Открытый урок по теме "Описание людей". 6-й класс (английский язык)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока: повторно-обобщающий

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков


  • повторение и закрепление ЛЕ и РО по теме "Описание людей",
  • развитие монологоческой и диалогической речи
  • развитие навыков аудирования

УМК: Кауффман К. и Кауффман М. "Happy English.ru" (6 класс); Liz&John Soars, "Headaway Elementary"

Техническое оснащение:компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал

I. Организационный момент: Good morning, children! (Good morning, teacher) Sit down, please! Today we have a very unusual lesson, your parents and other guests are here! The topic of our lesson is "Describing people". And this lesson I'd like to start with the proverb : Like father, like son. Translate,please (Какой отец, такой и сын)- Well done!

Does it mean that they are alike only by appearance or by character too? (Yes, by character,too). And of course extra info(like job,profession etc) And you know that when you describe people , you describe appearance, character and some extra information.

At the lesson we are going to listen to your projects, describe famous people, make dialogues and listen to a song by Eric Clapton.

II. Проверка дом. задания

What is your homework for today? (Natasha: my homework is p.159, A, a project about my relatives) Yes, you are to describe them according to the scheme: appearance+character+job . Any volunteers? Let's check it. (5 people)

(This was my great-grandfather. He was my mother's grandfather. His name was Peter Ivanov. He was short but slim. He had a round face. His hair was blonde. His nose was big and his mouth was small. His eyes were green. He was a doctor. He was nice and friendly.)

III. Повтор и закрепление ЛЕ и РО по теме "Describing people"

1. Упражнение на развитие монологической речи:

I really liked your projects and others will answer next time and now let's describe some famous people according to the scheme appearance+character+job.

Look at the Interactive board (см. презентацию):

1. Medvedev (What is his job? Is he smart? Is he handsome?)

2.Pugacheva (What is her profession? Is she smart?)

3. Belan (Is he kind? Do you like him?)

4. Zavorotnyuk (Is she beautiful? Are there many people who are in love with her?)

5. Schwarzenegger (Do you Know any films with him?)

6. Zhirinovskiy (Do you like him? Is he funny?)

2. Упражнение на развитие диалогической речи:

Thank you! You describe famous people well and now open your text books (p. 158, ex.11) and make dialogues in pairs. Be ready to ask and answer 2 questions : Who do you like? And what does she or he look like? Translate,please.

(Who do you look like? - I look like my mother. And what does she look like? She is tall and smart. She has got blue eyes and blonde hair. And who do you look like? I look like my father. And what does he look like? - He is tall and he has got a beard and a moustache. He is kind and smart.)

3. Упражнение на развитие навыков аудирования(раздаточный материал Headaway Elementary, p.80, см. прилож.1)

And now let's listen to a song by Eric Clapton where he describes a beautiful lady. It is called "Look wonderful tonight". Let's listen but first the words. Here they are! Let's translate the words (heart, all right, darling, everyone, car keys -на доске с переводом и транскрипцией. Read the song and try to put in the words. Listen twice and check.

IV. Дом. задание

You hometask for the next time.

p. 156,ex.C (translate into English)

V. Итог урока:

Let's remember what have we done today:

- we described people

- made dialogues

- listened to a song

And your marks are... Thank you for the lesson, my dear children! The lesson is over. Goodbye.