London is…

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентации к уроку

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Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения в виде монологической и диалогической речи, развитие навыков аудирования, развитие навыков чтения с извлечением выборочной информации


Социокультурный аспект: обобщение и углубление лингвострановедческого материала о достопримечательностях Лондона.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия:

  • формирование навыков и умений составления диалога по предложенной ситуации на основе услышанного диалога-образца и наглядной опоры.
  • использование речевых клише и формул вежливости
  • развитие умения работать в группе, в парах
  • развитие навыков самоконтроля и самооценки

Воспитательный аспект – воспитание культуры общения и поведения (умений планировать своё речевое и неречевое поведение); - развитие внимания и воображения.

Учебный аспект – обогащение и активизация языкового запаса,

  • развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении и аудировании с пониманием основного содержания текста, с извлечением конкретной информации, контроль навыков устной речи.
  • повышение ИКТ-компетентности учащихся.

Лингвострановедческие задачи: расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся; приобщение учащихся к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук, колонки

Дидактические материалы: компьютерная мультимедийная презентации (фоновая, тематическая), видеозапись

Раздаточный материал: обобщающие тесты, карточки с заданиями, карта Лондона, мини карты метро Лондона


I. Warm-up: to introduce Ss to the topic. (См. Презентация. Слайд 1).

The theme of our lesson “London is...”

Today we are going to speak about London, its sights. You will see a film “London’s Guide” and practice the rhyme. After that we’ll work with the map of London.

London has been home of many famous Englishmen. Some were born there. Some lived there all their lives. Others lived in London only for a short time but all gave something to this great city.

Today we begin with the quotation ( Слайд 2) of the English Lexicographer and a man of letters

Dr. Samuel Johnson who lived in London in 1777 and he said:

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life: for there is in London all that life can afford”

What do you think about the quotation? [4]

II. Speaking (Слайд 3,4).

Londoners new and old talk about Britain’s capital.

There are 5 Londoners of different ages and jobs. John-Anna-Tom-Pranas-Sarah

Find out what they liked and disliked about their city.

What is the best thing about London? What is the worst thing about London?

And after that sum up the character of London and Londoners in one word. [4]

III. Writing (Слайд 5).

Writing home

Imagine you arrive to live in London to start a new life. You go to the internet cafe to write home. Complete the e-mail with your own ideas.

Dear .... .

How are you? I arrived in London on Tuesday.

I’m living in ......... (a flat/house/bed-sit) in ...(area in London)

The most difficult about living in London is ...

The best thing about London is ...

Hope you are all well. I will call you next week.


IV. Reciting poem about London (Слайд 6,7).

Now look at the rhyme that was written in 19 century “ St James’ and St.Giles’s” [3]

V. Listening.

Look at the Internet site. London 10 Things you need to know. 8:30

You’ll find here the film about London – a short excursion to the city.

The plan of the film.

1. London is one of Europe’s largest cities.

2. For traveling the “Tube” buy yourself a travel card or ‘Oyster card”. (Слайд 8)

3. Many of the world’s most instantly recognizable landmarks are here.

4. The city’s top museums and galleries are free.

5. There are lots of parks to chill out in.

6. This is one of the best cities in the world for shopping.

7. it’s got some really cool neighborhoods.

8. You have to try some local specialties when eating out.

9. Shop around when looking for discounted theater tickets.

10. Go east rather to west for nightlife.

While you watch match the seesigtings that you see and hear (Слайд 9)

  1. Which of the seesigtings did you see?
  2. Which places of interest would you like to visit?
  3. What was the most interesting information you learnt in the video? What was the most surprising?

VI. Speaking (Слайд 10).

It seems to me that London is an amazing city with a diverse population. Living in London is expensive. It might also be overcrowded and dirty but tell me a place that isn't these days.

Which words you can use to describe London. Start the sentence....

In my opinion London is
It seems to me that
I may be wrong but
I think that
I’m sorry but
I can‘t agree with you that

  • Busy
  • Noisy
  • Sleepy
  • Fast
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Lively
  • Modern
  • Medieval centre
  • Tall skyscraper
  • Crowded
  • Dangerous
  • Safe
  • Dirty
  • Clean
  • Industrial
  • Unique
  • Wealthy
  • Poor
  • Cheap
  • Expensive
  • Slow
  • Interesting
  • Boring

VII. Language work. (Слайд 11).

What does this word mean? Match the word given below with a suitable description

  • Excursion
  • Sightseeing
  • Cathedral
  • Tour
  • Monument
  • Heritage
  • Memorial
  • Gallery
  • Voyage
  • Museum

1. A structure that is preserved because of its historical importance.

2. A position, possession or privilege which is inherited.

3. The act of seeing places and things of interest, especially as a tourist.

4. A building for storing and exhibiting objects of artistic, scientific or historical interest.

5. A room for displaying works of art.

6. A journey in which a number of places are visited.

7. A journey, especially on a ship.

8. A pleasure-trip made by a number of people.

9. An object or institution established in memory of an event or person.

10. The principal church of a bishop's sees.

VIII. The Puzzle. (Слайд 12)Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences in the fact file

IX. The activity with the map of London. (Слайд 13).

I’ll give you the map of London.

