Урок английского языка по теме "Наука и цивилизация"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Обобщение и закрепление материала по теме.
  2. Развитие умений спонтанного говореня.
  3. Развитие умений работать в группе,решая проблемные задачи.
  4. Развитие умений рефлексии, отработка коммуникативных навыков дискуссии.

Ход урокa

1. At previous lessons we spoke about technical progress. The topic of today’s lesson is “Technical Progress and Human Civilization”

Let’s remember the meaning of the word “Science”.

What does the word “Civilization” mean?

2. Now you will listen to the text “Science and Human Civilization”. Before listening look through the given tables and during the listening fill in the table. After listening we will control your work.


The story of science began long ago, before people could read and write. One of the earliest scientific discoveries was how to make and use fire.

When people began to settle down and build themselves cities to live in, science progress by leaps and bounds. More than 5000 years ago the ancient Babylonians developed early mathematics and a calendar and studied the stars. The Egyptians added geometry and surgery. But there was no exchangeof scientific knowledge between China and Middle East .

The biggest advances in science in ancient times were made by the Greeks, who also had developed an alphabet in which to write it down. The philosopher Aristotle developed the skills of observation and classifying knowledge in the 300s BC.

The Romans did not advance science much, and during the early Middle Ages people in Europe studied hardly at all. However, the Arabs preserved much of the ancient Greek knowledge. In the Americas, the Aztec, Inca, and Maya Indians developed their own independent scientific knowledge, but their discoveries , like those of the Chinese, were unknown in Europe.

The revival of science came in the 1500s, during the period that we call the Renaissance-“rebirth”-because there was a renewed interest in learning.

Now we are living at a most exciting time in the story of science. Modern methods of research enable us to understand many things that were mysteries to our ancestors. With the aid of telescopes and space probes we are increasing our understanding of the universe.

But the more we find out, the more we realize how much there is still to learn.

First simple discoveries made at the dawn of human civilization  
The country which developed early mathematics and astronomy  
The countries which developed early geometry and surgery  
The countries that developed independent scientific knowledge, but their scientific discoveries were unknown in medieval Europe  
The Greek`s scientific achievements  
The period of time when there was hardly any science development in Europe  
The time when science began developing very fast in Europe  

(У смарт-доски ученик заполняет таблицу.)

Did you mark the same?

3. At the lessons we have spoken about the most important inventions that were made for science and mankind. What inventions do you think are the most important for us?

(Children answer.)

Last lesson you were divided into two groups .You had to prepare your statements about computers , cars and phones. Some of you will speak about advantages of these gadgets, others about disadvantages.

(Ученики у доски доказывают свою правоту, используя постеры и рисунки.)

So, for a conclusion, answer my question : “Can you imagine your life without these inventions?”

4. Now let’s speak about computers with some details.

Do you know who was the inventor of a computer?

(Charles Babbage. The first computer weighed 28 tons.)

Do you know them? Have you seen their portraits earlier?

So you will read the texts about Steve Wosniak and Bill Gates.

Приложение 2.

Look at the table and write out everything concerning every point of the table

You have 10 minutes.

Do the work together but only one pupil will speak. Chose the representative from each group

Now , using this table let’s make a scheme and write very short what you have read







Looking at the scheme you see that they are not similar, they are rather different.

Summing up our work: “ What can you say about these two persons?

Thank you very much for your work. Your marks.

Приложение 1.