Праздник "Christmas party"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Пояснительная записка к празднику рождества.

Праздник разработан на основе публикаций в журнале “ Иностранные языки в школе”, в газете “ Первое сентября” и других печатных материалов. В празднике использованы тексты и музыка известных рождественских песен, презентации, выполненные учениками школы, видеоролики из Интернет-ресурсов.

Праздник проходит в форме спектакля, так как драматизация является успешным комплексным методом обучения иностранному языку и культуре, который активизирует лексику и коммуникативные навыки ребенка, привлекает предметы творческого цикла, такие как музыка и рисование. Участие в спектакле и в целом в празднике дает детям возможность искать собственные пути и средства самовыражения, задействует большую часть их навыков и способностей. Открывается широкое поле для осуществления принципа сотрудничества и сотворчества.

Приобретенные таким образом знания и навыки откладываются как личный ситуативный и страноведческий опыт.

Предлагаемый материал был опробован с учащимися 5–7 классов средней общеобразовательной школы.


Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you here. Today people in Europe, in the USA celebrate Christmas – a beautiful holiday which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated with lights and toys; when we see Christmas trees everywhere; when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties. And we’ll celebrate this holiday now! We’ll play games, sing songs, recite poems – so I hope that we’ll enjoy our party and have a good time! (“ Ave Maria”(Приложение 1) и Слайд 1 презентации (Приложение 2 ))


Silent night. Holy night.
All is calm, all is bright,
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child,
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night. Holy night.
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts sing Halleluia;
hrist the Savior is born,
Christ the Savior is born.

Silent night. Holy night.
Son of God, love’s pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.


Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь.
Дремлет все, лишь не спит
В благоговеньи святая чета:
Чудным Младенцем полны их сердца.
Радость в душе их горит.
Радость в душе их горит.

Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь.
Глас с небес возвестил:
“ Радуйтесь, ныне родился Христос,
Мир и спасенье Он всем нам принес,
Свыше вас свет посетил!
Свыше вас свет посетил!”

Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь.
К небу нас Бог призывал,
О, да откроются наши сердца
И да прославят Его все уста,
Он нам Спасителя дал!
Он нам спасителя дал!

Pupil: The Christmas story comes from the Bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. The shepherds were very frightened. Then came the voice and the singing. They were beautiful and not of this earth. “ Good news,” sang the voice. Today in David’s city a deliverer has been born for you– the Messiah, the Lord.” The voice and the singing ceased and the heavens closed. (Слайд 2)

Pupil: As soon as they came to themselves, the shepherds hurried down to Bethlehem. They walked through the sleeping city. They came to the inn and found the stable. There was the baby, called Jesus, Joseph kneeling beside him, Mary, sitting by his head as he slept in peace.

Teacher: Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christians celebrate Christmas.


Christmas is a lovely time,
The snow lies white and thick.
Mistletoe is hard to find
And holly hard to pick.
Gifts wrapped up in Christmas paper,
Sitting round the tree so bright.
Children fast asleep in bed
As Santa comes tonight.
Tinsel round the windows bright
Pink, orange, red and white
Glittering in the evening light
Oh, such a lovely sight! (Слайды 3, 4)

Pupil: Hundreds of years ago to celebrate Christmas, German people began placing evergreen trees in their homes and decorating them. The evergreen had long been the symbol of life. (Слайд 5)


O New Year tree, o New Year tree,
Your gay green dress delights us.
O New Year tree, o New Year tree,
You give us so much pleasure!
You do not fade with winter’s snow,
You bloom with lights when cold winds blow!

Pupil: The people exchange brightly wrapped presents to each other as reminders of the Wise Men’s gifts to the Christ child. Traditionally, English children hang a stocking near their beds or by the chimney or by the fireplace. In the morning on the 25th of December, they check if Santa Claus had filled it with presents. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house on Christmas Eve by climbing down the chimney. (Слайды 6–8)

Teacher: If you guess my riddles, I’ll be your Santa Claus and give a present for each correct answer:

  1. It’s blue by night.
    By day it’s white.
    It is cold and not dry
    It falls from the sky. (snow)
  2. Fat and gay, on a winter day,
    He came here with us to stay.
    But day by day he grew sad and thin
    And so we brought his younger brother in (a calendar)
  3. One face, two hands.
    It goes yet stands. (a clock)

Pupil: Some pupils prepared a present for you, too, the play about a little fir-tree.


