Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации.
Цели урока:
- Обучающая:обучение учащихся пониманию основного содержания и значимых деталей для принятия адекватного смыслового решения, включающего ответное речевое и неречевое действие.
- Развивающая: развитие экзистенциальной, образовательной и рецептивной компетенций.
- Воспитательная: развитие умения и желания взаимодействовать с другими учащимися и преподавателем в рамках учебной деятельности на английском языке.
Задачи урока:
- обучить учащихся рецептивно владеть значительным по объему лексико-грамматическим материалом, выборочно анализировать текст, точно понимать текст на уровне значения и смысла;
- сформировать познавательную и эмоциональную потребность в учебной деятельности;
- совершенствовать овладение учащимися учебными стратегиями и приемами для определения структуры и коммуникативной направленности целого текста и его частей, функции абзацев, прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовку и др.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, раздаточный дидактический материал, наглядный материал.
1. Организационный момент
– Good morning, pupils! We are extremely glad to see you! Would you be so kind
to greet our guests?
– Good morning, you are welcome to our real-life English lesson! By the way, how are you
getting on? Look at the blackboard and call out the words which describe your feelings.
– We have found a lovely Chinese proverb. Have a look at the blackboard.
– Do you like it? It sounds great, doesn’t it? I think it’s a good idea to follow
this piece of advice.
2. Основная часть
2.1. Групповая работа
Pupils, look at the blackboard. There is an Activity Tree. What are
our usual reading activities? But what do you like most of all? Discuss in your groups and
stick the hearts on the 3 top activities of your group.
Just now we are going to introduce some of these activities.
Not so long ago we have read the book. Do you remember the title of this book? Who is the
author of this book?
2.2. Составление логико-семантической карты (Mind-mapping)
We want you to remember the main parts of the story with the help of your favourite activity. Let’s pool your ideas and create our mind-mapping. How many parts are there in the story? What are they? What have you learnt from the first chapter?
2.3. Активизация лексических единиц по тексту (Killing the text then bringing it back to life).
Today we are going to have two teams. Every team should choose any three words from the
text you wish and write them down.
Soon you will need to be ready to use either word in a sentence. Remember your sentences
should be connected thematically with the original text.
Sara Crewe is a very rich little girl. She first comes to England when she is seven,
and her father takes her to Miss Minchin’s school in London. Then he goes back to his
work in India. Sara is very sad at first, but she soon makes friends at school.
Now we can finally bring our story to life with the help of these phrases:
Sara Crewe is ………… . She first …….. when ……….., and her father ……… in London. Then he goes back ………. in India. Sara is …………. at first, but she soon ……………….. at school.
2.4. Восстановление литературного образа героев на базе ключевых фраз и иллюстраций, созданных учащимися (Lists from pictures, pictures from lists)
We have already revised the plot of the story. Now it’s high time to name once again
our main characters.
But first of all look at the blackboard and let’s brainstorm the main features of
character. There is a list of adjectives and your task is to divide them into two
categories: positive and negative ones. Let’s work in group for this activity.
Now each group should choose his own secretary and an
artist in residence. Take a picture and a sheet of paper. Don’t look at
other groups’ picture. Describe your hero with adjectives which you can find in your
folders and the secretary sticks all the words suggested.
Now we are going to collect the pictures and ask groups to exchange the lists. Take
another sheet of blank and try to draw the main character of this picture and a scene.
Now let’s display the drawings, guess who is in the picture and describe the scene with
the help of this frame. The rest of the pupils should work with these assessment criteria
and decide how well they can describe a picture.
Have they guessed the character of the picture? Have they described the pictures using all
these expressions and prepositional phrases?
2.5. Интервью (Interview), пантомима (miming the picture), инсценирование (drama).
The Question Show
Sophia: Have you ever been to any TV shows? Today you’ll have a
chance to take part in our Question Show!
All: That’s a good idea!
Sophia: I know you have read an interesting book “A little Princess”.
Do you like it?
All: We like it a lot.
Sophia: How do you like it?
Liza: I love it. And you?
Rita: I like it a lot. It’s wonderful. (Miming)
Sophia: I’m glad you like it. I’m sure while reading the text you
found out lots of adjectives which described the appearance of the main characters, the
attitude to the characters and let’s try to analyze their actions, thoughts and
Rita: Characters like all people have both best and worst points. I think
the author describes them truthfully, life-like, with understanding and sympathy.
Sophia: Can you name three bright adjectives which help us to understand
what the main characters are like.
Sergei: It seems to me … My character, Mr. Crew, is brave and strong,
but the most important thing is that he is a true friend of his daughter. (Сцена
Сары с отцом)
Kristina: Well, as for my character, Lavinia is ambitious, serious
in her studies, envious, in other words she wants everything she sees. Do you remember her
words? (Oh, Sara is so clever…)
Sopia: Miss Minchin, this name sounds very strict, don’t you
think so?
Vika: In my opinion, she is cold and unfriendly and doesn’t think about
other’s feelings. If she were my teacher, I would be afraid of her.
Rita: To my mind, Sara is bright and full of wonderful ideas.
Everybody remembers her wonderful stories about India, French Kings…
Liza: She is always ready to help other people, especially her true
All: These the kinds things we like.
We have already introduced some of our top activities. But one thing is missing. Can you
guess what we are talking about?
The final song. It’s high time to sing a final song. But before we
are starting to sing it the groups should take these sheets of blanks. Listen to the song,
put and stick the words in the correct order. At the end of this activity you may use your
posters to introduce this song. (Исполняется песня в исполнении
Элтона Джона из мультфильма «Король-лев»
Now we are going to play the song again. Everyone should mime the lyrics. Remember you can
do different mimes.
3. Подведение итогов урока
– We hope you found our lesson relevant, interesting and helpful.
– We will be very happy to see your feedbacks on these copies:
– I have found this lesson interesting because…
– I think our top activities are helpful because…
4. Домашнее задание и его инструктаж. «Write in the shape»
– Your home task will be to write in the shape a 4 sentence essay.
– You should begin your essay in the following way:
I recommend this book to my peers because…