Заключительный урок английского языка по теме "Музыкальные инструменты"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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  • Контроль знаний учащихся по пройденной теме.
  • Совершенствование практических навыков владения лексикой по теме “Музыкальные инструменты”.
  • Развитие познавательной активности, творческих способностей.
  • Развитие интеллектуальных способностей (памяти, мышления, внимания, эмоций).

Задачи: активизировать употребление лексики по теме; практиковать учащихся в аудировании.

Оборудование: Учебники, рабочие тетради, компьютерная презентация; раздаточный материал в виде таблицы для заполнения учащимися.

Ход урока

1. The beginning of the lesson.

Hello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you, and I hope you are fine and you are ready for our lesson, aren’t you? So, let’s start.

2. Speaking.

Answer my questions:

  1. What’s the date today?
  2. Who wants to ask about the day of the week? – Приложение 1.
  3. What theme do we learn?
  4. What parties do you like?

Let’s have a Dragon party to show our guests what you can do in English.

  1. Who wants to tell us the chant about party? – Приложение 2.
  2. What would you like to wear for your party?
  3. Who wants to tell us the chant about clothes? –Приложение 3.
  4. What presents would you like to get for your party?
  5. Who wants to tell us the chant about robot? – Приложение 4.

We are going to sing the song. We need a band. Please, answer:

  1. Who can play the piano?
  2. Who can play the drum?
  3. Who can play the flute?
  4. Who can play the guitar?
  5. Who can play the violin?

(Ученики с музыкальными инструментами поют песенку “I am the Music Man”)

“I am the Music Man” – Приложение 5.

Let’s sing the song.

3. Listening.

Now, boys and girls, you will be given the cards and you should listen to the tape and tick the instrument each child can play. - Приложение 6

Ученики заполняют индивидуальные таблицы.

  violin drum guitar flute piano
Miss Fun          

Let’s check up your work.

(Используем интерактивную доску.)

  1. Who can play the piano?
  2. Who can play the drum?
  3. Who can play the flute?
  4. Who can play the guitar?
  5. Who can play the violin?
  6. Why Miriam isn’t happy? Why’s she sad?

4. The game “Generals”

Now, boys and girls, let’s play the game “Generals” Who wants to be general? Tell us what to do!

Run, swim, ride a bike, jump, fly, smile, sleep, sit down.

5. Reading.

Now, boys and girls, we are going to read the story “The Dragon’s tale”. Open your books at page 74. Are you ready? But before, listen to me.

(Презентация к уроку иллюстрирует рассказ)

Picture A

Look at Princess Jess. She’s sad. She says “I am not going to marry Prince Rat. I like Jack.”

Is Jack a prince? No, he isn’t a prince.

The King’s not happy. Look at the King. He is wearing a blue jacket and a white blouse. Where is the King? What colour are his trousers?

Picture B

Who is this? Prince Rat. “Hello King! Hello Princess! I am Prince Rat. I am going to marry you, Princess Jess!” He looks fantastic! Princess Jess is not going to marry Prince Rat.

Picture C

Prince Rat goes to Witch Hazel. She looks frightening!

“Help me. I can give you some money”.

Witch Hazel: Put this hat on Jack. Give this coffee to Princess Jess. Say the magic words.

Picture D

Prince Rat is in Jack’s room... “Abracadabra! Boom. “What’s this? Who’s this? Oh, no. It’s a dragon. “Whrrr, ohrrr.” Jack looks frightening! Prince Rat is happy. “Jack, go away!

Hooray! “I’m going to marry Princess Jess.”

Picture E

Prince Rat is in the castle. “Hello, King. Hello Princess.” The King is happy. “Would you like some сoffee ?”

“Sit down, please. “Princess Jess drinks... What? ...Magic coffee.

Picture F

Oohh! Yummy! Prince Rat, you look fantastic! Prince Rat says, “Please marry me!” What does Princess Jess say? Princess Jess says “yes”.

Picture G

Jack/Prince Dragon flies to Merlin. Where’s Merlin? He’s in the castle. “Can you help me?” Merlin says. “Yes, I can.”

Fly to the castle and take Prince Rat away.”

Did you like this tale? Let’s read it. (Чтение по ролям p. 74-75 ex. 1)

Who would like to be Princess Jess/ the King/ Prince Rat/ Witch Hazel/ Merlin?

Well done.

6. Writing.

Now I will give you a skeleton of this story and you should complete these sentences.

(Карточки – раздаточный материал)

1. Prince Rat’s going to marry...

2. Princess Jess says “I am not...

3. Prince Rat goes to...

4. Witch Hazel gives him...

5. Prince Rat puts... on Jack.

6. Jack’s a...now.

7. Prince Rat gives...

8. Jess going to...

9. Merlin asks Jack, “What...”

10. Jack’s going to...

7. The end of the lesson.

Now, tell me: did you like our party?

What have we done at our lesson?

We remembered the words and we remembered the chants, we read the tale and did the exercises.

Thank you for your work!

Список литературы.

  1. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка “MILLIE 3”
  2. Учебник английского языка “MILLIE 3”