Работа над письменной речью на уроках английского языка. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Unit 1

Цель урока: Научить учащихся строить письменное высказывание логично и связно.


  • Познакомить учащихся со структурой абзаца
  • Научить учащихся строить письменное высказывание
  • Развивать способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия - подбор речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситуации, импровизация, планирование своего высказывания, воображение.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент: Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson.

Have you ever tried to build something? (Students answers). Writing is similar to building. Today we’ll learn how to do it.

2. Reading ex.1 p. 59. (Презентация, слайды 1-6).

Look through the text and answer my questions please:

  • What is a paragraph?
  • What is the main idea of the paragraph?
  • What do we call the topic sentence?
  • What do the rest of the sentences do in the paragraph?

3. Check yourself. Do ex.2-5 p.60 (слайд 7)

4. Writing. Ex.7 p.61 (Слайд 8)

1) Read the topic sentence.

2) Below are some questions that can help you

Topic sentence: I will never forget those summer holidays
When? Where? With whom?

Last summer, to London, with my parents

What happened?

Walked a lot

Tell me more:

I saw Trafalgar Square, visited the National Gallery

What happened?

There are many pictures.

Tell me more:

My mother liked them.


I was tired.

3) Write a short paragraph using the table:

Last summer my parents took me to London for holidays. The weather was fine. We walked a lot. I saw Trafalgar Square and visited the National Gallery, which is situated in Trafalgar Square. There are so many pictures in the gallery. My mother liked them a lot. But I couldn’t stay in the gallery long. I was tired. (текст взят из Книги для учителя, 7 класс, стр.143)

4) Check your paragraph:

My beginning sentence tells the story topic.

The middle tells two events.

Each event has one detail.

My sentences make sense.

My ending sentence tells a feeling.

5. Homework: ex.9 p.62. Read the topic sentence. Write a paragraph based on its main idea.

Unit 2

Цель урока: Научить учащихся строить письменное высказывание логично и связно.

Задача урока: Развивать способности учащихся осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия - подбор речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситуации, импровизация, планирование своего высказывания, воображение.

1. Listening ex.1 p.115 (Презентация, слайды 8-9)

Now it’s time learn how to write a paragraph. Doing this it is useful to follow these steps: prewriting, writing a draft, revising and proofreading, making a final copy. (Слайд 9)

a) prewriting. Prewriting is the thinking and planning you do before you begin to write.

Sometimes it is difficult to start writing. Here are some techniques for getting ideas.

Free writing. With this technique you just write. Don’t stop. Write what is in your head. Don’t think about spelling or grammar. Keep the ideas coming.

Free notes. Think about the topic and write notes on a piece of paper. Write them anywhere on the paper. When you have finished, you can organize your notes.

Brainstorming. Think about the topic and make notes. You can also ask questions: Why? When? How? Where? What?

Choose one of the strategies and put down your ideas.

Read ex.2 p.116. Compare your ideas with Julia’s.

  • What is the topic sentence of Julia’s paragraph.
  • Read Julia’s list of ideas again and decide if all of them belong to the paragraph.

(b) writing a draft;

Write a draft of a paragraph with the topic sentence – Moscow is an interesting place to visit. Write a sentence about each idea in your plan.

(c) revising;

Read ex.6 p.117 and check your writing.

Is the paragraph easy to understand?

Is every group of words a sentence?

Do all the sentences tell about the main idea?

Does the paragraph need more sentences?

Are the sentences in the best order?

(d) proofreading;

ex 8. P.118. Ask yourself these questions:

Is the first line indented?

Did you use the right verb form in each sentence?

Does every sentence and every proper noun begin with a capital letter?

Does every sentence have a correct end mark?

Are all the words spelled correctly?

(e) Make a final copy.

2. Homework: ex.11 p.120

Unit 3

Цель урока: Развивать речевые компетенции учащихся.


  • Воспитание творческого потенциала личности учащегося, культуры общения во время работы в микрогруппах.
  • Развитие речевых умений на основе творческого применения усвоенного ранее лексико-грамматического материала в новых ситуациях общения.

Ход урока

1. Listening (Презентация , слайд 10)

Now you know some important things about paragraphs. Here they are.

2. Reading p.179-180 (Презентация, слайды 10-13)

You will now learn how to develop paragraphs. There are many ways to do it.

  • Find in the text some of the ideas how to develop the paragraph.
  • Why do they use details to develop the paragraph?
  • How can we develop the paragraph by using examples?

3. Reading ex.1-3 pp.180-181

4. Writing ex.4 p.181

The class is divided into 5 groups with 2 students in each group. The groups get a table with a topic sentence:

  1. The room was messy.
  2. My birthday present was an exciting surprise.
  3. I opened the door and there stood…
  4. The sky was beautiful that night.
  5. Topsy was the most unusual boy I have ever met.

Students write a paragraph (they have a time limit of 5 minutes for this).

When 5 minutes is up, the students rotate around so that they are at a different desk. They read the paragraph that has just been written by their classmates and develop it by using details. After that they return to their original story and decide whether the ideas are correct.

This process is continued for a couple of rounds, each time the students are adding details and another group proofreading it.

5. Homework: ex.7 p.181. Develop the paragraph by using an example.

Read how the paragraph is developed by using an example on p.180.