Урок английского языка по теме "Лица Лондона". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативных навыков учащихся по теме.


  • Воспитательные
    • формирование способности к коллективной работе в паре, группе;
    • формирование уважительного отношения к иноязычной культуре.
  • Развивающие
    • развивать коммуникативные свойства личности школьников;
    • развивать креативное и логическое мышление учащихся;
    • учить систематизировать учебный материал(составление таблиц).
  • Образовательные
    • обучать навыкам аудирования;
    • обучать умению вести диалог-расспрос;
    • обучать связному монологическому высказыванию;
    • формировать навыки чтения и письма.

Оборудование урока: картинки, раздаточный материал, карточки со словами, компьютер, мультимедиа презентации.


1. Hello, children! I am glad to see you, sit down, please! How are you today?

2. Our topic today is “Faces of London”. Today’s saying is “When a man is tired of London he is tired of life”. How do you understand the topic?
So, what will we talk about today? (Аbout famous sights of London and its people). Besides we’ll make an excursion to the sights of London.
Let’s begin.

3. What sights of London do you know?
Match the words on the blackboard, please.
Park palace bridge museum – M.Tussaud’s Hyde the Tower of London Regent’s MOMI Tower Buckingham

4. Now guess the words, please. Somauf, ollcinotec, velon, aemrdi, unerat, xepetneirm, agalenug – famous, collection, novel, admire, nature, experiment, language.

5. Can you give a more general word?

1. Square, museum, city, street, park, garden (city).
2. Year, month, minute, time, week, day (time).
3. Librarian, musician, occupation, actor, dancer (occupation).
4. Sister, cousin, mother, grandpa, relative (relative).
5. Fairy-tale, legend, book, story, poem (book).

6. Can you give synonyms, please? (on the blackboard) well-known author novel real make many immediately everyone imagination century – story quickly famous writer true do fantasy a lot of everybody 100 years

7. Pupils, have you ever been to any museum in London? Let’s make up dialogues. (ex. 3 p.79 of the textbook).

8. London is famous not only for its museums, parks, churches, it’s famous for its people too. Could you name the people, please?
Write – … (writer), poetry –…, law – …, library – …, paint – …, read – …, architecture – …, art – …, music – …, sport – …, drive – …, dive – …, politics – …, act – …, business – ….

9. I wonder what famous English writers (politicians, artists, actors) you know.

10. And now we’ll do some exercises for your eyes!

11. Now would you please guess the people? (Write the names on the sheets of paper, please).

1) He lived in the 19th century. He collected all kinds of things, minerals, bird’s nests, insects. He studied at Cambridge University. He liked experiments. He was fond of travelling by sea. (Ch. Darwin).
2) She is famous for her museum. It has one of the largest collections in the world. Here famous and infamous come face to face. There is a special place for the Queen’s family. (M.Tussaud’s).
3) He lived in the 18 and 19th centuries. His father was a barber. He was very fond of nature. He liked travelling. He painted landscapes and sea pictures. (J.Turner).
4) He lived in the 19th century. He was fond of languages. He spoke 6 ancient languages and even made up his own languages. In his books he describes a fairy-tale world. (J.Tolkien).
5) He lived in the 17 and 18th centuries. He wrote his famous novel when he was 60. He didn’t write his book for children. He is called the father of English prose. (D. Defoe).

12. Pupils, can you write the words right? Fill in the missing letters. Si- -t, w- -w- -k, fa- - -s, col- -c- - -n, ex-e- -e- -e, q- -en, sp-c- -l. (sight, waxwork, famous, collection, experience, queen, special).
– So, what place is it? (M.Tussaud’s museum).
– What do you know about this museum? (textbook ex.10 p.80)

13. – Now let’s make an excursion to the museum! You will see some projects about famous people, you can see their figures in M.Tussaud’s Museum. Will you please open your copybooks and fill in the table with the information you will hear. (name/ age/ professions/ interesting facts). Some pupils present their projects they have prepared at home – about C.Aguilera, M.Jackson, Lady Gaga, Willliam and Kate (the British prince and his wife).

14. – Thank you, that was great! At home you will get ready to speak about the person you liked best using the table.

15. – Now back to our today’s saying, are you tired of London? You’re not. Will you please do the crossword. The key word is MADAMTUSSAUDSMUSEUM

16. – Thank you for your good work! It was great! Your marks for the lesson… Mind your homework and be ready to speak about some famous person.

На уроке были использованы приёмы ТРИЗ технологий: кластер = спайдерграф, какое слово скрывается, показательный ответ, свои примеры, загадки, кроссворд – творческая работа на будущее.