Урок английского языка по теме "We would like to make a zoo". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

В соответствии с современными требованиями к уроку согласно новым образовательным стандартам, учитель должен выстраивать учебный процесс, используя широкие возможности образовательной среды, в том числе и возможности средств ИКТ. На данном занятии электронные ресурсы используются для презентации учебного материала и самоконтроля знаний учащимися. Игровой этап урока в электронном виде вызывает неподдельный интерес у учеников, стимулирует их активность.

Учащиеся сами ставят задачу (создать свой зоопарк) и под руководством учителя намечают пути реализации данного проекта. Повторяют звуки, которые издают животные, написание названий животных, их характерные черты, а также правила обращения с животными. Основными видами речевой деятельности являются чтение и говорение. При подведении итогов учащиеся выражают своё отношение к различным видам животных, включая птиц и насекомых. Домашнее задание – приготовить презентацию своего зоопарка с описанием пяти животных, птиц или насекомых.


Урок английского языка в 5-м классе

Цель: развивать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию.


Обучающие: обучать использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на основе словосочетания и предложения; развивать умения строить высказывание в монологической речи в контексте коммуникативной задачи (рассказывать о жизни животных, птиц, насекомых).

Воспитательные: создать комфортную среду для каждого ученика; воспитывать любовь к животным, экологическую культуру в целом.

Развивающие: развивать навыки и умения во все видах речевой деятельности; развивать умения ориентироваться в тексте, задавать вопросы.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие, организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today. I hope you are fine. Let’s start our English lesson.

II. Постановка задач урока

Teacher: There are many animals in the world. Not all of them live in our area. What can we do to see the animals that don’t live in our place?
Pupil 1: We can see them in the pictures.
Pupil 2: We can search the internet to find their pictures there.
Pupil 3: Some people travel to different countries and see the animals there.
Pupil 4: We can go to the zoo.
Teacher: But there is no zoo in our city. What can we do?
Pupil 5: I think we can organize a zoo.
Teacher: That’s a good idea to organize a zoo. What do we need for that? What should we know about animals?
Class: What kind of animals there are in the world. What they are like. What parts of body they have. Where they live. What they eat.

III. Фонетическая разминка

1. Teacher: First of all, guess the animal by the sounds.
neigh-neigh, neigh-neigh
hiss-swish, hiss-swish
peck-peck, peck-peck
meow– meow, moew-meow
quack-quack, quack-quack
oink-oink, oink-oink

Key: click the picture

2.Teacher: We should see if we can differ animals from each other. Find the animals and pronounce their names.
Key: rhino giraffe lion bear rabbit mouse leopard peacock cobra crocodile deer goldfish snake

IV. Развитие навыков устной речи (умение отвечать на вопросы)

Teacher: If you want to work in the zoo, you should answer some questions.

1. What animal can carry heavy things?

2. What animal like to sit in water?

3. What animal doesn’t like living in groups?

4. Which animal do people find funny?

5. Which animal doesn’t drink water?

Key: 1c 2a 3a 4c 5c

V. Развитие устной речевой активности

Teacher: All animals have different features. What is each animal like? Match the words with the pictures.

sly dangerous
busy brave
stubborn lazy
nice active


fox crocodile
bear bee
wolf donkey
peacock lion

Key: click the picture

VI. Проверка орфографических навыков.

Teacher: You have to sign the cages. Can you write the names of the animals?

Key: Snake Elephant Tiger Rat Turtle Eagle

VII. Динамическая пауза

Teacher: How do animals move?
Class: Climb, walk, run, jump, fly, swim, crawl
Teacher: Imitate the animals’ movements, please. Imagine that you are bears. Walk, please! You’re grasshoppers. Jump, please! etc.

VIII. Обучающее чтение с восстановлением пропущенной информации.

Teacher: It’s important to know some facts about animals, especially if you work in the zoo. Let’s learn more about a wild animal. But you should do some research work.

1) You’ll work in pairs. The text is printed twice but with the blanks in different places. Take turns asking and answering questions to find the missing information.

The largest member of the cat family is the _______ . Tigers have got dark stripes. Tigers live in many different places. You can find them in ________ in Malaysia. They also live in Manchuria in snow and cold.
The tiger’s stripes help it to ________ . Most tigers stay away from people. They stay in forests. They hunt large animals for _________ . Tigers hunt antelopes, wild pigs, deer, baby elephants. Tigers eat smaller animals, too.
Tigers, like all cats, use _____________ for different things. They use them when they eat and when they play and fight.
Key: – What is the largest animal in the cat family?
– Where exactly can you find them?
– How do the stripes help tigers?
– Why do they hunt animals?
– What do they use for different things?

2) You’ll work in pairs. The text is printed twice but with the blanks in different places. Take turns asking and answering questions to find the missing information.

