Урок английского языка "Друзья Маугли". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Задачи урока:

  1. Обобщить и систематизировать знания по теме «Animals», «Tales»,развивать навыки по совершенствованию говорения, чтения, аудирования, активизация изученной лексики с использованием грамматического материала (модального глагола-can,to be, личных и притяжательных местоимений, употребление глаголов в 3лице ед. ч. в настоящем времени, притяжательный падеж существительных.
  2. Расширить кругозор, ввести новые ЛЕ, развивать мышление, быстроту реакции.
  3. Воспитывать в детях чувство толерантности к природе, друг другу, чувство добра.

Оборудование урока: игрушки-животные, плакат с картиной джунглей, картинки зверей, персонажи любимых сказок Р. Киплинга, портрет Р. Киплинга

Ход урока

Вводная часть


Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Today we have guests. . Let’s meet our guests

Children: Good morning, dear guests. We are glad to see you.

Teacher: Sit down, please, get ready for the lesson.

Teacher: Kolya, how are you?

Kolya: …

Teacher: Olga, how are you?

Olga: …

Teacher: children, do you like animals?

Children: yes, we do.

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about animals, about friendship. Today I want you to be actors of our Travelling Puppet Theatre and with our theatre we’ll visit a new country.

But, first of all, let’s practice some sounds and words.

Фонетическая зарядка

One,one,one - please, dogs, run!
Two,two,two-cats,run, too!
Three,three,three-tigers,run to me!
Four,four,four-monkeys, touch the door!

Речевая зарядка


Оne and two
I and you
One and two
Who are you?


Are you Tanya?
Who are you?
How old are you?
What is your surname?
Where are you from?


Оne, two, three
Who is she?

Pupil 2:

She is Little Red Riding Hood
She has a mother, a grandmother
She has no father, no sister, no brother


Оne, two, three
Who is she?

Pupil 3: She is Cinderella. She has a father, she has no mother.


How is your mother?
She is fine, thanks


How is your father?
He is fine, thanks.

Teacher-Pupil 6:

How is your sister?
She is fine, thanks.

Teacher-Class: cat-rat, dog-frog, car-star, bear-hear.

Teacher: А какие чудесные превращения происходят с именами существительными во множественном числе?

P1,P2,P3… (ответы учеников).

Teacher: Now, let’s check up your home-work. Let me see your cards and pictures of lovely animals and pets.

You are clever boys and girls! You are very talented!

Now we can start our trip. We are going to make our trip by plane

Teacher: Sasha, what country would you like to visit?

Sasha: I would like to visit……..

Teacher: Natasha, what country would you like to visit?

Natasha: I would like to visit……..

Teacher: Children, today we are going to visit India. Look here! Karlson brings the tickets for a plane, but he wants you to retell him poems about animals. Do you know?

(Дети рассказывают стихи.)

Teacher: Thank you! Here is your tickets. Let's count them

(Дети считают: one, two, three, four …)

Teacher: Well done! We can begin our performance.

India- is a very beautiful country. R. Kipling- is an English writer. He was born there and loved it very much. He wrote «Jungle book» and many other tales and stories for children and adults. I’ll tell you a new story, we’ll meet Mougli and his friends, but I need your help.

Когда я буду рассказывать, вы должны быть внимательными, и выбрать среди картинок на доске, ту, о которой я буду говорить. Be very attentive, please.

We’ll do this together, like animals in our story. They live nicely. We can too.

Teacher: I have a friend. He is a little boy. His name is Mougli. He has no mother, no father, no sister and no brother. He lives in Jungle.

Teacher-Mougli: Mougli, tell us about yourself, please.

(Ученик, исполняющий роль Маугли рассказывает о своем герое.)

Teacher: Mougli has many friends, his friends make him happy.

Listen to me. Be very attentive.

Teacher: Mougli has a friend. His name is Baloo. He is a bear.

Teacher: Mougli has another friend.Her name is Baghura. She is a panther.

Teacher: Mougli has still another friend. His name is Kaa. He is a snake.

Teacher: Mougli has one more friend. His name is Akela. He is a wolf.

So, you see, how many friends has Mougli. Let’s try to be friends, too.

Но посмотрите. На доске остались еще две картинки. I say a few words about them

Teacher: This is a monkey. His name is Bandar-log. He is not Mougli’s friend

Teacher: This is a tiger. His name is Sher-Khan. He is not Mougli’s friend too.

They are not nice. So they have no friends and they are not happy.

Mougli’s friends are so different, let’s describe them

(Слова детей.)

Teacher: But what can we say about the monkey and the tiger

Pupil 1: I Think that the monkey is lazy. The tiger is cruel

Teacher: Yes, you are right. What else can you say about Mougli?

Pupil2: He is small.

Pupil 3: He is clever.

Pupil 4: He is brave.

Pupil5: He is strong.

Teacher: They all live together in the jungle. This is their big house. The friends are happy and help to each other. Каждый решил научить Маугли всему тому, что умел делать сам.

(По очереди выходят к доске.)

Teacher: Bear, come here, please. What can you do?

(bear) I can run! Mougli, run please!

Teacher: Panther, come here, please. What can you do?

(panther) I can jump! Mougli, jump, please!

Teacher: Snake, come here, please. What can you do?

(snake) I can swim! Mougli, swim please!

Teacher: Wolf, come here, please. What can you do?

(wolf) I can run too! Mougli, run, please!

Teacher: But nobody want to play with the monkey and the tiger.

Давайте примем и их- мы должны жить дружно. Но они должны исправиться. Пусть нам помогут.

Teacher: Monkey, come here. What can you do?

Monkey: I can climb!

Teacher: Teach Mougli, please

(monkey): Mougli, climb please!

Teacher: Well done! Tiger, come here! What can you do?

(tiger) I can walk!

Teacher: Teach Mougli, please

(tiger): Mougli, walk please!

Teacher: All animals can do different things, and they are so different. А как вы думаете, что между ними общего?

Pupil 1: They are animals

Pupil2: They live in Jungle

Pupil3: They are happy friends

Все звери, которые живут в джунглях знают волшебные слова- скажешь эти слова любому зверю и он станет твоим другом

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Let’s read these magic words «We are of one blood, you and I»

Это значит, что все мы братья, сестры, что у нас один дом-наша школа, наш хутор, наша земля.

Teacher: Sometimes, we compare animals with people. What do we say?

Pupil 1: As big as an elephant

Pupil 2: As buzy as a bee

Pupil 3: As slow as a tortoise

Teacher: Well done! Now, it’s time to play games. Look! He is a well-known person Winny-the-P ooh and his friend Piglet. They live in England and speak English.Они торопились к нам на урок, но злая злая волшебница им помешала, посмотрите, что она с ними сделала. Let’s help them! We must be friends!

(Проводятся игры «Wake him up!» «How many noses(tales…) has he got?»

Teacher: Now, our time is up! Remember! We all are different. But we all are friends. We are of the same blood.

Today you work very well, thank you. Good-by!