По дороге толерантности

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Классное руководство, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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1. Hello, dear friends!

We need to be divided into some groups. Each group will have its own geometry figure. Take one of them from the box and sit at the table with the same emblem.

We live in the Northern Caucasus on the land where people of many different nationalities have lived for hundreds of years.

Time abolishes without any mercy the spiritual and moral values of men. Bernard Show said: “Now when we have learnt to fly in the air like birds, to swim under water like fish: we need only one thing – to learn to live on the earth like people”.

Today our meeting is devoted to Tolerance or How to live in peace with others. We’ll try to find in ourselves some traits of character that will help us to adapt in such a complicated life.

1995 was proclaimed by UNESCO the year of Tolerance and that notion became international.

As you know our school is a participant of an international project “Russia Associated Schools” the main aim of which is to mold tolerance in students.

And how do you understand that this notion is international? Right, it means that this word is met in many languages. Let us read what this notion means in different languages.

2. Look at this cube. It has some sides as the notion of TOLERANCE. Each definition shows only one of them (each side of the cube has the definition of the word “Tolerance”)


  • Cooperation, partnership.
  • Readiness to agree with another opinion.
  • Respect of human dignity.
  • To accept others as they are.
  • Recognition of diversity and equality of others.
  • Ability to put oneself in the place of the other.

Let’s remember these definitions with the help of the game, try not to repeat the definitions. So drop the cube and say the definition.

3. Now we would like you to play again. Don’t be surprised. With the help of such activities we can find a lot of common among us, we try to cooperate with each other, we sympathize to each other, all those things are the essence of tolerance. So, let’s start the game “We are very much alike”

(The Teacher invites somebody to join him according to some resemblance, eg. - The colour of eyes, hair, hobbies, traits of character, etc. All these people take each other by the hand and form a circle)

We are different but we have found some common features and we have formed a chain. Look at all of us, each of you is unique and has its own talents.

Why are people so interesting to each other? Because they are different and supplement each other. Michelle Mountain said “There were neither two equal opinions nor two identical hair or seeds in the world. The most universal quality is diversity”.

Find the definition of “Tolerance” that we have practiced in the game (Recognition of diversity and equality of others)

4. We have learnt the main features of a tolerant person and now let us know if we’re tolerant. I’ll give you a form, look at the first column, you can find 10 features of a tolerant person.

1. Tolerance _________ _____________
2. Unselfishness __________ _____________
3. Sense of humour __________ _____________
4. Tolerance to differences __________ _____________
5. Trust __________ _____________
6. Ability to control oneself __________ ____________
7. Friendliness __________ ____________
8. Ability not to condemn anybody __________ _____________
9. Ability to listen __________ _____________
10. Aptitude for sympathy __________ _____________

 At first tick in column A those 5 features that you possess, then in column B tick the qualities which are typical for a tolerant person.

(Music – 2 min. слайд с опросником, только с одной колонкой. Подсчёт количества голосов)

Help me to count the number of voices. Raise your forms those who have marked the 1st feature in the column B (число подсчитывается и заносится в колонку бланка В таким же образом считаем количество ответов по каждому качеству)

Conclusion: those three qualities with the greatest number of scores are the main ones from your point of view. Now compare the qualities that you possess (column A) with the portrait of a tolerant person created by you. The more coincidence you have the more tolerant you are (according to the opinion of your colleagues)

5. Our life isn’t simple; it has “black” and “white” sides. If there is something “yours”, there will be something “strange” too.

It means that the notion “Tolerance” has its opposite. What do you think is it? Intolerance is.

So we’re going to grow 2 flowers “Tolerance” and ‘Intolerance”. Take the petals from the box, read it and put to the flower with explanation.

Eg. “to accept” means to accept a person with all his good and negative qualities

Look, what flower do you like most of all? Which of them is more beautiful and brighter? Tolerance flower is attractive, Intolerance flower is dark, unattractive.

Imagine they aren’t flowers but people (teacher changes the centre of a flower to the human’s face). Which of them would you like to have your friend? What qualities do we have to possess?

The division of people into tolerant and intolerant is very relative. Each person acts differently, always remember one truth “Try to treat people in that way as you want to be treated”

6. Now try to create your own emblem of tolerance then explain your emblem and give your definition of Tolerance. (Pupils and teachers work together, draw emblems, put them on the special board and explain what they wanted to express)