Урок английского языка по теме "Мы собираемся посетить британскую школу" (УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English"). 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели урока: развитие лексических, речевых грамматических навыков по теме «Разделительный вопрос» (традиционные и трудные случаи) Present, Past Simple, речевых умений (монологической, диалогической речи, аудирования, чтения) по теме «Школа. Школьная жизнь»; развитие творческих способностей учащихся

Задачи урока: создание благоприятного психологического климата, способствующего формированию личности уч-ся, закрепление лингвострановедческого материала о Британской школе, воспитание вежливости и уважительного отношения к традициям страны изучаемого языка.


1. Оргмомент

Разговор с дежурным.

Речевая зарядка

Управляемый диалог.


A poem “Good morning”.
Who is on duty today? – I am.  What day is it today? – It is Monday.  What is the date? –  It is the 27th of February.
How are you today? – I am fine, thanks, and you? – I am fine, too.    Is the weather fine today? – Yes, it is. It is fine today.

Now Sasha, ask Olga if it is cold or warm today.   Olga, ask Dasha if it is slippery in the street today.  Dasha, ask Ksusha if is sunny today. Ksusha, ask Vitya if the temperature is above or below zero today.  Etc.

2. Основная часть урока

Приветствие гостей



Введение в сюжет урока


You see, children, we have guests today. They are teachers from other schools of our town. You see them for the first time. So say “How do you do?” to them.
– How do you do?
– How do you do?
– Nice to meet you!
– Nice to meet you, too.

So, children, I am very excited today, because I have a letter for you. It is from Britain. Let us read the address on the envelope:  Pupils of form 5 “A”
school 339
Moscow 109443

Слушание фонозаписи


Чтение письма учащимися

Сообщение темы урока

Oh, children, it is a very unusual letter. What is there in the envelope?
– There is a cassette there. Let’s listen to what it says, shall we? Oh, children, there is a note here: textbook p. 24 ex.1. Is it an invitation letter?
– Yes, it is.
– Who invites us to Britain?
– Head Teacher of a Local State School invites us to Britain.
– Who will be responsible for the costs of accommodation and for educational and social programme?
– Their school will be responsible for the costs of accommodation and for educational and social programme.
– Now let’s read the letter ourselves, paying attention to the intonation and the pronunciation.
– So you see, Head Teacher of a British school invited us to stay with the families of British children. Let’s get ready for our trip. And the theme of our lesson is: WE ARE GOING TO VISIT A BRITISH SCHOOL
– What do you think we should do today?
Целеполагание – We should pack our bags, revise the stories about ourselves, learn to ask and answer questions, learn to be polite and learn to make friends.
Упаковывание сумки для путешествия – So let’s pack our bags, shall we? On the table you can see some pictures. We’ll need some things in our trip and we won’t need the other things. So, Vitya, come here and pack our bag. Use the expressions from the blackboard:  We’ll need… in our trip. We won’t need … in our trip…. Thank you. Children, praise your friend, please.
Выступления консультантов – Now let’s revise the stories about ourselves, because in Britain you will have to tell something about yourselves. Each group has a consultant. Our consultants will speak now and each group should give her a mark. (Olga, Masha, Kristina). Kristina, stop, please. Imagine that our guests are British teachers. Perhaps, they want to ask Kristina questions about her school life. Will you ask her, please?...
– Thank you. Sit down, Kristina.
Оценивание рассказов членов группы консультантами (работа в группах) – Children, you can see green cards in front of you. Our consultants will ask you to tell stories about yourselves and they will give you marks, putting them into the white cards. Then they will fill in the green cards and we’ll stick them to our posters. I’ll give you 5 minutes to do this…
– Thank you. Now stick the cards to your posters, please. We will send our posters to Britain before our visit and the British pupils can easily make friends with you if they know your interests.
Физкультминутка – What is this, children?
– It is shampoo. I think we need it for our trip. Can you read its name? HEAD AND SHOULDERS. Do you know a song about head and shoulders?
– Yes, we do. What about singing a song and doing some physical exercises?
– Good idea! Yulia, come here, please... Thank you.
Вопросы гостям – Children, our British guests were schoolchildren some years ago. You know that British school life is different from our school life. Now let’s ask our guests to remember their school life. Try to use tag-questions because they invite people to the conversation. Listen to our guests’ answers attentively and then I’ll ask you to tell us what you’ve learned from their answers… Tell me what you have learned.
Разбор лексико-грамматического теста – Now here is a test “Tag-questions”. Pay attention to the sentence, beginning with the words: “Let’s…”. The “tag” to this question is always “shall we”. Try to explain why.
3. Заключительная часть урока

Дом. заданиe

– We asked tag-questions today, so your h/w for the next lesson will be the test “Tag-questions”, Workbook p. 13 ex. 4, and who wants to get a “five”– back translation. Open your workbooks and look through your home task.
Рефлексия – So, children, we worked much today, didn’t we? Did we ask and answer questions? Did we revise the material about British schools? Did we tell the stories about ourselves? Are we ready to go to a British school? Now we can do anything. And now we can relax. What about singing a song? – Good idea! (песня “We Can Do Anything”)
Прощание Now say “good bye” to our guests. Now turn to me, please:

Raise your head,
Jump up high,
Wave your hand
And say “Good-bye”.