Урок "Английский поэт П.Б. Шелли"

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Цель урока:формировать представления учащихся о жизни и деятельности английского поэта П.Б.Шелли;

Задачи урока:

  • развивающие:продолжать обучать учащихся чтению с извлечением детальной информации, развивать речевые умения в монологической речи, уметь последовательно излагать мысли, факты, суждения, связанные в смысловом отношении и соотнесённые с задачей высказывания;
  • воспитательные: воспитывать любовь и уважение к творчеству великого английского поэта и его стихам, формировать духовную культуру личности ученика;
  • образовательные: продолжать совершенствовать умения, необходимые для понимания прочитанного как на уровне значения, так и на уровне смысла, выполнять после текстовые задания, формировать лексические навыки говорения после чтения текстов.

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя: Literature and poetry belong to a cultural fund of any country. It’s impossible to imagine our life without books and poems, written by famous poets. England is rich in a greatnumber of poets. So, what English poets do youknow? Have you ever readtheir poems? Did you like them or not? What are they about?

2. Pupils’ answers.

3. Have you ever heard of P.B. Shelley? He was a famous English poet.

4. So, what is the aim of our lesson?

5. Pupils’ answers: the aim of our lesson is to learn more about P.B. Shelley, to feel his poetry, to learn the most important facts from his biography.Учительформулируетцельурока.

6. Teacher: and we’ll listen with great pleasure his poems, that you learned by heart.

7. Teacher: So, PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, one of the greatest of the English Romantic poets, was born at his father’s estate in the county of Sussex, on August 4, 1792.

P.B. Shelley
(1792 – 1822)

His father, Timothy Shelley, was a Whigmember of Parliament. His mother, Elizabeth Pilford Shelley, was of a poetic and artistic inclination. Percy was the eldest son and heir to his family’s main estates. So, he was regarded with great interest from birth. At the age of six the child began his classical education, then, he was taken on long rides round the farms to learn something of his future duties. Indoors, he invented strange tales to entertain his sisters, and composed his earlier verses.

8. Your home task was read texts about Shelley, biographical texts.

These are these texts:

a) In 1802, Shelley was sent to a preparatory school, Sion House Academy, where he was tormented by the older boys and, perhaps because he felt persecuted, was first filled with a sense of mission in the cause of liberty. His active resistance to the system of fagging imposed on the younger boys earned him some admiration, as well as considerable bullying. Shelley entered his famous Eton College in 1804. There harsh experiences continued, for his original ideas provoked some of his school fellows and he was nicknamed “ Mad Shelley”. However, in the end he had friends enough at Eton, where, in July 1810, he pronounced his Latin oration like other noteworthy scholars.


Did you understand the text? Was it difficult to translate? Did you meet in the text a lot of unknown words?

Let’s do this task:

Match questions and answers:

b) In October 1810, Shelley entered University College, Oxford, and at once made friends with another freshman named Thomas Hogg. The two young men busied themselves with literary collaboration, and 1n 1811 published anonymously a pamphlet entitled The Necessity of Atheism. The pamphlet had not been on sale many minutes before the Reverend John Walker entered the shop, consulted with the proprietors, and supervised the burning of all the copies of the offensive publication in the black kitchen. Shelley and Hogg were dealt with almost as decisively as their pamphlet. They were expelled from Oxford.

Shelley at Oxford

Answer these questions:

1. Where did Shelley enter in 1811?

2. Who did he make friends with?

3. What were their common interests?

4. Why wasn’t their pamphlet on sale for some time?

5. Why did Reverend John Walker order to burn their pamphlet?

6. Why were they expelled?

c) In the autumn of 1811, Shelley married Harriet Westbrook, his sisters’ friend.

Harriet Westbrook – Shelley’s first wife

c)She was beautiful, well - educated and, in Shelley’s view, lacked only some of the opinions in order to be a perfect wife. In November 1811, they arrived in the Lake District (the beautiful part of the north of England), where Shelley met one of his idols, the poet Robert Southey. Later they went over to Dublin and made friends with many fighters for the liberation of Ireland from British oppression.

Match nouns and adjectives:

Nouns Adjectives
1.Wife a) many
2. Part b) British
3.Oppression c)beautiful
4.Fighters d) perfect

Key: 1 – d; 2 – c; 3 – b; 4 – a;

d) In 1813, Shelley brought out the poem Queen Mab, which titled against the laws of modern society and official religion. He printed it privately and distributed it from John Westbrook’s house in London.

