Урок английского языка по теме "The terrorist situation in the world"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1) Развивать навыки чтения.
2) Развивать навыки говорения.
3) Развивать языковую догадку и логическое мышление.
4) Воспитывать отрицательное отношение к терроризму.

Оборудование: статистические данные о террористических актах на территории России, учебник”English” (O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva), раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

The theme of our lesson is”The terrorist situation in the world”

Today we are discussing the current terrorist situation in Britain and in our country. We have terrible facts:08/08/2000-explosion at the metro station”Pushkinskaya”,13 people were killed. 100 were injured.

23/10/2002 – hostages in the theatre centre in Dubrovka in Moscow. All terrorists were killed, 117 hostages were killed too

06/022004 – explosion at the metro station”Avtozavodskaya” in Moscow,39 people were killed, 123 were injured.

Moreover, bombings and assassinations of officials and policemen in Caucauces.

(Даны данные о терактах в Москве и о ситуации на Кавказе.)

This is sad and terrible, isn't it?

Have we lived with terrorism for a long time?

II. Основная часть урока.

1. We are reading the text about the current terrorist situation in Great Britain and what British teens feel about it. After reading the text you should answer some questions, they are on the blackboard: (Мы сегодня будем читать текст о террористической ситуации в Британии и что думают британские подростки по этому поводу. После чтения вы должны ответить на вопросы. Вопросы-на доске.

  1. What a new type of terrorist threat do we witness now?
  2. Is Dee afraid of a terrorist attack?
  3. About whom does she worry ?
  4. Why Jake is against Tony Blair and George Bush?
  5. Does Joe avoid crowded places? Why?
  6. What relation does he hate and why?

We are reading the exercise 53 p.102.

2. The pupils do different tasks on the cards.

  1. Find the word combinations with the words “ terrorism” and “terrorist”.
    (Have lived with terrorism, a new type of terrorist threat, deadly targets of terrorism, terrorist attacks, I’m very afraid of a terrorist attack, a problem with terrorism, the fear of terrorism, we are used to terrorism).
  2. Find and read the sentences with the following words and word expressions and make your own sentences.
    (To witness, I’m very afraid of, I worry about, to feel angry, to avoid crowded places, to live our daily lives, to be used to terrorism).
  3. Answer the question and explain:”Whose point of view is close to you?”
    (Ученикам раздаются карточки с тремя видами заданий различного уровня сложности: найти в тексте словосочетания со словами “террорист, терроризм”, найти и прочитать предложения с данными словами и выражениями и придумать свои собственные предложения с данными словами; Ответить на вопрос “Чья точка зрения тебе ближе?” и объяснить почему.)

3. We are doing exercise 54 p.103.

4. We are discussing the problem: what steps have been taken to prevent terrorism in Kuzbas region and what steps should be taken to prevent terrorism in our region? (Supposed answers: policemen guard schools, hospitals and official buildings; all schools, hospitals and official buildings are equipped with video cameras: policemen guard people during meetings and celebrations: crowded places are guarded: there are instructions how to act in the situations when you see a suspicious object: to call police and not to touch it. In my opinion, the security of people should be strengthen. (обсуждаютсяс меры, принятые в Кузбассе для предотвращения терроризма и предлагается что еще можно сделать).

III. Homework: ex.54b p.103(рассказать как бы вы действовали в ситуациях, связанных с террористической угрозой)III Homework: ex.54b p.103 (рассказать как бы вы действовали в ситуациях, связанных с террористической угрозой).