Aims: by the end of the lesson pupils should be able to ask and answer questions about things they can buy and would like to buy, about their price using new vocabulary on the topic.
1. Pupils will practice in:
- reading for making a dialogue
- speaking (a short dialogue)
- writing (completing crosswords).
2. Pupils will develop:
- memory
- mentality
- attention
3. skills to work in pairs and in groups, speech etiquette.
Educational aim: forming of culture of dealing with other people, friendly mutual assistance.
Materials: picture cards, cards with sentences, a projector with a computer, a green box for a game “Guess what there is in my box”
I. Beginning
1. Warming up
Teacher: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you!
Pupils: Good morning! Nice to meet you too!
Teacher: Who’s on duty today? Who’s absent?
Pupil on duty: All are present.
Teacher: How are you today? (Several pupils answer this question) OK. Do you like to go shopping? What do you like to buy? Clothes or food?
Pupil 1: I like to go shopping for clothes.
Pupil 2: I like to go shopping for ice cream.
Pupil 3: And I like to buy sweets.
(Some other pupils answer these questions)
Teacher: Today we are going shopping for clothes and food. We’ll buy everything we need.
Look at this shop. (On the screen on one side there is a word “Clothes”, on the other – “Food”)Something strange has happened here. Do you see it? What’s the matter?
(Pupils say that words changed their places and put them correctly)
II. Following-up
1. A rest.
Teacher: Wonderful! Let’s have a rest. Would you like to recite a chant?
A chant “What are you buying today?”
Teacher: What (clap) are you buy(clap)ing? (2 times)
What (clap) are you buy(clap)ing today (clap)?
Pupils: I’m buy(clap)ing my red (clap) dress (2 times),
I’m buy(clap)ing my red (clap) dress today (clap).
3. Home check. A revision of the vocabulary.
Game “Guess the words”
Teacher: Now I’m going to the supermarket to buy something beginning with the letter “S”.
Pupil1 – Shoes
Teacher: I’m going to buy something beginning with the letter “T”.
Pupil2 – Trousers
Teacher: I’m going to buy something beginning with the letter “B”
Pupil3 – Boots
Pupil4: I’m going to buy something beginning with the letter “M”
Pupil5 – Mittens
Pupil4: I’m going to buy something beginning with the letter “R”
Pupil6 – A raincoat
Pupil4: I’m going to buy something beginning with the letter “D”
Pupil 7 – A dress
Game “Guess what there is in the box”
Teacher: You see this beautiful green box in my hand. I have something eatable in it. Guess what there is.
Pupil 1: Do you have a bag of sweets?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 2: Do you have a kilo of apples?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 3: Do you have a tin of corn?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 4: Do you have a litre of milk?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 5: Do you have a loaf of bread?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 6: Do you have a bottle of water?
Teacher: No, I don’t.
Pupil 7: Do you have a bar of chocolate?
Teacher: Yes, I do. I have a bar of chocolate.
4. short rest
Teacher: Let’s have a short rest and sing a song
(Pupils do physical exercises and sing a song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”)
5. Lexical activity
Teacher: Well-done! And now we’ll continue to revise our vocabulary in a chant. Ready?
(The chant is repeated twice, the second time quicker than the first one)
Chant “Coffee, coffee”
Coffee, coffee,
Bacon and eggs, bacon and eggs,
Cheese and biscuits, cheese and biscuits,
Plums and custard, plums and custard,
Fish and chips, fish and chips, soup.
6. Reading (group work)
Teacher: Now each group has an envelope with a task in reading.
Put the sentences in the right order (a set of cards with sentences).
- Can I help you?
- Hello.
- Anything else?
- Yes, please. Do you have jeans?
- They are nice. Thank you.
- Of course, we have. Here you are.
- How much are they?
- Thank you.
- Five hundredroubles.
- No, thank you.
- Can I help you?
- Hello.
- Anything else?
- Yes, please. Do you have oranges?
- They are nice. Thank you.
- Of course, we have. Here you are.
- How much are they?
- Thank you.
- Eighty roubles.
- No, thank you.
7. Limbering-up.
Teacher: Stand up, please.Let’s do some exercises.
Hands to the hips, hands to the knees,
Put them behind you, if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your nose,
Touch your ears, touch your toes.
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair,
Raise your hands as before
While you clap one, two, three, four.
Hands up, hands down,
Thank you, sit down.
8. Role play (pair work)
Teacher: It’s time to play. We are in a shop now. One of you will be a customer, another one – a shop assistant. Think a little bit, prepare your money and we’ll start.
(Children act out their dialogues)
Customer: Hello.
Shop assistant: Hello. Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, please. I’d like a pair of jeans and a shirt.
Shop assistant: Which shirt? This one?
Customer: No, that one.
Shop assistant: Here you are.
Customer: Does it suit me?
Shop assistant: Yes, sure.
Customer: How much is it?
Shop assistant: Two hundred roubles.
Customer: Here you are. Thank you.
Shop assistant: Thank you for shopping. Good bye.
Customer: Good bye.
9. Writing.
Teacher: OK. And at the end of the lesson we’ll have fun. Let’s complete a crossword.
(The most able pupil completes this crossword on the computer and then the rest pupils check their works)
III. Rounding-off
Teacher: We’ve done a lot of work. You were nice. Thank you. Your marks are … . Children, did you like today’s lesson? What did you like most of all?
Pupil 1: I liked chants.
Pupil 2: I liked a crossword.
Pupil 3: And I liked going shopping.
Pupil 4: I liked to be a shop assistant.
Home task. Teacher: At home I’d like you to write a letter to your friend about your going shopping. The lesson is over. Good bye!
Pupils: Good bye.
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