Урок английского языка по теме "Получи приз!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher! Glad to see you too!

II. Повторение трех форм неправильных глаголов (интерактивный тест). (3 мин.)

T: We have learnt a lot of irregular verbs. Look at the blackboard! Some of the verbs have fallen down from the table. Come up to the table and put the verbs back. P1, P2, P3, P4, ….

V1 V2 V3
  was/were been
see   seen
read [i:] [e] read [e]
buy   bought
meet met  
  built built
become became  
come   come
burn burnt  
  woke up woken up
learn learnt  
keep   kept
  said said
take took  
go   gone
  got got
hear   heard
do did  
  led led
have   had

Saw, build, taken, bought, had, become, kept, heard, wake up, be, met, came, went, read, learnt, say, done, burnt, get, lead.

III. Фонетическая зарядка. (2 мин.)

T: You have worked well. Repeat them all together after me, be attentive with the sounds.

V1 V2 V3
be was/were been
see saw seen
read [i:] read [e] read [e]
buy bought bought
meet met met
build built built
become became become
come came come
burn burnt burnt
wake up woke up woken up
learn learnt learnt
keep kept kept
say said said
take took taken
go went gone
get got got
hear heard heard
do did done
lead led led
have had had

T: I am going to read the first form of the verbs and you the second and the third, please ….

IV. Активизация грамматического навыка употребления Present Perfect tense. (7 мин.)

T: OK! Now watch the presentation “Present Perfect tense” (презентация “Времена английского глагола”)

to remember the rule. (Слайд 3) What is the form of the verb in Present Perfect tense? What are the words signals?

T: Read the sentences and translate them. (Слайд 4)

1. The pupil’s classes have finished.

2. The men have met in the office.

3. Nick has presented flowers to the teacher.

4. Santa Clause has come to the house.

T: Answer the questions. (Слайд 5)

1. Has your mother set the table? P1. Yes, she has.

2. Has the rain already stopped? P2 No, it hasn’t.

3. Have you read the book? P3. Yes, I have.

4. Have our parents got the letter? P5. No, they haven’t.

T: Read the sentences, watch the pictures, agree or disagree with them. (Слайд 6)

1. The rain hasn’t stopped yet.

2. My mother hasn’t set the table.

3. Peter hasn’t read the book yet.

4. My parents haven’t got the letter yet.

T: Do the exercise. (Слайд 7) You can use the function “a pencil” on our interactive blackboard. Fill in the words in the sentences. P1, P2, P3, P4, ….

  1. The lesson … already started.
  2. We haven’t watched the film about London ….
  3. Sasha has just … the verbs in the table.
  4. The pupils … come to school at 8 o’clock in the morning.
  5. The teacher has just … you the questions.
  6. You have … answered those questions.
  7. I … got a letter today.

Very well! Let’s correct the sentences with the key. (Слайд 8)

Read the last sentence. It is: I have got a letter today.

V. Мотивационный этап. (2 мин.)

T: I’ve got a very strange letter from the United Kingdom. Here it is. (Показать ученикам настоящий конверт и письмо). Do you want to know what is written in this letter? I’ll read it to you.

12 Green Street

Dear children,

My name is Mrs. Wealth. I am rather old and not healthy, but I’m rich. To my great pity I haven’t got children and nobody will get my property and money after my death. My closest friend is my pet, a dog Ralf, by name. But he is old too. I like to surf the Internet and recently

have found the site of your school. I am surprised with the existence of such a school in Russia, very far from Great Britain. The pupils of your school, as I see, are happy to learn English and our culture. So I’ve come to a conclusion, if there is a boy or a girl who will do all my exercises and fulfill all my tasks, I will give him/her a special prize.

I’m looking forward to your answer. Good luck!

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Wealth

VI. Объявление цели урока

T: So, do you want to get a prize from this lady? Well, I’ll help you and show what to do. First of all you should learn some information about Great Britain and London. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6c2Qd-685YkT2s0aElVQldjSlk/edit?usp=sharing (Презентация “Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Лондон”). After this we shall do some tests and the crossword to remember all the facts about the UK and London. (на личном блоге учителя “Совершенствуй свой английский!” http:/tatyanaklimovna.blogspot.com

V. Презентация о Великобритании и экскурсия по Лондону. (5 мин.)

T: First let’s watch the presentation together. Please read and answer the following questions. Look at the map and try to remember the information. P4, P5, P6, …

VI. Этап усвоения и проверки знаний. (10 мин.)

T: You have watched the presentation and now let’s do interactive tests. The first is the test about the UK, you should choose the correct point (multiple choice) and the second is the test about the sights of London, you will find the correct name to the place of interest in the capital of the UK, London (показать фото с достопримечательностями Лондона и к каждой картинке дать несколько названий).

VII. Физкультминутка (аудиоприложение песни “Head and Shoulders”, “Clap your Hands(песни сопровождаемые движениями 5 мин.)

VIII. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок

T: We have done all the tasks Mrs. Wealth asked us to do. You have worked hard at the lesson. We have memorized Present Perfect tense and three forms of irregular verbs today. We have watched the presentation about the UK and the sights of London. You have done some tests. I think all the pupils have worked very well. (Выставление оценок за работу на уроке) Oh, look we’ve received one more letter from Mrs. Wealth. Let’s read it. (5 мин.)

Hello my dear children,

You certainly want to know what the prize for your excellent work at the lesson is. I am very happy that all my tasks and tests you have already done. All of you are clever and industrious. I am proud of you! Now you have a chance to watch my native city, London with your own eyes. I have sent a video film to you. It’s my prize! Watch it and learn more about my favourite city.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Wealth

IX. Этап информирования учащихся о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

Next lesson we’ll watch this film and learn more about the capital of the UK. And your homework today is to write five sentences about any place of interest in London and to find its picture. Look for information in the World Wide Web. The lesson is over. Good bye, children.