(Звучит музыка.)

Story-teller: A little fir-tree lived in the forest. It stood among tall fir-trees. It had very nice long green needles. It was a pretty little tree, but was not happy.

Fir-tree: I do not like my needles. All the other trees have leaves. I wish green leaves, not needles.

Story-teller: The Fairy of the forest heard the words.

Fairy: What kinds of leaves do you want?

Fir-tree: Oh, dear Fairy, I want green leaves!

Story-teller: Next morning when the little tree woke up, it had green leaves. But in the afternoon the cow came into the forest and ate all the green leaves.

Fairy: What kind of the leaves do you want now?

Fir-tree: Oh, I want leaves of gold. Cows do not eat gold leaves.

Story-teller: Next morning the Fairy gave the fir-tree gold leaves. The fir-tree was very proud of its new dress. But in the afternoon a man came and picked all the gold leaves.

Fir-tree: Oh, I’m so unhappy! I’m very cold. I have no leaves!

Fairy: What kind of leaves would you like to have now?

Fir-tree: Oh, please, give me glass leaves! Nobody will want my glass leaves.

Story-teller: Next day a little fir-tree had glass leaves.

Fir-tree: How happy I am! See, my leaves shine in the sun!

Story-teller: But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and broke all the glass leaves. Again the fir-tree’s branches were bare!

Fir-tree: Oh, dear Fairy, give me my needles back! Cows do not eat them. Men do not want them. The wind will not break them.

Fairy: Let it be so!

Story-teller: Next day the little fir-tree had all its needles again and was very happy!

Teacher: Warmly greet our young actors. Well done! Are you tired? Let’s play a little

The game “ PASS the PARCEL”.

Here is something wrapped in a lot of the papers. You’ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you, who has a parcel in the hands, take off one of the papers. The music starts again. The person who takes the last piece off wins the prize.

(“Jingle Bells” (Приложение 3))

The game “ POINSETTIA”.

Mexican legend tells of a poor boy who wanted to give the Christ child a gift on Christmas Eve but had nothing to give. He prayed hard and suddenly a poinsettia sprang at his feet. Have a look at this nice flower. In a minute time write as many words as possible using the letters of this word.

Guess the puzzle:

Y R S M H E M R A S T I C R! (Merry Christmas!) (Слайд 9)

Odd word:

Teacher: I’ll show you groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this word, please.

  1. turkey, goose, pudding, nuts, oranges, pears, tree (tree)
  2. sleigh, Santa Claus, snow-flake, winter, butterfly (butterfly)
  3. Christmas, pudding, turkey, Easter, cracker, tinsel, wreath (Easter)
  4. tinsel, stocking, mistletoe, gift, holly, sleigh, baubles, T-shirt (T-shirt)

Pupil: There are many different Christmas traditions. (Слайд 10) And Christmas dinner is one of them. People eat Christmas pudding. It is the highlight of Christmas dinner. Children often put holly on the pudding. Traditionally a coin or two is placed into it. It brings good luck to a person who finds it.

Teacher: Let’s start our dinner with pudding. Unfortunately we have no roast turkey today but you see a lot of tasty things. Take your places at the table. Help yourselves!


New thing to learn!
New friend to meet!
New songs to sing,
New books to read.
New things to see,
New places to visit,
New things to hear,
New thing to do
In this glad New Year!
A happy New Year to you,
A happy New Year to me.
A happy New Year to all our friends
Wherever they may be.
A happy New Year to school,
And to our teachers, too.
A happy New Year to everyone
And I wish my wish comes true!


The new-born year will soon be due
The distance less and less.
Best wishes, friends, to all of you!
Best wishes to success!

(Приложение 4)

All participants give presents to each other and have tea.