The largest member of the cat family is the tiger. Tigers have got _______. Tigers live in ________. You can find them in hot, rainy forests in Malaysia. They also live in ________ in snow and cold.
The tiger’s stripes help it to hide from its enemies. Most tigers stay away from people. They stay in forests. They hunt large animals for food. Tigers hunt antelopes, wild pigs, deer, ________. Tigers eat smaller animals, too.
Tigers, like all cats, use their front paws for different things. They use them when ____________.

– What have tigers got?
– Where do they live?
– Where else do they live?
– What other animals do they hunt?
– When do tigers use their front paws?

IX. Совершенствование навыков речевой активности с использованием модальности.

Teacher: What rules must we observe in the zoo?
Class: We must take care of the animals, feed them, clean the cages, take them to the vet when they are ill, keep them warm, not tease the animals.

X. Игра-соревнование. “Своя игра “Who knows animals best?”

Teacher: There are some categories of animals. What are they? – They are wild animals, domestic animals, pets, birds, insects. Let’s learn how well you know them. Each category includes 5 questions. Each question has its price. You will try to get as many points as you can. Good luck!

Задания для “Своей игры”

Категория 1. Wild animals – an elephant, a lion, a monkey, a camel, a giraffe
Категория 2. Farm animals – a horse, a cow, a goat, a sheep, a pig
Категория 3. Pets – a cat, a dog, a rabbit, a tortoise, a hamster
Категория 4. Birds – a duck, a goose, a budgie, a parrot, a penguin
Категория 5. Insects – a grasshopper, a fly, a ladybird, a bee, a spider
Wild animals
– It is very big. It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, bananas and carrots. It drinks water. It likes milk. He’s got a long trunk and long tusks. – an elephant
– This animal is big with light brown fur. It eats meat and sleeps during the day. It hunts at night. It is the king of the jungle. – a lion
– It is very funny. It lives in Africa and India. It is brown, grey or black. It likes fruit. It jumps in the trees. People find it funny. – a monkey
– It is brown with short fur and long, thin legs. It has got a hump on its back. It lives in dry places like deserts. – a camel
– It is very tall. Its thin neck helps it get food from trees. It does not eat grass from the ground. It eats leaves. – a giraffe

Farm animals
– It has four legs. It eats grass. You can ride on it. – a horse
– It has four legs and two horns. It eats grass. It gives us milk. – a cow
– It is not a very big animal. It has got two horns. It eats grass, leaves, flowers. It gives milk. – a goat
– It is not very big. It eats grass. It gives us wool. – a sheep
– It is funny. It likes mud. It is pink. – a pig
– It is very soft. It lives in the house. It is white, black, red, grey or brown. It can run, jump and climb. It cannot fly. It likes fish, meat and milk. – a cat
– It can be big or small. It can run, jump and swim. It likes meat and bones. It is a good friend. – a dog
– It is not big with long ears. It eats carrots, cabbages and grass. It can be white, grey and black. – a rabbit
– It is not big. It can walk and swim. It is a slow animal. It lives very long. – a tortoise
– It is not very big. It can be grey, brown or white. It can swim very well. It eats small fish, corn, grass. – a duck
– It is a big bird. It lives on a farm. It can also be wild. It can fly long. It swims very well. It is grey or white. Its beak is long. – a goose
– It has two legs. It is small. It usually lives in a cage. It sings very well. – a budgie
– Its feathers are bright. It lives in warm countries. It can be a pet. Some of them can talk. – a parrot
– It is black and white. It eats small fish and can stay under water for five minutes. Feathers help it stay warm in cold weather. It lives in the Antarctic. – a penguin
– It is green. It lives in grass. It does not walk, it hops. – a grasshopper,
– It has two big wings. It is black and likes eating plants and flowers. It can see and hear very well. – a fly
– It is red and black. It has black spots on its back. It has six legs, the two – are front legs. – a ladybird
– It has two pairs of wings and a proboscis which helps it drink the nectar from flowers. – a bee
– It has six thin legs. It is yellow. It makes webs to catch and eat other animals, like flies. – a spider

Key: click the picture

XI. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

Teacher: Our game is over. Let’s clap our hands to the winner. All of you were active today. Get the stickers for your work. Have you learnt more about animals, birds and insects? Which of them do you like best? Why?

XII. Объяснение домашнего задания

Teacher: Imagine that you are the director of a zoo. What animals will you take to your zoo? Choose a category and describe 5 animals. Prepare a presentation and make an excursion around your zoo. Good luck!


1. Е.В. Чернобай. Технология подготовки урока в современной информационной образовательной среде. М.: Просвещение, 2012.
2. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Учебник для учащихся 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. М.: Express Publishing Просвещение, 2011.
3. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Книга для учителя. Пособие для общеобраз. учрежд. М.: Express Publishing Просвещение, 2009.
4. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Пособие для учащихся 5 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. М.: Express Publishing Просвещение, 2011.
5. Издательский дом “Первое сентября” газета “Английский язык”. № 15. 2007. № 19. 2008.
6. Е.В. Дзюина. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке. М.: Вако, 2007.
7. И.И. Кошманова. Have Your Fun. М.: Лист-Нью, 1998.

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