Открытый урок английского языка во 2-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема: Мы читаем сказки. (We read Fairy Tales)

Цель: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции (монологической, диалогической речи)


  • Создать условия для группового целеполагания и рефлексии.
  • Развивать речевую компетенцию (монологической и диалогической речи)
  • Учить пересказу на основе прочитанного.
  • Развивать аудитивное умение.


I. Организационный момент / Постановка учебных задач

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? If you are fine – smile. What is our topic?

P1: Our topic is “We Read Fairy Tales”. (После ответа учеников тема появляется на экране – Приложение 1, рис. 1)

T: At the previous lessons we read an interesting tale.

– What is the title of the tale? (после ответа учеников название сказки появляется на экране – Приложение 1, рис. 2)

– How many parts has it got?
– Who is the main character? 
– So, today we go on speaking about Brother Hare. We’ll try to retell the 3rd part of the tale. Let’s make up our plan for the lesson.
What should we do at the lesson? Choose the right expressions.

Ps: have a talk about … (Brother Hare)

  • act out the dialogue
  • retell the story
  • discuss the story
  • practice writing words

– Work hard at the end of the lesson raise your cards according to your work.

II. Речевая зарядка

T: So the main character of our tale is Br.H.

– What do you know about Br.H.?
– Who helps him to be big and very, very clever?
– What does she ask him to get?
– Now let’s revise the information of the first two parts of the tale.
– Work in groups of five. Your task is to put the sentences into a logical order. You have 4 minutes for this task. Don’t forget to decide which of you will answer.

  • Brother Hare is very little.
  • Brother Hare takes a box.
  • The Bird is hungry.
  • He wants to be big and very, very clever.
  • He puts seeds into the box.
  • She wants to eat the seeds.
  • Brother Hare asks his Aunt to help him.
  • He goes to the tree where the Bird lives.
  • The Bird jumps into the box.
  • Aunt Mammy Bammy asks Brother Hare to get the Bird for her.
  • He puts the box under the tree. 
  •   Brother Hare closes the box and runs to his Aunt.

T: Your time is up. Let’s check your work. Group №1 read the first sentence. Are you ready? Put plus … (+ экран Приложение 1, рис. 3)
Group №1 how many points have you got? Well done. …

III. Развитие диалогической речи

– And now let’s role play the tale. But first pay attention to some phrases. (экран Приложение 1, рис. 4)

– What do you want?
– How are you?
– Get it for me.
– If you do what I want.
– Can you see that Bird?
– I want to eat these seeds.
– Then jump into this box.
– I’ve got many seeds.

1. T – Cl.
2. P1 read, translate – P2 – …
3. P3 – Cl.

Now choose the card with the situation, work in pairs, and make up your own dialogue. Be ready to act it out.

Situation № 1

Brother Hare is very little. He wants to be big and very, very clever. He comes to his Aunt Mammy-Bammy and asks her to help him.

Situation № 2

Brother Hare takes a box with the seeds and goes to the tree to get the Bird.

– Now let’s listen to your dialogues.
– All the rest listen attentively, be ready to make your opinion on the dialogue.
– What do you think about the dialogue?

P1: It was good (natural, fine, very good)
– Thank you for your dialogues.

IV. Подготовка к пересказу

T: Now let’s revise the 3rd part of our tale.
First pay attention to these words and word combinations.

Фон. отработка слов

The Snake’s tooth, takes some gum, makes a toy bird, out of the gum, the lake, where the snake lives, into her mouth, can’t close, runs up, gets.(экран Приложение 1, рис. 5)

1. P1 read – P2 translate
2. P3 – Cl.

Find and read

1. Если ты хочешь быть очень, очень умным – достань змеиный зуб для меня.
2. Братец Заяц берет смолу и делает из нее игрушечную птицу.
3. Затем он берет игрушечную птицу и идет к озеру, где живет змея.
4. Змея берет игрушечную птицу в свой рот.
5. Она не может закрыть рот.
6. Братец Заяц подбегает к ней и достает змеиный зуб из ее рта.


– Now let’s have a rest with our Brother Hare. (the song “Walking, walking”)

– Let’s come back to our tale.

Agree or disagree

  • Br.H. goes to his Granny. (–)
  • Br.H. gives the Bird to Aunt Mammy Bammy. (+)
  • Br.H. says that Br.H. is very clever. (–)
  • She asks him to get the duck. (–)
  • Br.H. makes a toy snake. (–)
  • The Snake is not hungry. (–)
  • Br.H. gets the Snake’s tooth. (+)


Read the sentences to prove that …

  • Aunt Mammy Bammy likes the Bird.
  • Br.H. wants to be very, very clever.
  • Br.H. gets the Snake’s tooth.

V. Обучение пересказу

– Now let’s retell the story how Br.H. gets the Snake’s tooth. The scheme will help you. Answer my questions and fill in the scheme. (Презентация Приложение 1, рис. 6)
– Who is the main character?
– What does he take?
– What does he make out of the gum?
– Where does he go with the toy bird?
– Who lives near the lake?
– Is the Snake hungry?
– What does she do?
– And what’s the matter?
– What does Br.H. do?
– Where does he run then?

– Now let’s retell the story.

  1. T
  2. P1 ––> P2 ––> P3

At home retell the story. If it is difficult for you, you may use the scheme.

VI. Аудирование, письмо

Boys and girls, Brother Hare has got a letter from his new friend. But some words in it can’t be seen. Help Brother Hare to read the letter. Listen to the letter and fill in the gaps.
T reads – Ps write.

Hello, Brother Hare!

My name is Jen the _______. I ________ in a brown house in Green ________. My house is _________ the __________.
I have got three children. They are ________. They are not ______. They always ________ me to _______________.
Please, come to see us some day.
Good bye.
Let’s check it. Exchange your cards. Take green pens and check your classmates work using the key.

Hello, Brother Hare!

My name is Jen the hen. I live in a brown house in Green Street. My house is near the lake
I have got three children. They are clever. They are not lazy. They always help me to make bread.
Please, come to see us some day.
Good bye.

– Who has got 10-9 points? Stand up. Very good!
8-7 points raise your hand. Good.
– All the rest learn to write the words.

VII. Подведение итогов

– Let’s sum up our results.
– Did we discuss the story? (Yes, we did)
– Raise your cards according to your work.
– Thank you for your work. (+ оценка учителя)
– Our lesson is over you may go. Goodbye.

H/w: SB Ex. 7 p. 54 (ret.) (экран Приложение 1, рис. 7)