Look at the map and find names of the streets in the map which end in the following ways.

  • ... Road
  • ... Avenue
  • ... Gardens
  • ... Street
  • ... Way
  • ... Square
  • ... Terrace
  • ... Drive
  • ... Lane
  • ... Close
  • ... Place

X. The Quiz. (Слайд 14). Match up the clues on the left and the answer to the right. Name Two Squares. [5]

XI. The activity with the underground lines of London. (Слайд 15).

The London Underground also known as the Tube is considered as the oldest railway network in the world. The first section of the Tube is said to have been opened in 1863.

There are 9 underground lines of City of Westminster.

Will you read the lines?

  • Baker Street
  • Bayswater
  • Notthenham Court Road
  • Charing Cross
  • Leicester Square
  • Covent Garden

The best way to get to know the Tube is to use it as much as possible. Use the map of the underground to complete the following:

If you want to go from Victoria to Oxford Circus, it’s best to take the ... line.

The nearest station to the British Museum is ... which is on both the ....line and the ... line.

The ... line goes all the way to Heathrow Airport.

If you visit the House of Parliament, get off at ... .

Piccadilly Circus is on both the ... line and ... line. (Слайд 16)

XII. The activities in pairs. ( Слайд 17)

We use Excuse me as your first words if you approach a stranger to ask smth.

Make up some dialogues in pairs.

XIII. Role play. (Слайд 18).

Fill in the gaps. Form the question and read the following sentences in pairs

XIV. Reading. (Слайд 19)

Skim through the advertisement of a tour company and choose the tour you like best. [2]

Answer the questions which follow. (Слайд 20).

1 .What places of interest do the four tours offer?

2. The riverboat tour lasts a whole day, doesn't it?

3. Which tour does not include Buckingham Palace?

4. All four tours take the visitors to the Royal Albert Hall, don't they?

b) Scan the text for details. Choose the tour you like best. Explain your choice.

XV. Project work. Speaking. Presentation. (Слайд 21)

Two fellow students live and study in London at the University of Arts at the Faculty of Design and at London College of Fashion. Today their friends from the little Russian town Yelets arrive to London. Imagine that you are guides. You are having an excursion though London. Use the following words and expressions.

Try to hold one’s attention –заинтересовать

But it’s unreal to surround unsurroudable – нельзя объять необъятное

Combined dinner – комплексный обед

Repeated visit – повторное посещение

Heart of the city – сердце города

According to plan – согласно плану

To lay down a route – наметить маршрут

Itinerary – пеший маршрут

(Студенты выступают с заранее подготовленным проектом). Приложение 1.

Useful websites (Слайд 22) This is a website for first-time visitors to London. This is a website with information on every single museum in London.

Here are some good websites with information on hotels, theatres, cinemas, pubs and bars:

XVI. Home task. (Слайд 23).

Imagine that you are a guide.
Think about your sightseeing trip by riverboat.
Use the following proverbs in your tour.

  1. He will never set Thames on fire - Ему никогда Темзы не поджечь. Ср. Он пороху не выдумает. Он с неба звезд не хватает.
  2. Much water has flowed under the bridges since then –Много воды утекло с тех пор.
  3. A great ship asks deep waters – Большому кораблю - большое плаванье.
  4. Sink or swim - Потону или выплыву! Ср. Либо пан, либо пропал. Эх, была не была!
  5. Never cross a bridge till you come to it – Не надо бежать впереди паровоза.
  6. Still waters run deep - Тихие воды имеют глубокое течение. Ср. В тихом омуте черти водятся.
  7. To come out dry - Ср. Выйти сухим из воды.
  8. To draw water with a sieve - Черпать воду решетом. Ср. Решетом воду носить.

XVII. Online puzzle (Слайд 24).

XVIII. Reflection.

Список литературы.

1. Гацкевич М.А. Лондон: Темы, упражнения, диалоги: Учебное пособие по английскому языку. – Спб.: КАРО, 2007. – 240 с.

2. Дроздова Т.Ю. Ларионова И.В. Английский для подготовки к экзаменам – СПб.: Антология, 2006.- 296 с.

3. Леонович О.А. Страноведение Великобритании: Учебное пособие. - 2-е изд., испр. И доп. - М.: КДУ, 2004. - 256 с.

4. Speak out. Let’s go to London. 1995 г.

5. Hill J., Lewis M. Welcome to Britain.- Обнинск: Титул 1997. - 80 стр.