Сценка "Ugly duckling" для младших школьников

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа, Внеклассная работа

Цель работы: активизация лексических единиц по различным пройденным темам, развитие коммуникативных способностей – диалогической и монологической речи, повторение грамматического материала.

Костюмы и декорации, соответствующие сюжету сказки.

Сценка “Ugly duckling” для младших школьников

Главные герои:

  • Mother Duck
  • The first duckling
  • The second duckling
  • The third duckling
  • The old duck
  • А hunter
  • А big dog
  • The Hen
  • The Сat
  • Swans

(Приложение 1)

Mother Duck - What a beautiful summer day! This is my nest. My ducklings will come out soon. (Приложение 2)

The first duckling - Grank! The first baby is coming out. I am here.

The second duckling - Grank! The second duckling is here, too. I am your sister.

Mother Duck - Oh, what beautiful yellow ducklings I have. But the biggest egg hasn’t cracked. Wait a little. Let’s sing together. (поют песню “The more we are together, together, together...”или любую другую веселую песенку)

The third duckling - Peep. How big the world is. Grank. The third baby is here.

Mother Duck - Oh, dear, he is ugly. May be it’s not a duck? Babies! Let’s do morning exercises and then go to swim. Oh, he swims very well. He is a duck. Children! Let’s go to the duck-yard. I’ll show you to the old duck. She is the best. Look!

The old duck - Oh, The first duckling is nice, The second duckling is pretty. Oh, what’s this?! It’s not one of us. It’s ugly. Go away.

The third duckling - I am ugly. I am going away.

Suddenly a hunter with a gun and a big dog come out - Who are you? You are so ugly! Poor thing! “Bang”

The third duckling - Oh, I must not move.

The big dog - Bow-wow. I don’t like it.

The third duckling - He did not eat me. I am ugly. I’m going away... (Приложение 3)

Oh, I see a house. I am very cold. Knock-knock, may I come in?

The Hen - What’s this? You are ugly!

The Сat - Can you catch the mice?

The Hen - Can you lay eggs?

The third duckling - Oh, I am so lonely!

The Hen, The cat - Go away!

The third duckling I’m going away . I’ll hide here under this tree. Oh, I see... Birds, I don’t know who they are. But they are very beautiful - the most beautiful birds in the world! It’s very cold. I can’t move.

Swans - What a poor thing! Come on.

- Oh, let’s play with him. Let’s run! Let’s jump! (Приложение 4)

The third duckling - I am afraid. No, don’t do it! OK. I am so ugly. I want to die. Oh, beautiful birds. I let them kill me.

Swans - Look, swans. There is a new one there. And this one is the most beautiful!

The third duckling - Oh, they love me. I am beautiful. I am happy. (Приложение 5)