After the death of Harriet Westbrook, Shelley married Mary Godvin, who later became the well – known English novelist. In 1816, the Shelleys left England for Switzeland. There they met George Gordon Byron, another and perhaps the greatest of Shelley’s idols.

Mary Godvin – the second poet’s wife

Later they moved to Italy and settled in Milan. In 1818 . Shelley published his second major poem, The Revolt of Islam, in which he preached struggle against tyranny. The next year, 1819, saw the culmination of Shelley’s work: the great tragedy of The Cency and (in1819 – 1820) the verse drama PrometheusUnbound. This lastembodies, in forms of surpassing imagination and beauty, the author’s deepest and most daring conceptions. Shelley also wrote a great number of lyrical, philosophical and satirical poems, as well as essays on art and poetry.

Match the statements/ questions and replies:

Questions: Did Shelley’s poem support the laws of modern society or not? Whom did Shelley meet in Switzeland? Who was Byron? What was his second poem about? What was his last poem about? What did it embody? What were his feelings those times?

Replies: Shelley was against the laws of modern society; In Switzeland Shelley met Byron; Byron was a great English poet; His second poem The Revolt of Islam was against cruelty and tyranny; His last poem embodied his deepest feelings and beauty; Shelley thought about struggle against modern laws and at the same time he had lyrical feelings;

e) In 1821, Shelley was joined at Pisa by his cousin Tom Medvin, his schoolfellow Edward Williams, and, in the autumn, by Lord Byron. Byron proposed to found a new magazine owned by himself and Shelley, with Leigh Hunt as its experienced editor. Shelley persuaded Hunt to sail to Italy, hoping that he would join the company before the end of 1821. Hunt’s ship was delayed, however, and Hunt and his family did not reach Leghorn until June 1822. As Shelley and Williams lived in Lerici, not far from Leghorn, they hurried there in their boat to greet the Hunts. On July 8, 1822, during the homeward voyage from Leghorn to Lerici, Shelley’s boat went down in a storm, and the poet and his friend perished. Their bodies were found after some time and were cremated in the presence of Byron and other friends. Shelley’s ashes were buried in the Protestant cemetery in Rome. Shelley was, at the date of his untimely death, within a month of completing the thirtieth year of his life.

Match the words and their descriptions:

1. To found a new magazine; a) school friend;
2. Schoolfellow; b) tragically die;
3.To join the company; c) some days later;
4. Perish; d) to create;
5. Untimely; e) to be in the;
6. Homeward; f) returning home;
7. Aftersome time. g) inappropriate;
1. d
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. g
6. f
7. c


After having learntShelley’s biography, it’s time to touch upon his poems, which you learnt by heart at home”

The cloud (extract)

I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;
I bear light shade for the leaves when lai-
In their noonday dreams.
From my wings are shaken the dews that waken
The sweet buds every one,
When rocked to rest on their mother’s breast,
As she dances about the sun.
I wield the flail of the lashing hail,
And whiten the green plains under,
And then again I dissolve it in rain,
And laugh as I pass in thunder.

От ручьев и морей свежесть летних дождей
Приношу я цветам истомлённым.
И прозрачную тень я дарю в знойный день
Листьям, в сладкий покой погружённым.
Я на крыльях несу и роняю росу:
Ею каждая почка упьётся,
Пробуждаясь во мгле на родимой земле,
Что вкруг солнца, как в пляске, несётся.
Града звонким цепом бью далеко кругом,
И белеют зелёные долы.
Я дождём разрешусь и беспечно промчусь:
Слышен гром, слышен смех мой весёлый.
ПереводН. Минского.

Summer and winter

It was a bright and cheerful afternoon,
Towards the end of the sunny month of June,
When the north wind congregates in crowds
The floating mountains of the silver clouds
From the horizon – and the stainless sky
Opens beyond them like eternity.
All things rejoiced beneath the sun; the weeds,
The river, and the corn – fields, and the reeds;
The willow leaves that glanced in the light breeze,
And the firm foliage of the larger trees.
It was a winter such as when birds die
In the deep forests; and the fishes lie
Stiffened in the translucent ice, which makes
Even the mud and slime of the warm lakes
A wrinkled clod as hard as brick; and when,
Among their children, comfortable men
Gather about great fires, and yet feel cold:
Alas then for the homeless beggar old!


