Тема урока "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Учиться развивать и применять умения и навыки в устной речи по теме: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The geographical situation of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. The most interesting sights of London”.

Основные воспитательные и развивающие задачи:

1. Развивать чувство дружбы и уважения к родной стране и стране изучаемого языка и её народу.
2. Развивать чувство патриотизма и интернационализма.
3. Расширить общий кругозор школьника, опираясь на межпредметные связи и страноведческие реалии.
4. Развивать любознательность, познавательную активность и самостоятельность.

5. Совершенствовать общеучебные и специальные учебные умения.

Учебно-воспитательные задачи:

1. Практиковать умения и навыки в устной речи по теме “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The geographical situation of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. The most interesting sights of London”.

2.Практиковать учащихся в аудировании. Провести тестирование аудирования на заданную тему.

3. Тренировать применение в монологической речи ранее изученный теоретический страноведческий материал.

4. Познакомить учащихся с формулами речевого этикета.

а) Учить выражать совет разными способами.

в) Учить использовать формулы эмоциональной реакции на услышанное: выражать согласие.

5. Проконтролировать чтение с целью извлечения новой информации при парном обращенном чтении. Провести работу с предваряющими вопросами.

6. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении речевых образцов по теме “Asking the way”.

7. Провести конкурс на лучшего чтеца и переводчика стихотворения.

8. Просмотр фильма с целью извлечения новой информации. Беседа по просмотренному фильму.

Ход урока

I. Практиковать умения и навыки в устной речи по теме “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The geographical situation of Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain. The most interesting sights of London”.

Teacher: A year ago the pupils from Waldorf visited our country and our school. They visited not only Russia, but Poland, France and some other countries. And what about you? What country do you want to visit? (Учащиеся называют страны.)

And what about the United Kingdom? Do you want to visit the United Kingdom?

Let us travel across the United Kingdom. This map will help us.

Now we shall work in groups. Let's divide into 2 groups.

1). The task for the first group is

1. Name the parts of Great Britain and show them on the map.
2. Name the main industrial cities of G. B. and show them on the map.
3. Name the longest and the deepest rivers of G. B. and show them on the map.
4. Name the highest mountain in Scotland and in Wales and show them on the map.

2). The task for the second group is

Ask your classmates questions about the British Isles.

II. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании. Провести тестирование аудирования на заданную тему.

Контроль аудирования.

В 1-й строчке записаны названия частей Соед. Королевства и Великобритании.

Во 2-й строчке вы впишете под каждым названием номер текста, который вы прослушаете.

Тест к циклу 1 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

The United


England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Great Britain
No. No. 4 No. 3 No. 2 No. 5 No. 1

Text No. 1. It is the largest island of the British Isles. It is in the east. It may be divided into three parts. They are: Scotland in the north, England in the centre and south of the British Isles, Wales in the west. The people in this part of the United Kingdom speak English, Scotch, Welsh.

Text No. 2. This is part of Great Britain. It is small, but larger than Northern Ireland. The highest mountain there is Snowdon, 1,086 m high. The people there speak English and Welsh. The capital is Cardiff.

Text No. 3. This part of Great Britain is larger than Wales, but smaller than England. It has the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is Ben Nevis,-Ь-342 m–high. The population is more than 5 million people. The largest city is Glasgow, but it is not the capital. The people in this part of Great Britain speak Scotch and English.

Text No. 4. This is the largest part of Great Britain and the United Kingdom. It occupies the central and southern part of Great Britain. It has the largest territory and population. In the largest city of this country there are about 7 million people. The people in this part of Great Britain speak English.

Text No. 5. Tins country is in the west of Great Britain. It is small. Its population is about one million and a half people. Much of the country is low, there are green hills and low mountains. The people in this country speak Irish and English.

Сверим номера в ваших ответах с контрольными номерами. Если ответ правильный, то в 3й строчке ставится 1 балл, если ответ неправильный – ноль. Затем просуммируйте все баллы и выставьте соответствующую оценку в графе “Mark”.

III. Тренировать применение в монологической речи ранее изученный теоретический страноведческий материал.

Teacher: Let us go on travelling across the United Kingdom. Let's visit the capital of Great Britain.

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. What parts does London consist of? What is the West End? (the City? the East End? Westminster?)
3. London is one of the biggest ports in the world, isn't it?
4. What is the population of London?
5. What places of interest are there in London?

And now, some pupils will go to the blackboard and describe London and its sightseeings. (Описание Лондона и его достопримечательностей по картинкам.)

IV. Познакомить учащихся с формулами речевого этикета.

а) Учить выражать совет разными способами.

в) Учить использовать формулы эмоциональной реакции на услышанное: выражать согласие.

