Открытый урок "Around the world"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

УМК: «Enjoy English» 6 класс,  М. З. Биболетова.

Тип урока: урок-обобщение. Контроль говорения.

Цель: формирование коммуникативных умений  и навыков в рамках речевой деятельности «Путешествия. Праздники».


  • Закрепление и активизация пройденного лексического материала по данной теме.
  • Закрепление и активизация пройденного грамматического материала –  употребление артикля с географическими названиями.
  • Развитие умения читать с полным пониманием содержания.
  • Развитие умений монологической речи – пение песни, рассказ стихотворения.
  • Развитие умений диалогической  речи – умение вести диалог-расспрос, используя вопросы: What..? Where..?  When..? How..? Who..? Why..?
  • Развития навыков письма – заполнение кроссворда.
  • Формирование умений сотрудничать, работать в парах.
  • Формирование умений применять знания, полученные на других уроках, например, географии.


I. Организационный  момент

1. Приветствие

– Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Sit down, please

2. Создание иноязычной атмосферы

Создание мотивационной базы и вовлечение учащихся в иноязычное общение. Dear friends, let's try to guess the topic of our lesson. I've prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

1. Scotland (слайд 1) It is a country in the United Kingdom. The national symbol of this country is thistle.
2. America (слайд 2) The United States of … .
3. France (слайд 3) You can see the Eiffel Tower, if you visit … .                  
4. Volga (слайд 4) It is a river in Russia.
5. Ireland (слайд 5) Northern … is one of the parts of the United Kingdom.
6. Baikal (слайд 6) The oldest and deepest lake in the world.
7.  England (слайд 7) London is the capital of … .
8. The White cliffs of Dover (слайд 8) The White  … of Dover . It is a British wonder of nature.
9. Canada (cлайд  9) It is a country in North America.
10. Niagara Falls (слайд 10) … Falls are the most powerful waterfalls in North America.

t r a v e l l i n g

– Now you see that the topic of our lesson is <traveling>. And we are going to speak on this topic today as much as possible, to remember the words, to act out the dialogues , to listen to the tape and sing the song and do many other interesting things.

3. Фонетическая зарядка

The motto of  our lesson is 

"The more you live,
the more you travel,
the more you travel,
the more you see,
the more you see,
the more you learn."

– Please, don't forget about these words during our lesson and at the end of it you'll try to explain why it is good to have them as a motto.

II.  Основная часть урока

1. Актуализация знаний

– Let`s revise the words that we have done not long ago. Match the words and their translations.

1) bonfire                                        a) исследовать
2) countryside                                 b) праздновать
3) cycling                                        с) долина
4) to explore                                   d) в честь
5) to celebrate                                e) чудеса природы
6) valley                                         f) езда на велосипеде
7) to separate                                 g) разделять
8) in honour of                                h) костёр
9) wonders of nature                       g) запускать фейерверк
10) to set off fireworks                    k) деревня

Complete the sentences, using these words.

On 5th  November people celebrate … Night.
We live in the quiet … .
I would like to … sea life one day.
One of the most famous … … is Niagara Falls.

2. Физминутка

Let`s have a rest and sing the song “I love holidays”

Climbing in the mountains
Swimming in the sea
Happy, happy holidays
For you and me

I love, you love
He loves, loves she
We all love holidays
Happy, happy holidays
We all love, we all love
Holiday time

Playing on the beaches
Sitting in the son
Happy, happy holidays
Lots of fun

3. Проблемная ситуация

When we travel we can get into different situations. I propose you to act out some dialogues.  Put the lines in the correct order and make up a dialogue.

Dialogue 1

– Do you like travelling?
– Yes, I do.
– Where have you already been?
– I have been to Canada.

Dialogue 2

– Hello. Can I help you?
– Hello. Can I change American dollars for British pounds here?
– Yes, of course. How many dollars would you like to change?
– 100 dollars.
– Here you are.
– Thanks. Bye.
– Bye.

Dialogue 3

– Do you like travelling?
– Yes, I do.
– What kind of travelling do you prefer?
– I prefer travelling by bike. It`s very exciting. And what about you?
– I like travelling by plane.
– Why?
– It`s more comfortable.

Dialogue 4

– What is your favourite holiday?
– My favourite holiday is New Year.
– How do you celebrate it?
– We have a special supper, then we give presents to each other and visit our friends.

4. Обобщение (работа с текстом в учебнике)

– Read the text and complete the sentences. Use: ocean, short, popular, America, prefer, nature

I am from Canada. My country is situated in North … . It`s a large country. Canada stretches from the Atlantic … in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. We have long cold winters and … hot summers. My country is famous for its beautiful and large lakes. Ice-hockey is very popular in my country, but I … skating. Do you like to skate?

III. Конец урока

1. Домашнее задание: page 25 in the Workbook.

2. Итоги. Рефлексия