Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "An Hour of Merry Competitions". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Класс: 5

Theme: My Native Place

Aims Привитие интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание патриотических чувств, чувства гордости за свой край, развитие творчеcких способностей учащихся, закрепление пройденного материала.

Visual aids: Эмблемы, кроссворды, картинки по теме, таблицы с названиями конкурсов, грамматические и лексические задания на карточках и рисунках, лозунги, музыкальное оформление, жетоны, ТСО.

Ход мероприятия

Teacher; Hello, boys and girls! Good afternoon dear fans and guests! Glad to meet you here. Today we have “An Hour of Merry Competitions” Two wonderful teams will take part in them. Meet the team of the 5A form “STAR” and “FUNNY TEAM” of the 5B form. And now let me introduce you our jury. These are the pupils of the 10th form. (Представление жюри.)

Teacher: Let’s start. The first point of our competitions is “Greeting”.

(Команды по очереди приветствуют друг друга.)

“Funny Team”:

The harder the struggle
The sweeter the Victory!
Good luck!


If you want to be on top,
Don’t let your education stop!
Keep your chin up!

Teacher: “Visiting –card”– competition.

(Члены каждой команды рассказывают о себе.)

Pupil 1: My name is Sergei. I’m a pupil of the 5th form. I live near my school. My favorite subjects are Maths and History. I like to play football.

(И так далее… )

Teacher: Next point of our merry competitions is “Erudites. Look at the blackboard! You can see a picture there. You must read the sentences under the picture and insert the right form of the verb “to be”.

SOS! 1.Help us! 2. We _ in the sea. 3. My name _ Susan. 4. I _ in a boat. 5. John _ in the sea.6. It _ very, very cold. 7. We _ from England. 8. SOS! HELP US!

(Члены команд по очереди выходят к доске и вставляют карточки ”is”, “are”, “am” вместо пропусков. Жюри подводит итоги.)

Teacher: “Crossword”.

The next task is to fill up crosswords. Look here! You can see 5 pictures for each crossword. The theme is “Prepositions”. You must write the words correctly. That team, which finishes first will win this competition. (Команды разгадывают кроссворды и пишут названия предлогов по– англий -ски. Болельщики поддерживают свои команды лозунгами).

Teacher:“Reciters’ Corner”

Teacher: Sing a Song” – competition (Каждая команда исполняет песенку на английском языке.)

“Funny Team”: Colours

I see green, I see yellow.
I see that funny fellow.
I see white, I see black
I see this and that and that
I see pink, I see brown,
I stand up and I sit down.
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you, and you.

“Star”: Little Cabin in the Wood.

Little cabin in the wood.
Little man by the window stood.
Little rabbit hopping by,
Knocking at the door.
”Help me, help me, ser!” he said.
“For the farmer bobs my head”,
”Come on in”, the man said,
“Warm up by the fire”.

(Жюри подводит итоги конкурсов.)

Teacher: Excursion”.

Каждая команда получает текст, в котором пропущены предлоги и получает картинку по теме “In the town”. В течении 5 минут участники конкурса должны вставить вместо пропусков нужные предлоги. Один представитель команды читает текст, другой у доски показывает где что находится.

Teacher: Now let’s go round the town. “Funny Team” will begin an excursion.

“Funny Team”: From my bedroom window I can see an old park. There is a nice café _____of my street. I can see a big supermarket ___ of the café. ___ there is a pet shop. I can see my school ____ the pet shop. And there is a church ____ my school.

Keys: (on the corner, on the right, behind, behind, behind)

“Star”:From my bedroom window I can see a small garden with flowers ___ it. ___ the garden there is a street. I can see a charming café ___ of the street. ___ there is a pet shop. ___ left there is a church ___of the park. There is a supermarket ___ of the church.

Keys: (behind, on the corner, near, on, in the middle, in front of)

Teacher: “Do with us”.

During this competition the teams will do exercises singing a song or reciting a poem.

“Funny Team”

You take your little hands
And go clap, clap, clap.
Clap, clap, clap your hands.

You take your little toes
And go tap ,tap, tap.
Tap, tap, tap your little toes.

You take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink.
Blink, blink , blink your eyes.

You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss.
Kiss your dear Mum and Dad.


Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes, knees and toes. 
Head and shoulders, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears, 
And mouth and nose. mouth and nose. 
Head and shoulders, knees and toes.

Arms and legs, 
And feet and hands, feet and hands.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes.

Teacher: “Captains’“ – competition.

Now the captains of each team will tell us about our town Shakhty.

“Star”: The town I live in is not very large, but it is nice. It is in Rostov region. It has a rich historical past. Over 237000 people live here. In the center of the town there is Lenin Square. There is a theatre, a museum, many schools, libraries and shops in Shakhty. You can see a beautiful Palace of Sports, a stadium in my town. I like sports and I go to a swimming pool.

“Funny Team”: I live in Shakhty. My town is not very large but it is beautiful and quiet. There are many trees in the streets of my town. The streets are wide. There is Lenin Square in the centre of the town. On the right there is a cinema “Aurora”. There is an institute behind the square. There is a nice park in my town. There are many places of interest in it.

(Жюри подводит итоги, награждaет победителей и участников.)

Teacher: Dear friends! Our merry competitions came up to the end. We all had a rest, played, sang songs, took part in many competitions. You were at the top! Good luck! Thank you for participation.