Совершенствование навыков монолога по теме "Читать или не читать!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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  • формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;
  • развитие навыков чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации;


  • развитие умения выражать функцию согласия /несогласия;
  • развитие способности к стратегии и тактике общения в целом;
  • развитие способности к конструированию речевых единиц;
  • развитие способности к имитации речевой единицы любого объема;


  • формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в парах и группе.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: интерактивная доска, презентация урока, видео, раздаточный материал (распечатки с вопросами и утверждениями; пакет карточек к обсуждению)

ФОРМЫ: коллективная, групповая, парная, индивидуальная

МЕТОДЫ: Мотивационный диалог (устный; сравнительный, частично-поисковый, продуктивный)


  • “Карусель”, “Броуновское движение”,
  • интервьюирование, обсуждение аргументов “за” и “против”,
  • согласие/несогласие с утверждением


I. Организационный момент.

To read or not to read? That is the question ... At the end of the lesson you are to answer if it is important to read or if we can do without reading.

Today you’ll learn some more forms of agreement and disagreement. Then you’ll read the text about the history of books. After that you’ll interview your partners to find out what new facts they have learnt. Then we’ll do a survey to have a picture of reading preferences of your classmates. And finally, you’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of printed books and books on CD.

I’m not going to put “a three” today. Those who’ll work hard will get “a five”, who’ll be a bit less active – “a four”.

II. Актуализация.

Let’s collect our thoughts. You are to remember as much as possible: types of books, kinds of books, kinds of readers and what we do with books.

Let’s see how much you remember! A Claster.

Well done! Thank you.

III. Речевая разминка.

Let’s learn more about each other. “A Carousel” will help us.

Well, stand up and form two circles. Face each other. Those who are in the inner circle will read the statements and those who are in the outer circle we’ll have to agree or disagree with the statements. Then you’ll change the parts.

Use the expressions: If you agree - “Yes, it’s quite right

If you don’t agree - “I’m afraid, it’s not true

Here are the statements for everybody: (см. Приложение 1)

1. You are an intensive reader.

2. You prefer reading science-fiction.

3. You have books at home.

4. You read something every day.

5. Your favourite writer is William Shakespeare.

6. You usually read CD books.

7. You think books is the best way to spend free time.

8. You are a lazy reader.

9. You prefer reading horror and detective stories.

10. Your friend likes reading teen magazines.

11. You sometimes read local newspapers.

12. Your favourite character is Micky Mouse.

13. You think reading books is a waist of time.

14. You are a multi-interest reader.

15. You prefer reading love stories and fairy tales.

16. You often use our school library.

17. You write your own poems.

18. Your favourite teen magazine is “Lisa”.

19. You think buying books is a waste of money.

20. You are sure reading books is actual and important.

IV. Обучение чтению.

Books are the most ancient mass media. And still nowadays it is difficult to imagine our life without them.

Let’s read some information about books. I’m sure it will be interesting for you.

Open your Student Books at page 81. In Ex. 90 you see four parts of the text. Arrange them to make up the text. Different variants are possible. First, work individually. 5 minutes.

So, what do you think the order of the passage is?

Exchange your papers and assess your partner.

Keys: 1) 3; 1; 2; 4. 2) 2; 3; 1; 4. 3) 4; 2; 3; 1.

Let’s think of a title to the text! What are your suggestions?

“Reading Is For Ever” “Reading Will Never Die”
“Mass Media In Our Life” “The Role Of Books”

V. Физкультминутка. Релаксация.

Video “Scotland”

VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

- Let’s come back to the text.

Now work in pairs. Interview each other. Ex 91 at page 81 will help you.

Use the following beginnings:

Did you know that ... Have you heard that ...
Do you know that ... Have you known that ...

3 minutes.

- What new facts have you learnt from the text?

I’ve learnt that ...

VII. Развитие речи.

1. Let’s learn a bit more about each other. Let’s fill in the results of the survey to have a picture of reading habits and preferences of your classmates. Seven pupils will ask you questions. Your task is to be frank and quick when you hold up your hand.

(см. Приложение 2)

1. Who reads PPINTED BOOKS regularly?

2. Who reads BOOKS ON CD regularly?

3. Who DOESN’T read books?

4. Who visits PUBLIC libraries?

5. Who uses our SCHOOL library?

6. Who thinks reading is A GREAT PLEASURE?

7. Who thinks reading is BORING?

A Survey “My Classmates’ Reading Habits”

1 read printed books  
2 read books on CD  
3 don’t read books at all  
4 visit public libraries  
5 use our school library  
6 think reading is a pleasure  
7 think reading is boring  

So, we can conclude that you prefer reading ................. and using ............... .

Most of you think reading is ................ . Only ... students don’t read books at all.

What do you think of the results of the survey? Are you a reading generation? ............

2. As for me, I’m sure we should find time to read.

Let’s think of some REASONS FOR READING. What are your suggestions?

First, they help spend free time. Second, books keep knowledge of many generations and they give us much information about the life and culture of people from different countries. They also teach us a lot of new things. Finally, reading makes us smarter and interesting to talk to.

Well, are you ready to answer the question of our lesson: “To read or not to read?”

What’s your opinion about reading? ..................

3. Now sit in groups of five. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of printed books and books on CD. Make your choice and give your reasons. Be ready to announce the most important advantage or disadvantage from the point of view of your group.

5 minutes (cм. Приложение 3, Приложение 4)

Here is the key card. Assess yourselves.

Printed books Books on CD
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
You pay for the book once or take it free from the library. They are inconvenient to keep. They are convenient to keep and use. Books on CD are expensive.
They keep alive for us the knowledge of the past. You have to visit libraries or to buy books. You may take them from the Internet. Computer is bad for eyes as well as for the whole organism.
They give us a chance to feel the atmosphere of the previous generations. Some people have allergy for the books’ dust. Reading them you can see what is happening in pictures, in colours and in action. Old people can’t use them because they are not capable of the computer.
They teach us what we need to know for the present to build a better future. Paper spoils quickly; it may be torn or burnt. They don’t spoil very quickly.  
  Reading is not good for eyes. They are available at any time.  
    People with allergy can read them too.  
    They make our imagination richer.  
  • We consider that the most vital advantage of printed books is ............
  • We consider that the most vital advantage of printed books is ............
  • We agree that the most convincing advantage of books on CD is .............
  • We believe that the most serious disadvantage of books on CD is .............

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

Was it interesting to interview each other? Did you enjoy “A Carousel”?

I must confess you were very active, frank and convincing. Thank you for your work.

That is all for today. Your marks for the lesson are: ..., ...

IX. Домашнее задание.

SB Ex. 100, 101 (in writing) pp. 83-84

The lesson is over. See you next time.