Teacher: We are in London now! Imagine that you are talking to children from Great Britain.The children from the 1 row will be the children from Great Britain and the children from the 2 row will be the children from our school. You, the children from our school are discussing with English friends where to go and what to see in London. Ask your friends what these places are famous for and why they are of such great importance.

Assignment: Advise them to visit: (по картинкам учитель называет виды достопримечательностей).

Use these speech patterns:

I advise you to see...
Be sure to see...
You really must see...
Be sure not to miss...
You really ought to see...
I would recommend you to see...

React to your friend's advice as in the model:


– I advise you to see...
– What is it famous for? Why is it of such great importance to me?
– Because, it is...
– Oh yes! – О да!
– You're right. – Вы правы.
– I quite agree with you. – Я вполне согласен с вами.
– I thought as much. – Я так и думал.
– Sure. Certainly. – Конечно.
– Say no more. – Не продолжайте. Всё ясно.

Make up your own dialogues in pairs. When each pair has finished, change over and do it again.

V. Проконтролировать чтение с целью извлечения новой информации при парном обращенном чтении. Провести работу с предваряющими вопросами.

Teacher: And now let's read the text “London”. It is a conversation between two friends. One of them has been to London several times. And this friend has never been there before. But he is going to London now.

Read the text and answer the questions:

1. What did Ronald advise his friend to see first of all?
2. What is Buckingham Palace?
3. What ceremony can everybody see in front of Buckingham Palace every day?
4. What is the British Museum famous for?
5. Where was Karl Marx buried?
6. What should you see in London, if you are keen on ancient architecture?
7. What is the Tower famous for?
8. Where do mass meetings and demonstrations take place?

VI. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении речевых образцов по теме “Asking the way”.

Teacher: London is one of the biggest cities in the world. And it is very difficult to find the right way to somewhere in London. But if you know the speech patterns from the topic “Asking the way”, you will have no problems.

Now I am going to practice role play. In role play you'll take the part of different characters, for example: sir, madam, officer, miss, girl, boy.

Before we start our role play, I'd like to tell you the situation.

The situation is: You are in London. You want to get to some place. You feel you are losing your way. You address to a passer-by.

Assignment: Make up dialogues, using the model given below.

Choose what you would like to see in London and act out a dialogue with your classmate. (The Houses of Parliament, the British Museum, the Tate Gallery, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral.)

– Excuse me, sir (madam), officer, miss (девушка), girl, boy.
– Yes, what is it?
– Can you tell me the way to Liverpool Station?
Could you, please, tell me the way to the port?
Could you, please, show me the way to the centre?
Which is the right way to London Bridge?
Which is the shortest way to the railway station?
Which is the quickest way to Oxford Street?

– Let me think... Oh, yes.
– Take number 28 bus. It will take you right there.
Take number 45 bus. Then change for route 17 bus.
Take this tram and go 3 stops. Then take a trolley-bus.

Go straight three blocks and then turn to the right.
Go along this street as far as the monument and turn to the left.
Go along this street as far as the traffic lights, then take the street on your right.

It will be better for you to go there on foot.
It'll be quickest for you to get there by route 6 bus.
It's more convenient to go there by the underground.

– Is it far from here?
Is it very far?
Is the station far?

– Oh, yes! No!

– How long will it take me to get to the station?
– It will take you an hour (half an hour, a quarter of an hour, 20 minutes) to get there.

Excuse my curiosity...
Is it your first visit to London?
– Yes, it is.
– What do you think of London?
– It's a wonderful (a very impressive, beautiful, interesting) city
– I'm glad you like it. London is my native city.
– Oh, thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for being so kind.
Thank you for your help.
– Don't mention it.
Have a good time.

VII. Провести конкурс на лучшего чтеца и переводчика стихотворения.

Teacher: There are a lot of talented English writers and poets who are popular both in the United Kingdom and abroad. What famous poets and writers of the U. K. do you know? (Ученики называют известных поэтов и писателей.)

George Gordon Byron.

Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Robert Burns.

A. A. Miln.

Thomas Moore.

Jerome K. Jerome.

Charlotte Bronte.

William Shakespeare.

Teacher: Very good. I see you know some English writers and poets.

At the previous lessons I read you the poems by Byron. And you have learnt one of them. I asked you to learn this poem by heart and to make a literary interpretation. Who wants to recite a poem? Who will be the best reciter and interpreter? (Чтение стихов наизусть)

VIII. Просмотр фильма с целью извлечения новой информации. Беседа по просмотренному фильму.

Teacher: Now we shall see the film “Sightseeing in London”.

Pay attention to the sights of London. Try to remember the most interesting details.

IX. Подведение итогов.

Список литературы

  1. Интенсивный курс английской разговорной речи Л.Н. Ханникова, Москва 1991 г.