Урок в 8-м классе по УМК "Spotlight - 8" "Природные катастрофы. Торнадо. Град"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

I Starting moment

T: Hello, everybody. I’m glad to see you today in this class. I hope you are fine and ready for the class.

P: We are fine, thank you.

II Introduction

T: Friends, today we are going to work on the topic “Natural Disasters” , read texts connected with some natural disasters, such as tornado and hail, listen to some information and what is more we are going to make an experiment without any scientific equipment. So, are you ready?

P: We are ready!

T: Let’s get started!

III Revision of the Vocabulary

T: Look at the slide. Here are the words, which you’ve already learned. Let’s repeat them.

  1. Drought
  2. Flood
  3. Tornado
  4. Tsunami
  5. Earthquake
  6. Cyclone
  7. Avalanche
  8. Hurricane

P: (repeat after teacher)

IV Improving the Vocabulary

T: Match the words with their definitions (Using the slide)

Drought A large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain
Flood A violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round
Tornado An extremely violent wind or storm
Tsunami A period of time with no rain
Earthquake A violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast
Cyclone A shaking of the ground
Avalanche A large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry
Hurricane A huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land

P1: Drought is a period of time with no rain.

P2: Flood is a large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry.

P3: Tornado is a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast.

P4: Tsunami is a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land.

P5: Earthquake is a shaking of the ground.

P6: Cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.

P7: Avalanche is a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.

P8: Hurricane is an extremely violent wind or storm.

T: Fantastic! You were great! We got the information about natural disasters.

V Scanning reading, reading for specific information

T: Look at the slides. Have you ever seen or experienced any of these natural phenomena?

P1: Gives some information

T: How does each phenomenon occur? Read through and check. (Open your books at page 86)

Ps: Read the texts and answer the question.

T: Now, look at the slide. Here are the headings for each part of the texts. Complete the gaps and compare with a partner. Which words helped you decide?

  1. Different sizes
  2. Easy to hear
  3. Getting ready to drop
  4. Round and round
  5. Measuring disasters
  6. Any time, any place

Keys: 1) 6 2) 4; 3) 5; 4) 1; 5) 3; 6) 2

T: The second task will be this. Find words in the texts that mean:

  1. Forceful (Text A)
  2. Different (Text A)
  3. Leave (Text A)
  4. Harm (Text A)
  5. Made (Text A)
  6. Chunks (Text B)
  7. Created (Text B)

P1: forceful –violent

P2: different – various

P3: leave – disappear

P4: harm – damage

P5: made – formed

P6: chunks – lumps

P7: created – formed

T: Well done! Super!

VI Dynamic Pause

T: And, let’s have a rest. We’ll learn a short song with clapping elements. It’s a bit childish, but it will help us to relax.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea!

Ps: (sing and clap in pairs)

T: Thank you! You were great!

VII Oral Comprehension.

T: We continue. And now the climax of our lesson. We’re going to make an experiment, we’re are going to make our own tornado. The authors give us their plan of doing this, but we will simplify it.

First of all we are to listen to the speaker explaining how to create your own tornado and fill in the missing information. (Ex.5, p. 87)

Be careful and fill in the missing information accurately. We are going to listen the text twice.

Keys: 1) paper 2) tape 3) hole 4) on (top) 5) top

VIII Development of Speaking Skills. Providing the Experiment.

T: And now it’s high time to make our own tornado. Just imagine that we are in the scientific laboratory, but we don’t need any scientific equipment. Surprised?

I need two pupils to assist me. Put on gloves and aprons.

Now let’s name everything we need for the experiment.

P1: Plastic bottle, water

P2: Dishwashing liquid, glitter.

T: So, let’s start.

  1. Pour water into the bottle
  2. Add some drops of dishwashing liquid
  3. Add some glitter
  4. Swirl the water around faster and faster

T: Friends, what do you see?

P: The water and tiny pieces of glitter whirl like a tornado.

T: Was it simple? You may try to create your own tornado at home.

IX Conclusion. Reflexion.

T: Friends, did you like the lesson. What did you like most? What new facts about natural disasters did you know during the lesson?

Thank you for your work. Your marks are... And now, look at the blackboard, here is your home task. It is a bit creative. Imagine you experienced either of the two disasters, that we’ve learned today. Describe your experience and feelings.

Is everything clear to you? Thank you. The lesson is over. Good-bye. See you next time.