Лето и зима

Был ослепительный июньский день,
Тревожить воду ветру было лень.
На горизонте громоздились кучи
Плавучих гор – серебряные тучи.
И небосклон сиял над головой
Бездонною, как вечность, синевой.
Всё радовалось: лес, река и нивы
Поблёскивали в роще листья ивы.
И шелестела в тишине едва
Дубов столетних плотная листва...
ПереводС. Маршака.

Sonnet: Political Greatness

Nor happiness, nor majesty, nor fame,
Nor peace, nor strength, nor skill in arms or arts,
Shepherd those herds whom tyranny makes tame;
Verse echoes not one beating of their hearts,
History is but the shadow of their shame,
Art veils her glass, or from the pageant starts
As to oblivion their blind millions fleet,
Staining that Heaven with obscene imagery
Of their own likeness. What are numbers knit
By force or custom? Man who man would be,
Must rule the empire of himself’ in it
Must be supreme, establishing his throne
On vanquished will, quelling the anarchy
Of hopes and fears, being himself alone.

Государственное величие

Без вдохновенья, боя и труда,
Без доблести, без счастья и без славы
Пасутся подъяремные стада, -
И чужды им певучие октавы,
И, зеркало, завесив от стыда,
Молчит искусство, и мельчают Нравы.
Привычка к рабству мысли их тиранит;
Дыханьем, осквернив небесный свод,
Их род бесчисленный в забвенье канет,
А человеком станет только тот,
Кто властелином над собою станет.
Своим престолом разум стать принудит,
И свергнет страхов и мечтаний гнёт,
И лишь самим собой всегда пребудет.
Перевод К.Чемена.

9. Teacher: Wonderful poems, aren’t they? Let’s analyze them.

What do you think about the first poem: “Cloud”?

Pupils’ answers: a) Shelley showed a great love to nature, to ‘’ leaves in their dreams’’, to birds’’, ‘’ to sweet buds’’, to green plains’’, to ’’thunder’’. All these things belong to nature, he admired all these things. I like especially his expression: ‘’ thirsting’’ flowers. Nature awakened him, inspired him to some positive deeds, I think.

b) In this poem he compared summer and winter, he used a lot of metaphors to describe these seasons. What is the summer like? ‘’

‘’Bright and cheerful morning’’, ‘’floating mountains’’, ‘’corn – fields’’. All these words describe summer, June sunny day and sunny mood. I admire this poem,he used wonderful lines to describe summer. When I listened to this poem, I drew pictures in my mind about winter, frosts, ice and white snow, falling slowly on the ground.

What is the winter like?The winter was severe, as ‘’birds die in deep forests’’, the ice was’’ translucent’’, ‘’great fires’’, ‘’a wrinkled clod as hard as brick’’, ‘’old beggar’’. The winter was very cold, we feel a great frost in his lines. I think that, Shelley was a great master to describe seasons of the year. I can compare him with our Russian poet Pushkin, who was very strong, describing all seasons of the year.

c) His third poem is about his attitude towards the high classes of society. He wrote about tyranny, about people, who were forced by the government. He wrote about a man, who had to be great. According to his views, the society was shameful, as people had forgotten about cultural values: ‘’Art veils her glass...’’. ‘’Men must rule the empire’’, ‘’must be supreme’’, should have’’ fears and hopes’’.

Teacher:You see that, Shelley’s poetry was various. He wrote about all things, which were dear to him. He died at the age of 29, he was very young, but he wrote unforgettable poems. ‘’Ozymandias’’, “The Indian Serenade’’, ‘’The Fugitives’’, ‘’Music’’, ‘’To Jane: ‘’The Keen Stars Were Twinkling” and etc. Every his poem is connected with poet’s feelings and emotional experiences. His poems were so wonderful, tender and great that modern composers created songs using his fine poems. Listentooneofthem. Александр Суханов. “Строки”. Стихи П.Б.Шели.

Ещё одна песня на стихи Шели: (на русском)
Тоскует птица о любви своей,
Одна в лесу седом.
Крадётся холод меж ветвей,
Ручей затянут льдом.
В полях живой травинки не найдёшь,
Обнажены леса.
И тишину колеблет только дрожь,
От мельничного колеса.

10. Подведениеитоговурока:WhathaveyoulearnttodayaboutP.B.Shelley? Do you like his poems? Who recited his poems best of all? Who was the best in discussing biographical texts about P.B.Shelley? Do you have a wish to create your own poem? What will your poem be about?