Тема урока: "Oxbridge"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель данной презентации показать единство и различие двух всемирно известных университетов. Оксфорд и Кембридж вот уже семь веков, бесспорно, доминируют в Британском образовании. Кромвель, Милтон, Ньютон, Дарвин, Байрон – всему миру известны имена этих людей. В свое время все они являлись студентами разных колледжей в Кембридже. Диплом Оксфорда или Кембриджа и сегодня остается надежным ключом к успешной карьерной деятельности. Из 54 Британских премьер-министров 40 являются выпускниками Оксбриджа. Тринити колледж, Кембридж дал миру больше Нобелевских лауреатов, чем вся Франция.

Провести грань между Оксфордом и Кембриджем совсем нелегко. Будучи ближе к столице Оксфорд считается более ортодоксальным и консервативным, чем сравнительно более изолированный и независимый Кембридж. Однако сами университеты считают подобное противопоставление условным.

В презентации рассказывается об истории возникновения Кембриджского университета и Бодлианской библиотеки, одной из старейших в Европе, о традициях некоторых колледжей. Хороша традиция или нет, никто не задумывается над этим. Главное – она существует на протяжении нескольких веков и должна неукоснительно соблюдаться. Колледжи Оксбриджа играют в жизни студентов довольно значительную роль и преуспевают в сохранении и развитии определенного типа характера.

Полагают, что именно два соперничающих между собой во всем университета задают ритм интеллектуальной жизни Великобритании. И это соперничество также является традицией.

Материал презентации предназначен для аудиторной работы студентов 1-2 курсов колледжей, учащихся старших классов лицеев и гимназий, а также для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык.

Слайд 1. Название презентации.

Слайд 2. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most prestigious universities in Britain. Of the two universities Oxford is the oldest. Nobody knows for sure when it was founded but teaching was already going on there by the early 12th century. Life was hard at Oxford at that time because there was constant trouble, even fighting, between the town people and the students. Then one day a student accidently killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students who were innocent and they were hung. In protest, many students and teachers left Oxford and settled in another little town, and so the University of Cambridge was born. Since then there has been constant friendly and sometimes not-so-friendly rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge.

Слайд 3.

Слайд 4.

Слайд 5. Oxford is considered to be more conservative than Cambridge. They say Oxford pays more attention to such disciplines as Literature and Philosophy. In Cambridge students have an opportunity to learn more science subjects. But many people think there is only one difference between two universities – Oxford is built of grey stones and Cambridge of pink ones.

Слайд 6.You can often hear the word “Oxbridge”. It was invented by William Thackeray, the author of “Vanity Fair” Until the late 19th century, only men were allowed to be students at two universities.

Слайд 7.Oxbridge graduates often became powerful and successful members in British society and many leading people in law and politics have traditionally been “Oxbridge-educated”. Of 54 British Prime Ministers, 40 studied at Oxbridge.

Слайд 8.There are many great names connected with Oxbridge. Shelley, Dr. Johnson, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir Robert Peel, Byron, I. Newton, Ch. Darwin, J.R.R. Tolkien, V. Nabokov and many others.

Слайд 9.In conversation people usually call the name of the college not the University. There is a story about a man, who came to Cambridge, took a taxi and said: “To University, please” The driver answered in surprise: “There’s no University”. It might seem strange but there isn’t really any University at Oxford or Cambridge. Oxbridge is made up of independent colleges. The “University” is just an administrative body that organizes lectures, arranges exams and gives degrees.

Слайд 10. Each college has its name, its coat of arm and its own building, including a chapel, a library, a dining hall and rooms for students to live in. Each college has its own character and its own traditions.

Слайд 11. All colleges’ buildings are often arranged round a square of grass. They are called “quards” in Oxford and “courts” in Cambridge.

Слайд 12. The Tutorial System is one of the ways in which Oxbridge differs from all the other English Universities. Every student has a tutor. He, more or less, plans your work, suggests the books you should read and sets work for you to do, for example an essay to write. Each week you go to your tutor and he discusses with you the work that you have done, criticizes in details your essay and sets you the next week’s work.

There are lots and lots of societies at Oxbridge: debating clubs, drama societies, philosophy societies, language clubs, political clubs, cinema clubs and so on. Many think students get more out of talking and listening at these clubs and societies than from any other side of university life.

Слайд 13. The Bodleian Library is the main research library of Oxford, known to Oxford scholars as “Bodler” or “Bod”. The Bodleian library keeps books, journals, newspapers, magazines, sound and music records, maps, prints and manuscripts. It has the “right” to have a free copy of every book published in Britain. Before being granted access to the library new readers are required to agree to a formal declaration. This declaration was traditionally oral. There is a ceremony in which readers recite the declaration.

Слайд 14. Library got its name after Sir Thomas Bodley. He was famous for his collection of manuscripts.

Слайд 15. Do you remember the episode in the first Harry Potter film, when Harry, Ron and Hermione are looking up information about the Sorcerer’s Stone? It was filmed in Oxford’s Bodleian Library.

Слайд 16. In the medieval library of Merton College, Oxford, you can see chained books – just as they were in the 13th century.

Слайд 17. Sport is a very important part of Oxbridge life. Colleges of each university often compete with each other in various tourments (rowing, chess and others). The most famous competition between the two universities is the Boat Race, a rowing race which takes place every year on the river Thames. It’s a popular national event and is shown on TV.

Слайд 18. Every college has got and keeps to its old traditions. The bell in the Great Tom tower rings 101 times at 9 o’clock every night for the first 101 students of Christ Church College, Oxford. Bell’s ringing was the signal for all Oxford colleges to lock their gates.

Слайд 19. The tower was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.

Слайд 20, слайд 21. Every year at sunrise on May morning the choir of Magdalen College, Oxford gather on the top of Magdalen Tower to sing a Latin hymn. The tradition goes back to the first days of the tower, at the end of the 15th century and has gone on ever since.

Слайд 22. It’s also a very old tradition to wear black gown and square-looking caps going to exams.

Слайд 23. These students are happily-looking after passing their exams. They are wearing their full academic dress.

Слайд 24. Do you want to be a student of Oxbridge? Interviews are very important for getting into top universities and potential students are often asked challenging questions. With such questions the interviewers hope to determine the student’s originality, logical thinking and quick-wittedness. Each year, about 26000 students go for interviews at Oxbridge but only 26 % are successful.

Слайд 25. Less than 35000 people study at Oxbridge. It’s only 4 % of all British students. But Oxbridge diploma continues to be the main key to a successful, professional carrier.


1. Speak Out.№62

2. Essential English. C.E. Eckersley. 1993

3. Оксфорд и Кембридж. Непреходящая история. Петер Загер. 2012

4. Корни дуба. В.В. Овчинников . 2007

5. Интернет-ресурсы.