Тема урока "Clothes & Fashion". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных компетенций учащихся через использование ИКТ по теме «Clothes & Fashion»

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме «Clothes & Fashion» в устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки умения общаться на английском языке – диалогическая речь. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки have to /should.
  • Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся; формировать умение выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать.
  • Воспитательные: развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления, содействовать профориентации учащихся, формировать потребности в практическом использовании языка.

Применяемые технологии

  • развитие познавательных интересов;
  • личностно-ориентированное обучение;
  • информационно-коммуникативно-ориентированное обучение;
  • коммуникационные технологии.

Оборудование урока: доска, мультимедийное оборудование (проектор, интерактивная доска), карточки.

ХОД УРОКА (Презентация)

I hope our gests will have an enjoyable time with us.
Look at the board! Let’s watch a video and try to guess  the theme of our lesson.  (учащиеся просматривают видеоролик)
What is the theme of our lesson ?                                
You are right.  Super! It’s fashion and all that concerns it.

Our goal is to get to know as much as possible about different kind of clothes & fashion.
(слайд 2)  Speak on the topic 
Fashion is really extremely important in the life of people?
Let’s look at the words of wisdom to prove this statement or probably disagree with it. Look at the next slide!

Let’s read these proverbs and explain them.

Good clothes open all doors.  Одежда красит человека.

Clothes do not make the man.   По одёжке встречают, провожают по уму. I think that  who you are is more important than your clothes.

Do you agree that manners make the man?

P1: Well, that’s changed now. Clothes make the man.
T: Well, what’s your opinion?
P2: It’s quite clear that appearance of a person is of great important not only for him but for the other people as well.
P3: I came to the conclusion that very often we think of a person according to his clothes.
P4: We were taught that appearance doesn’t matter, but it is not always true, I guess Etc.)


First of all, I’d like to find the difference between the words: clothes / fashion.
Clothes – mean things worn to cover the body, such as shirts, dresses, jackets, coats and so on.

Fashion – a style of clothing / something that is in fashion.

(слайд 3)  A plan of the lesson.

(слайд 4) Let’s talk a little bit about clothes & fashion.

• Why do we need clothes?

Clothes protect the body from heat and cold. Clothes protect the body from cuts, from exposure and from the sun to prevent skin cancer, also protect all of us from the germs which spread everywhere ...

Sometimes people have too many clothes. They bought it, put it away, and then forgot about it. I’m sure we don’t need so many clothes. I don’t think anyone really needs 10 pairs of jeans and 20 dresses.

• Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?

The simple truth is they love clothes and love shopping. People like brands, so the clothes they buy are quite expensive. They pay for a label which I am against. I’m sure they’d be a lot richer if they didn’t buy so many clothes.

Sometimes people buy brand name clothes because they want to be accepted by their friends especially teens. It’s ridiculous to pay 1000 of rubles for some jeans instead of buying a nice pair of jeans much less.
To look fabulous! In fact, if you are good at fashion then you can look fashionable wearing cheap clothes, b/c you have an eye for what colors look good and what accessories go well with it....

Do you think clothes are a waste of money?

It is a waste of money if people buy a lot of expensive clothes they really do not need or If they do not wear them regularly but only wear a couple times and keep them in their wardrobe for a very long time. Why? Because they have found another good clothes and buy it... it is a circle...

Who decides which clothes are fashionable?

The fashion industry does or people control this process. Fashion industries change and modify clothes, put their inspiration into their designs.  The fashion industries always predict the next hot things in fashion so therefore it is them and no way the people who buy the clothes. Designers tell us what clothes to wear. That’s weird. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel trendy.

• Do your clothes reflect your personality?

Many times we get dressed according to our states of mind, but we really don't realize it. Only when the persons around us ask the reason for our sadness or our joy we understand that we have chosen some clothes that show the others how we feel today.

Do you always donate your old clothes to charity?

Donate for orphans who really need. Animal shelters need some items of clothing and textiles. Donations of clothing are always helpful in disaster situations. It’s a great job to help people!

(слайд 5) A short survey

T:  OK! Let’s make a short survey. Help me, please. On the table you can see 2 cards. Take them and answer the questions, please. The yellow card is for your positive answer, and the white one – for negative answer. Don’t think long!

