Проектная деятельность на уроке английского языка "Дом моей мечты". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель: формирование навыков проектной деятельности с использованием ИКТ.


Образовательные: способствовать развитию практического владения языком, умению вести беседу; создавать условия для развития лексических навыков говорения по теме “Дом. Квартира”; расширить кругозор по теме.

Познавательные: активизировать лексику и лексико-грамматические конструкции по теме.

Воспитательные: воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение; развивать эстетическое чувство, воспитывать любовь к своему дому и близким людям.

Развивающие: создавать условия для развития творческих способностей, навыков проектной деятельности.

Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация урока; презентации и видео-фильм учащихся; аудиозапись аккомпанемента к песне; карточки с заданиями; плакаты, изображающие абрис дома; песочные часы.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Рапорт дежурного:

T: Good morning.

PP: Good morning to you.

T: Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

P: I am. Today is the 23d of March. It is Friday today. Vicky and Leo are absent. Vicky is taking part in the concert and Leo is ill.

2. T: Thank you. Let’s start our lesson. You know all people like to dream. Dreams make our life more interesting, colorful and bright. And today we’ll dream about the house you would like to live in. So our theme is “The House of My Dream”. People can live in different accommodation.

What are they? Показ слайдов презентации учителя. Приложение 1.

PP: Many people live in block of flats.

Some people like detached and semi-detached houses.
Others prefer terraced houses.
Some people live in houseboats.
Some people like caves.
Others prefer tents.

T: At the end of our lesson we are going to answer the question: What is the house of your dream? We worked on the projects and now it’s time to present them.

Remember the criteria for your work: estimate of your work includes searching the Internet, choosing the necessary information, presentation design, your creativity and self-dependence; estimate of your speech has 4 criteria – vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and the number of sentences (10-15). On your desks you have got tables to fill in while listening. Please mark the type of accommodation, its features and activities you can do there.

Accommodation Description Activities

So Yulya and Polina, you are welcome.

3. PP: представляют свой проект. Приложение 2.

Cлайд 1. As we live in the North, we dream about warm places. That’s why we would like to live in a villa in Sochi. It is a lovely building with large swimming pool and a beautiful view.

Many of our friends and I are fond of swimming. It’s great to have parties and picnics together.

Слайд 2. Inside the house is beautifully decorated. Downstairs you can see a dining-room with wooden dining-table and chairs and a comfortable living-room. Cushions, curtains, lamps and a small rug make it cozy. We can watch TV, listen to music and read magazines here.

Слайд 3. Upstairs there are two bedrooms. The first bedroom has got a double bed, an armchair and a bedside cabinet with the lamp. The room is pretty and nice. The second bedroom has got 2 single beds with bedside cabinets and lamps. You can find a wardrobe here. The picture on the wall decorates the room.

Слайд 4. We think it is the best place to live in!

T: Thank you very much. It was interesting. Now let’s listen to Maxim.

4. P: представляет свой проект. Приложение 3.

Слайд 1. I think my life is boring. That’s why I dream about the unusual place. This house is quite unusual. It is on the cliff. There is a cable car to get inside. You can see holes and caves on the cliff. It’s great to invite friends and play jokes there.

Слайд 2. Inside the house is attractive and cozy. In the living-room there is a big fire-place, two sofas, a TV-set and a coffee-table.

Слайд 3. The bedroom looks like a cave. But we have got central heating and a telephone here.

Слайд 4.I  think it is the best place to live in!

5. T: Thank you Maxim. It was great! We have one more project, but it is quite different. Angelina, we are ready to listen to you.

P: Well, I like my flat very much and I don’t want to change the place. I have made a video. Enjoy watching. Показ видеосюжета и комментарии к нему:

Hello. I would like to invite you to my room. It is small but cozy. I have chosen blue and brown colors for my room because they remind me the underground world.
I have got all necessary things here. You can see a chest of drawers, a mirror, a tape recorder. These are my photos. I have got bookshelves with books and toys. Of course, I am not a small girl, but I love soft toys.

And this is my desk. Also I am fond of plants and there are lots of them on my windowsill.

To rest and sleep I have got a big and comfortable bed. All my clothes are in this wardrobe.

I am a creative girl and like to make things with my own hand. Here you can see my calendar and a poster.

I think my room and my flat are the best place to live in because here I feel myself happy and save. My dear Mummy always helps and understands me. We are best friends. That’s why my home is ideal; it is a place of love.

T: What is more important for Angelina?

P: I think her flat and her room is important for her because they are comfortable and cozy. Her mother is also very important for Angelina.

6. T: Your dreams are fantastic! But maybe we’ll stop to have a rest and sing the song “We’ve got a dream”? Приложение 4.

Ученики выполняют зарядку под музыку и затем поют куплет песни собственного сочинения:

We can live in many places and can see a lot of faces,
But we are looking for a way to dream.
We are flying over seas and are walking through the trees
To find a place for our happiness.
Is it far away from here or quite near?
Do you want to answer question this?
We are happy and are laughing and we have to worry nothing.
Like everybody else we have a dream!
We’ve got a dream, we’ve got a dream!
I and he and she and you have got a dream!
And we want to find the places to cheer up our faces.
Like everybody else we have a dream!

7. T: You have seen different projects. Now work in pairs, discuss the ideas and ask each other: “Which idea do you like most of all?” You have 2 minutes (песочные часы).

P-P: ученики в парах разыгрывают диалоги:

– Well, what project do you like most of all?

– I like the idea about …

– Why do you like it?

– I find the house … I like…. And what about you?

– As for me, I prefer the idea about the …

– What attracts you?

– To my mind, the house is …

T: Let’s listen to your dialogues. (Прослушивание двух-трех диалогов).

T: What idea do you like? Why? (Вопрос к другим ученикам.)

8. T: So it’s time to answer our question: What is the house of our dream?

I want you to form 2 groups and discuss the main features of our ideal house. There are some sentences you have to complete. You have 3 minutes to do it.


1) We think it is important to live in ….. house.

(We think it is not important what kind of building to live in.)

The house of our dream is …, …, …. and …

It is situated in ….area.

2) There are different rooms in it: …, …, …,

3) In the house we live with ………………..

We ………….. together.

We …., …, and … each other.


1) To our mind, we can live in different houses. It doesn’t matter.

(We want to live in … house.)

The house of our dream should be …, …, …. and …

It is situated in ….area.

2) There are different rooms in it: …, …, …,

3) In the house we want to live with ………………..

We ………….. together.

We …., …, and … each other.

9. T: Are you ready? Now, put the sentences on the layouts of the house which are on the blackboard (Рис. 1.) in the next order: the most important features should be at the bottom, then other features, which are also important and put the less important information at the top of the layout.

Let’s look what you have done. The first group, please.

P: Учащиеся зачитывают свои варианты, начиная с фундамента дома.

T: Thank you. Now the second group, please.

What have we got? Do you remember the name of this part of the house? The basement.

What information have you put here? What is the base for our dream house?

P: Family, parents and love!

T: We can live in different houses and in different places. But only if we have love in our hearts, we will be happy! That’s why English people say: “Home is where the heart is”.

10. T: Thank you for your work. You showed you can listen to each other, you can respect other people’s ideas. You tried to express your opinion and give reasons. You also found out the main feature of an ideal home. So, your marks are…. The lesson is over. Good bye.