply press the touchscreen button on the smart board and your favorite music will play, the lights will go down and then it’s just time to sit and relax.

If you notice that you are running out of Cola, you can add it to your grocery list on the smart board and it helps you with your everyday choice and it makes your life easier.

Paying bills in the future will also be easier as well. All you can do is to press your fingers down and smart board will screen your personal fingerprints and your payment is done.

You can observe every corner in your house with a help of built-in cameras and feel safety.

In the morning you can start your day brushing teeth in front of the intelligent mirror. In this mirror you can look at the news what is happening in the world, listen to your favourite music or even see what the weather is going to be today.

This house is all about comfortable living. The entire house is equipped with the most high-tech and coolest gadgets of tomorrow controlled by easy-to-use touch screen system and your fingerprints. That’s what we call easy living.

St 1: This project is wonderful! I’ve always dreamed about living in a such efficient house. And how much does it cost?

St 5: 22 mln euros.

St 1: Oh, it’s a bit expensive!

St 2: And who will do the washing up and all other housework?

St 5: Of course, robots!


St 5: They will be intelligent and even ready to save your life. They will be nannies and baby-sitters.

St 2: Oh, I’d like to have such a robot at home because my mum is always cross about my dirty dishes and unmade bed.

St 1: I’m with you. It could help my younger brother do his homework without me because he is usually busy with his iPod, smartphone and laptop surfing the net.

St 2: How is computer tech going to change in the next few years? Can you tell us about it, our computer programmers?

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St 7: With pleasure.

The computers of the future are expected to be smaller, faster and smarter. For the past 20 years, CPU performance has doubled about every 18 months. The PowerPC will stay close to this pace for the next 10 years–a nearly 100-fold improvement in that time.

St 8: Actual voice input will become a reality. Within ten years every computer will have speech and linguistics built into it. Instead of typing or clicking, you’ll tell your PC to launch this application or print that document. At the office, your e-mail message is just as likely to be a video clip. At home it probably means that your PC takes control of the lights, temperature, and appliances.

St 7: Monitors – Displays may be flexible, and you’ll unfold them from your pocket.

St 8: Personal Security - Your finger print, voice even your facial features will serve as a secure, virtually foolproof way of verifying your identity.

St 7: Travel agents and Meteorologists will have a better global view. Spherical Shaped Computer Display-A spherical display will have unique applications for computer users who need to observe the surface of the earth or other planets. We will be able to hold intelligent conversations with our computers.

St 8: As machines and computers become more intelligent, they will also take on personalities. Machines will become human-like, there will be man-machine marriages.

St 7: Tomorrow’s computer-human interface will be wearable. Computers worn on smart glasses will broadcast information into a person’s eyes. Applications for smart glasses might start in an industrial area like car repair shops, where the goggles would allow a mechanic to see a diagram of a car with all of its parts identified.

St 8: In the future, when you look back at today’s personal computers, your grandchildren will hear the stories about your computer that “couldn’t listen, couldn’t talk, or couldn’t see.

St 2: Oh, the computers will change greatly! Thank you!

St 1: I love keeping up with all the latest trends. It’s so easy to be fashionable these days as lots of top designers make clothes for the cheaper, high street shops . And how will the tech affect the world of fashion? Would you like to tell us about it, fashion designers?

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St 9: So let’s talk about technology in fashion. We are living in the century of high technology. We become accustomed to the inventions that yesterday were new for science. No wonder if a few years later such big companies as Apple, Cisco Systems would produce high-tech clothes.

St 10: So what about dresses? I like this part of women’s wardrobe. But it’s too hard to put on yourself without somebody’s help because of a zipper. And I have an idea of solving this problem. It’s a spray-dress!

St 9: It’s really awesome! And how might it work?

St 10: Nothing complicated. You spray special substance from a container around your body and this cloud envelopes you with lint-free fabric. Thus you can model your own dress quickly and without special qualification.

St 9: Oh, dear, and what if I’m not in shape?

St 10: In my opinion, in 50 years all fashion models will become plump because all housework will be done by appliances, so women will have less to do. That’s why fashion industry will turn to plump models.

St 11: Wait a minute, ladies. Our clothes won’t change a lot. However, I can’t say the same about the accessorizes. What do you think about the sneakers with charging for your phone? Imagine that your phone got discharged. And you have no opportunity to charge it. Never mind! Just put on your smart sneakers and charge your phone. I’m sure your friends never hear: “The number is not available at the moment”.

St 9: As for me, I always get troubles with the colour of my nails. Every day I wear different types of clothes. Yesterday I was dressed in the “office” style. Today I’m “casual”.

St 11: And what’s the problem?

St 9: You see I can’t change the colour of nail polish according to the style of my clothes. I’m thinking about the changing – colour-polish. We can use special computer technologies to choose colours we need.

St 10: In my point of view, in the nearest future our clothes will become luminous.

St 11: Don’t you think it would be very expensive to produce this type of clothes?

St 10: Nowadays we can see prices to luminodiodes are lowing down. Back to our topic, this technology would be useful in daily life- if you are in darkness your clothes serve as a flashlight. Besides, it’s cool to have clothes that can change their colour.

St 9: What is more, we can charge luminodiodes using solar panels attached to the back side of your clothes.

St 1: Amazing! I’d like to have such misty clothes!

St 2: I wonder how modern tech will change the design of jeans?

St 1: It’s a pity the time of our programme has run out. Thanks to all who took part in our discussion.

St 2: Hope to meet in this studio again next week.