Урок "The British Parliament". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 8

Презентация к уроку

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Тип урока. Обобщение знаний учащихся по изученной теме.

  • Образовательная задача. Практика учащихся в чтении, говорении и аудировании. Формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке.
  • Воспитательная задача. Формирование у учащихся уважения и интереса к стране изучаемого языка.
  • Развивающая задача. Развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, логического мышления, коммуникативных умений.

Оборудование и оснащение урока. Мультимедийный проектор и презентация в PowerPoint. Аудиозапись текста о Британском Парламенте, боя часов Big Ben и музыкального отрывка для снятия усталости на уроке.

The British Parliament

Введение в тему урока.

T. - Dear friends. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We are going to visit London, the capital of the United Kingdom. But the aim of our visit is a large grey building which is situated on the bank of the river Thames. (1 слайд презентации) Who can tell me how the building is called? – Ответ.

T. – You are absolutely right. It is called the Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament. And the theme of our lesson today is the Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament.

Речевая зарядка.

T. – Why is it called in this way? – the answer.

– Now let’s remember how the British Parliament began.

What year is known as the beginning of the British Parliament?

What was the Magna Carta?

Развитие навыков устной речи.

T. – Now I want to see what you know about the British Parliament. I asked P.1 and P.2 to prepare some questions for you.


1. Who is the head of state in the UK?

2. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

3. How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of?

4. Which House represents the people of Great Britain?

5. How often do people vote for the members of the Parliament?


1. Is the Prime Minister in the House of Commons or in the House of Lords?

2. Who are the members of the Parliament?

3. Who are the hereditary peers?

4. Who are the life peers?

5. What does the Queen do? Is her role important?

T. – Неre are some mistakes that some people make about the Great Britain and its Parliament. Correct these mistakes using the following expressions: many people think, everybody says that, but in fact, but actually, in reality, but don’t forget (см. слайд презентации).

1. The Queen chooses the Prime Minister.

2. There is a general election when the Queen decides.

3. Before the bill becomes a law the Queen has to say “The Queen wishes it”. The Queen uses English as a part of tradition.

4. The Prime Minister is the head of state.

5. The members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons are called MPs.

6. Members of the House of Lords form the British government.

Физкультминутка: упражнения для глаз.

T. – Let’s have a rest!

Look at me, please! Don’t turn your head! Look at the board! Look at me! Look at the ceiling! Look at the right! Look at the left! Look at the floor! Close your eyes! Open your eyes! (Twice). Sit down, please.

Развитие навыков аудирования.

T. – Now I want you to listen to some interesting information about the Parliament building and BIG Ben. You will listen to the text twice and do a short test.

London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is one of the most beautiful cities of the country. Many tourists visit London every year.

The political center of London is Westminster. You can visit Parliament Square there. This square is very large. On the left you can see a long grey building with towers which are the Houses of Parliament.

The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their name after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big Ben.

The river Thames is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it is Westminster Bridge.


The Houses of Parliament are situated in...

Parliament Square b) Trafalgar Square c) Golden Square

The square is ...

a) small b) large c) narrow

Big Ben is the name of the ... of the Houses of Parliament.

a) clock b) bell of the clock tower c) clock and the bell of the clock tower

Big Ben got its name...

a) After Sir Benjamin Hall b) because the tower is very big c) the sound of the bell is loud

You can hear the sound of Big Ben ... in London.

a) at noon b) every hour c) every half an hour

The bridge across the river Thames behind the Houses of Parliament is ... .

Westminster bridge b) Parliament bridge c) Tower bridge

T. – Now I want you to listen to the sound of Big Ben.


T. – I see that you know a lot about the British Parliament. And we can start to London. What do you think? What is the best way to get to London? OK, I agree with you. The plane is the best. Our plane takes off at 7 am and lands at 10 am. How long will it take us to get to London?

Now imagine that we are on board the plane. The stewardess is giving you sweets and mineral water. Close your eyes and relax. Listen to music.

Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

T. – OK. Welcome to London, the capital of the UK. We are near the underground station. It is called St. James’s Park. (см слайд) We don’t know the way. Ask a passer-by how to get to the British Parliament. Here is the map. Don’t forget about the rules of politeness. ( Учащиеся работают в парах, составляют диалоги, опираясь на распечатанные карты. По окончании работы можно прослушать один из диалогов).

Развитие навыков монологической речи.

T. – Now we are near the Houses of Parliament. The view is wonderful. And our guides are waiting for us. Hello, nice to meet you.

Guides: (примерные высказывания c опорой на слайды презентации)

Let’s visit the Royal Apartment in the Palace of Westminster.

This is the Royal Gallery. The Queen passes it when she comes to open Parliament.

This is the Robin Room. The decoration here is gold. In the center you can see the Chair of  State.

Now we are in Westminster Hall. It’s the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster. It’s more than a thousand years old.

Now we are in the House of Lords. This Chamber is called the Parliament Chamber. Every year the Queen comes here to open Parliament and to read her speech. But in fact it is not the Queen’s speech, because she doesn’t write it. The government writes it for her. In the speech the Queen tells Parliament about the Government’s plans for the next year. When the Queen gives her speech, she sits on the throne.

And this is a famous Woolsack. There is wool inside it. It’s a part of a very old tradition. Lord Chancellor usually sits on the Woolsack. He presides over the House of Lords. As you can see the seats in the House of Lords are red.

Now let’s go to the House of Commons. This is a beautiful arch with two statues. These men were Prime Ministers. They represent the main political parties. David Lloyd George represents the Labour Party and Sir Winston Churchill represents the Conservative Party.

This is the Chamber of the House of Commons. MPs make important decisions and work on bills here. The Chamber of the House of Commons is not very big. MPs sit on long green benches. The Speaker presides over the House of Commons. This is his chair.


T. – Thank you very much for your very interesting excursion. It was a pleasure to listen to you. As far as I know our guides have prepared a small quiz. You will get a rose for the right answer, because a rose is a symbol of England. Then we will count your roses and see who is the winner. Let’s start.

The quiz.

  1. How many MPs are there in the House of Commons?
  2. Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps?
  3. Who is the Head of the State?
  4. Who is the Head of the government?
  5. Who presides over the House of Lords?
  6. Who presides over the House of Commons?
  7. Who started the building of Westminster Hall?
  8. Who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605?
  9. Where can you see two red lines in front of the benches on each side of the Chamber?
  10. What is the distance between these two red lines?
  11. How often do the British have a general election?
  12. What did the famous Woolsack symbolize in the 14th century?
  13. Where do the MPs vote?
  14. What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament?
  15. Who writes the Queen’s speech?

T. – Very well. Now let’s see who the winner is. How many roses do you have?

Подведение итогов урока.

T. – Now let’s see what we have done today.

На доске: have/has + Ved/3

  • to talk about the British Parliament
  • to listen to the text about Big Ben
  • to do the quiz
  • to visit the Houses of Parliament etc

Now write down your homework for the next lesson. Ex. C p. 60 in your Student Book. Fill in the crossword puzzle.

Thank you for your work at the lesson. You did your best. It was a pleasure to listen to you. Your marks ... .

Использованная литература.

1. Счастливый английский. ру для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман, Титул, 2010 г.

2. Английский язык для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, И.Н. Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева, Москва, Просвещение, 2005 г.