Урок английского языка по теме "Режим дня". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 5

Презентации к уроку

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Тип урока: урок формирования умений и навыков по всем видам речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо),

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные:
    • актуализировать использование лексических единиц по теме «Режим дня»;
    • формировать грамматические навыки образования и употребления Present Simple Tense;
    • совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению, письму.
  • Развивающие:
    • развивать познавательный интерес;
    • развивать умения и навыки учащихся применять знания при выполнении творческих заданий;
    • развивать умения выделять главное, систематизировать изученный материал.
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитать интерес и положительное отношение к изучению английского языка;
    • формировать чувство ответственности за результат совместного труда;
    • содействовать формированию установок на правильный режим дня.

Этапы урока.

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Подготовка учащихся к активной речевой деятельности на уроке.
  3. Постановка цели и задач урока
  4. Актуализация опорных знаний:
    • фонетическая зарядка;
    • речевая зарядка.
  5. Применение знаний учащихся в творческих заданиях:
  6. Формирование умений и навыков монологического высказывания.
  7. Совершенствование умений и навыков речевой деятельности.
  8. Рефлексия результативности урока.
  9. Подведение итогов урока.
  10. Домашнее задание
  11. Анализ работы учащихся учителем, выставление оценок.

Основной замысел урока – формирование умений и навыков по видам речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) учащихся по теме «Режим дня». Исходя из психолого-педагогической характеристики группы, я запланировала использование в основном репродуктивного метода.

Вид учебной деятельности учащихся – частично-поисковый.

Формы учебной работы на основном этапе урока – дифференцированно-групповая. Прогнозирую успешную реализацию замысла урока при условии достижения поставленных задач.


I. Организационный момент


– Good morning, children!

Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you.

– I am very glad to see you too. Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson.

II. Today, we are going to travel to the country Do Did Done, The Present Simple Tense. You'll learn to ask and answer the different types of questions;

  • You'll repeat the words you learnt last lessons;
  • You'll listen and read "Agent Cute's report" and you'll do exercises.
  • Today we'll have a lot of work to do.

– Let's start with phonetic exercises. (Презентация 1)

– Look at the clock and say: What time is t?

It's ... o'clock.

– Last time you listened and read the poem "What does the clock say". Who wants to retell the poem?



It's seven o'clock in the morning.
Get up, get up, get up!
It's eight o'clock! It's eight!
It's eight! Come on! It's late.


It’s nine o’clock in the morning
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
It's nine o'clock, it's nine o'clock,
"It's nine, it's nine" — says the clock.


It's ten o'clock in the evening.
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.
It's ten o'clock, it's time for bed
Say "Goodnight" and go to bed.

– Please, open you books, p.164, ex.2.
Last lesson you read and translated the new words.
Listen and repeat after the speaker and translate the words. Now, read the word of ex.2.
Name all the actions you do every day.

to get up
to eat
to have breakfast
to go for a walk
to go out
to go to bed
to have a rest
to have lunch
to go to school
tо have dinner
to play computer games
to do homework
to read books
to watch TV
to help about the house

– Please, answer my questions.

  1. When do you usually get up?
  2. Do you get up at 6 o'clock or at 7 o'clock?
  3. Do you wash you face and hands?
  4. You clean your teeth every morning, don't you?
  5. Do you clean teeth every morning?
  6. When do you have breakfast?
  7. When do you go to school?
  8. Where do you have lunch?
  9. Do you have lunch at school or at home?
  10. Do you have lunch at 10 o'clock or at 12 o'clock?
  11. When do you come home?
  12. Do you come home at 2 o'clock or at 3 o'clock?
  13. Do you have dinner every day?
  14. When do you have dinner?
  15. What do you do in the evening?
  16. I help about the house,
    I read books,
    I play computer games,
    I watch TV,
    I go for a walk with my dog
    I go fcr a walk with my friends

  17. When do you go to bed?

III. Boys and girls, can you tell us about your day?

Masha, please ... (Презентация 2)
Children, your questions to Masha…
When do you do your homework?
Alina, please
Your questions …
Do you do your morning exercises?

Sasha, please tell us about your day… (Презентация 3)
Do you have lunch at school or at home?
Rostislav, please
Your questions …
When do you have breakfast?

IV. Now, let's do ex.5 on p.165
Here is our friend, agent Gute
He is writing a report to his boss.
First listen to the speaker.

Agent Cute's report

Robin MacWizard is in Lukinsk with his pen friend Misha.
I have problems.
I normally watch the boys from a big tree in the garden.
I start at 6 o'clock every morning and finish at 11 o'clock every evening.
At 7 o'clock the boys get up. I sit in a tree.
At 7.30 the boys have their hot breakfast. I eat my cold sandwich. No coffee.
At 8 o'clock they go to school. I rest. (I can't watch them at school. It is very big.)
At 1 o'clock they come home and have lunch. I sit in a tree. No lunch for me!
In the afternoon the boys do very strange things.
They walk the cat. (Normal boys walk dogs.)
They speak English and read History books. (Normal boys watch TV and play computer games.)
They often play with a mixer, a kettle and a fridge. (Normal boys play football.)
They never go out with Misha's friends. (Normal boys always go out in the evening.)
At 7 o'clock the boys have dinner with their family. I go for a short walk around my tree.
At 11 o'clock they go to bed and I go home. I am always cold and tired.
Help me, boss!

Agent Cute

V. Some words of the report are hidden there.
– Look at the cards, Try to guess what words are hidden.

1. Often 15-6-20-5-14
2. Always 1-12-23-1-26-19
3. Normally 14-15-18-13-1-12-12-25
4. Never 14-5-22-5-18
5. Every day 5-22-5-18-25/4-1-25
6. Every morning 5-22-5-18-25 / 13-15-18-14-9-14-7
7. Every evening 5-22-5-18-25 / 5-22-5-14-9-14-7
8. In the afternoon            9-14 / 20-8-5 / 1-6-20-5-18-14-15-15-14


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Please, read the words.

It seems to me that you are tired. Let’s have a rest and have some fun. Look at me and do the same.

Hands up,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Hands to the sides,
Bend left,
Bend right,
Hands on hips,
One, two, three, hop,
One, two, three, stop.
Stand still.

VI. Now, find in the text and read the sentences.

  1. What do Robin and Misha do in the morning?
  2. What do the boys do in the afternoon?
  3. What do the boys do in the evening?

VII. Now, close your books and your last task is on your laptops. Give true answers, please. Let's start.

Test (в программе «My Test»)

  1. At 7 o'clock the boys have dinner with their family.
  2. The boys do very strange things.
  3. Misha and Robin go to bed at 11 o'clock.
  4. Misha and Robin watch TV and play computer games.
  5. The boys walk dogs.
  6. Misha and Robin come home at 1 o'clock and have lunch.
  7. At 8 o'clock the boys go to school.
  8. The boys play with a mixer, a kettle and a fridge.
  9. Misha and Robin get up at 7 o'clock.
  10. The boys go out with Misha's frends.

every morning
every evening
in the afternoon

VIII. Open your record books and write down your homework: do ex. 7W in the Workbook.

IX. Pupils! You've known a lot of interesting things today, haven't you?

  1. Did we travel?
  2. What country did we visit? (The country Do Did Done)
  3. Who lives in the country? (The verbs)
  4. What is the key to the gates? (Always…)
  5. Did you know more English words?
  6. Did you like our travel?
  7. Good- buy.

– We did a lot of work. And your marks…
– Thank you for the lesson.