Обобщающий урок по теме "English speaking countries"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1.Обобщение и контроль страноведческих знаний.
2.Активизация навыков монологической речи.
3.Научиться делать выбор и обосновывать его в письменном виде.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon my dear friends. Today we have the final lesson on the topic “English speaking countries”. We`ll get some interesting information about the countries and find out why people learn foreign languages.

2. Речевая разминка.

Before we start our lesson I`d like you to answer my questions (учитель – ученик).

– What is your native language?
– Can you speak foreign languages? What languages can you speak?
– Is it easy to learn languages? Can people speak more than two or three languages?
– What can help you to learn languages well?
– What are you going to be? Can English help you in your future profession? Why?
– How can we name the people who can speak many foreign languages?

Now I`d like you to do a short summery on the topic “Why should we study languages?”

Выступает с кратким докладом один ученик.

3. Монологическая речь (использование презентаций , выполненных дома).

People like travelling and communicate with each other, don`t they? To understand each other better we study English, an international language.

As far as I know some of your friends have prepared presentations about different English speaking countries, let`s listen to them.


После каждой презентации учитель просит слушателей задать вопросы докладчикам.

4. Динамическая игра.

I see you are tired, aren`t you? It`s time to play. Come to me and take the cards. You can move around the class room, talk in whisper and find your pair to built a chain. You are short in time. Act,please. Учащиеся двигаются по классу и ищут сeбe пару согласно карточке. На карточке одно словосочетание на русском языке, другое – на английском. Так строится цепочка.

One, two, three . Built a chain! Let`s listen to you. What have you got? Well done, thanks. Take your sits, please.

5. Активизация лексических навыков.

На экране словосочетания из страноведческих текстов (учебник Enjoy English, 7 класс).

Look at the screen! Let`s do an interesting exercise. You can see two columns of word combinations, listen to me and repeat after me.

Now you should match the words from the first column with the words from the second one.

Ученики соотносят слова из первой колонки со словами из второй.

6. Письменная речь.

Children! We`ve found that it is very important to learn languages. Most of you have decided what you are going to be. There are a lot of different professions. Now we `ll write a short story about importance of English in your future(6–8 sentences).

Open your copy-books and do the task. There is a plan on the blackboard, it can help you.

1) Introduction

2) Main idea

– what are you going to be;
– how can English help you;

3) Conclusion.

Учитель просит нескольких учеников зачитать свои рассказы.

Our lesson is over. We understood how important it is to learn foreign languages and to study in general. Thanks for your work.

Now write down your homework: you should learn your stories by heart.

See you soon.