Урок по теме "The World around Us is Wonderful". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 7

Презентация к уроку

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Цель: Активизация лексики по теме «Охрана окружающей среды», НРК (национальный региональный компонент)


Формировать навыки речевой компетенции по теме урока, в групповой и парной работе,

развивать способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного текста, прививать учащимся любовь и бережное отношение к природе и окружающей среде родного края.

Учебные пособия: фотографии с изображениями города (мультимедиа-проектор), с местами отдыха людей, лексические карточки, пословицы:

Who doesn’t love his country can love nothing”, “One couldn’t pluck a flower without troubling a star”, “Actions speak louder than words”.

Рекомендация: применение кейс – технологии при проектной деятельности по теме

Ход урока

I. Фонетическая зарядка.



Clean and fresh water, wonderful nature, to protect nature, to solve ecological problems, air pollution, environmental organization, litter, trash, rubbish, to damage trees, to frighten birds and animals, to make a fire, to throw rubbish into the river, to pollute water, things to be reused and recycled

II. Речевая зарядка. (Warming up)

Teacher: Agree or Disagree:

  1. Nature gives people a lot.
  2. The land, the forests and the rivers are a great treasure to people.
  3. People love nature in different ways.
  4. Children like animals.
  5. It is interesting to study the animal world.
  6. It is important to keep nature clean.
  7. It is necessary to feed birds in winter.

III. Презентация по теме «Природа нашего края» См. Приложение 1 (през. “Zlatoust”)

IV. Беседа с учащимися о природе.

a) Many people like to live in cities. They like big houses, busy streets and cars. But they also love nature. During their vacations they go to the woods, to the seaside or spend a good time in the country.

V. Практика в диалогической речи.

Your home task was to make up dialogues about the Ural’s nature. Let's listen to some of them.

a) - I wonder, what do you do on Sunday?

- Nothing special.

- Then, let's go to the forest.

- Oh, it's a nice idea. I think watching birds or an animal is very interesting. You know a lot of interesting things about animals.

VI. Беседа с учащимися о правилах поведения на природе.

We mustn't leave litter in the forest.

We must take it home.

We mustn't leave litter after resting.

We must take litter home.

Wе must protect plants

Wе must leave wild flowers for others to enjoy.

VII. Работа по картинкам.

a) Look at this picture, please.

Is this a beautiful place?

Do you think that the children are enjoying nature?

- They pulled out flowers. It's wrong. Wе must protect plants” Wе must leave wild flowers for others to enjoy.

- Some children have damaged trees. Wе mustn't damage them. Wе must protect our nature. Trees are home for birds and animals.

- Children have thrown rubbish into the river. In such a way they pollute water, fish begin to die. We mustn't throw rubbish into the lake or leave it in the forest.

VIII. Беседа о проблеме переработки некоторых видов отходов.

You see the rubbish problem is very important now. Look at this poster "Litter lasts...”.

You can see that a traffic ticket lasts 1 month.

A banana peel lasts up tо 3 months.

A wool sock - 1 уеаr.

Wooden stakes - 4 years.

A wax paper cup - 5 years.

Tin cans - 100 years.

Aluminum cans- up to 500 years.

Glass containers - they never decay.

Painted wooden stakes - 13 years.

Ecology is one of the global problems nowadays. What should we do? Wе should protect our planet. (Беседа об организациях, занимающихся охраной окружающей среды).

People understand that our nature is in danger. Some organizations are founded in different countries to solve ecological problems.

IX. Беседа об экологической обстановке в родном городе.

(Проектное задание – фоторепортаж с улиц родного города)

One of the most serious problems is air pollution. More and more factories cars and lorries add their bad breath to the air. What can you say about this problem in Zlatoust?

Cars are the world's biggest air polluters. There are a great number of cars in Zlatoust. In cold winter days their engines work day and night. They add their bad breath to the air. The authorities of Zlatoust make laws against air pollution, but the problem of pollution is growing.

Another serious problem is water pollution. Do we have such a problem in Zlatoust?

There are a lot of lakes and rivers around Zlatoust. People like to swim in hot summer days there. Some people are fond of fishing. But many rivers are dirty now. On the banks of the lakes and rivers there is a lot of litter. People leave bottles, paper, and food after their resting. Sometimes they throw them into the water and it's dangerous to swim there, because you may hurt your feet. That's why it's necessary to clean our lakes and our park and keep them clean.

One of the most serious problems is our people. They don’t keep our streets clean. There are great forests around our town. Some years ago they were rich in wild animals, mushrooms and berries. People don’t protect wild nature. Our town and its surroundings are very beautiful but dirty.

- Zlatoust is an industrial town. Metal industry is developed here. Of course, the streets have changed greatly after the holiday. Look at these pictures. The square is spoiled.

How can you help to protect the environment?

- We must keep the country tidy.

- We must grow flowers and trees.

- We must protect animals and birds.

- Wе should not throw trash in the streets or parks. A lot of trash can be recycled.

So we all must work together to keep our world green. The world around us is wonderful. Let’s preserve it.

X. Загадки о животных.

Guess the riddles, please.

  1. l. A large brown animal that lives in the forest and likes honey.
  2. This wild animal is like a dog. It lives in the Ural’s forests.
  3. This animal lives with us and likes to catch mice.
  4. Wе like this bird and call it the bird of peace.

XI. Подведение итогов урока.