1. Are you interested in fashion?
2. Do your clothes influence your mood?
3. Do you follow the latest fashion?

(Блиц-опрос. Анализ результатов  блиц-опроса).

T: Well, thank you for your answers. According to our survey almost all of you are interested in fashion. 94% of our audience suppose that clothes influence our mood. And 86% try to follow the latest fashion. So, today we are going to have a talk about clothes, fashion, fashionable clothes and this topic is interesting for you.

(cлайд 6) Vocabulary

6a. T: So, I suppose it's time to revise vocabulary. You'll work in groups. Each group will get a piece of paper. Let’s make a Word WEB. Your task is to think about the words, which associate with the main word. (Раздаются листы со словами PATTERN, STYLE, CLOTHES ) Read  them!
You have done your work perfectly!

6b. T: Well, children, which verbs are associated with the word “CLOTHES”? Let’s make two teams. The team which stops saying, will lose the game. (учащиеся называют различные глаголы:  wear, get dressed, put on, fit, suit, match, try on, go with.)

 6c.  T: Let’s look at the difference between the following verbs: fit, suit, match, try on, go with, wear

Can you define the meaning of these verbs? If you need a help, you can use the dictionary or the Internet.

  1. What does the verb fit mean?
  2. What about the meaning of the verb suit ?
  3. Can you explain the meaning of the verb match?
  4. Does it have a synonym?

Возможные ответы учеников:
To fit – to be the right shape or size for sth/sb
To suit – to make you look attractive
To match, to go with  – to combine well
To try on – to put a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks
To wear – to have sth on your body as a piece of clothing

(слайд 7). T: Good of you! Now look at the slide and read the task!
OK, I think it won’t be very difficult for you to do it.

(На доске текст с пропусками, ученики вставляют, а затем проверяют себя по вставленному программой слову)

Use the correct form of each word to fill in the blanks:  fit, match, suit, wear, try, go

Now let’s use the words of this topic in ex. 3, then listen and check. We’ll see how to use the words about clothes & fashion correctly.

1.  A: How about those trousers? They... FIT… you perfectly.
B: Yes, but they're too casual for the occasion.
2. A: What about the red shirt? It ... MATCHES ... your trousers.
B: You are right! I haven't ... WORN ... it for ages.
3. A: This dress is great. Why don't you … TRY... it on?
B: The colour doesn't … SUIT... me.
4. A:  What do you think of this shirt?
B: It doesn't ... GO ... with the trousers.
5. A: What about these two colours? Do you think they ... MATCH …?
B: Sure!
6. A: That coat really ... SUITS ... Bill.   
B: I don’t think so!

• How many mistakes have you got?
• Have you got any questions?

(слайд 8) Describe each person’s clothes in the pictures
What do you think about these people’s clothes? Let’s define the words – who is a model, who is an actor and so on …

(слайд 9)  Listening  ex. 5 p.61   Pre-Listening task
Let’s listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
            • Listening
            • Reading
            • Post-listening disussion

(слайд 10) What to wear for a party / a picnic / work.

If you go somewhere what clothes will you wear? Do you know how to dress for a birthday party?
• Discuss what types of clothing you would wear in these situations: picnic, party, and job interview.
Do you think having such a dress standard is a good or bad idea? Please explain.
What clothing do people wear now that they didn’t use to wear 50 years ago?

• How have fashions changed over the past fifty years in your country? Use the Internet to search on this topic and report your findings to a partner.

(cлайд 11) Who makes a fashion?

You are right. And who are the world famous fashion designers? (Учащиеся называют известных модельеров – K. Chanel, В. Зайцев, В. Юдашкин и др)

Do you know any modern British designers? I’ll help you to remember. Look at the next slide  – this is Аlexander McQueen (– a British designer, known for her classic clothes), Zandra Rhodes, (a very expensive and strange-fashion designer.), Susan Scott (an Irish designer), Adel McBride  (a designer of romantic style in fashion)

Let’s see how successful we’ve been during the lesson.
I’m glad that most answers were correct.  Every one was participating.
Your ideas were interesting and attractive!
I hope you enjoyed this lesson. I did.
Have a good day. Bye!