Сценарий рождественского праздника "Christmas Traditions" для учащихся 5–6-х классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи проведения рождественского праздника:

  1. Образовательные: выход за рамки традиционного урока помогает детям использовать английский язык как средство развития их коммуникативных умений: разучивая, воспроизводя, инсценируя стихи, песни, сценки на английском я зыке, учащиеся овладевают коммуникативными средствами, достаточными для осуществления иноязычного обучения на элементарном и среднем уровне.
  2. Развивающие: расширяется представление учащихся о традициях и обычаях стран изучаемого языка; углубляется потребность детей в творчестве и познании нового.
  3. Воспитательные: воспитывается уважительное отношение к проявлениям иной культуры, а также создается положительная мотивация к освоению иностранного языка, так как органичное сочетание когнитивного и эмоционального связано с положительными эмоциями и способствует хорошему усвоению языкового материала.

Оснащение: проектор для демонстрации презентации, компьютер, магнитофон, декорации, костюмы.

Использованные материалы:

  • традиционные рождественские стихи и песни;
  • видео YouTube: X-mas Carol with Lyrics and Music;
  • http://ministry-to-children.com/christmas-hope-play/.

Предварительная подготовка:

  1. Деление учащихся на группы для подготовки праздника, распределение ролей.
  2. Планирование участия отдельных учащихся в подготовке презентации, посвященной празднику.
  3. Изготовление костюмов и декораций.
  4. Проведение репетиций.


В зале звучат рождественские песни на англ. языке. На экране слайд №1 из Презентации. Гаснет свет. Звучат колокольчики (дорожка №1).

На сцене зажигается свет. Звучит песня “Christmas is coming” (дорожка №2), выходят дети, изображая предпраздничную суету. В стороне стоит нищий, некоторые из детей подают ему деньги, сладости.

Old man. Oh! Thank you very much. Good children! How generous you are. I have some money. Now I can buy a present for my wife and some food for my Christmas dinner: turkey and plum pudding.

После этого они все вместе исполняют песню “Christmas is coming”.

Затем выходит Mother Goose и обращается к собравшимся:

Mother Goose. Well, well, well, well, well, here we all are again. And what's more important, Christmas is here again, too. Aren't you glad? Now I want to tell you children something. Do you know what I enjoy most at Christmas time? It's to come in here and see all you children, all your faces and smiles. And I think I know why you are all smiling.

There are two reasons for it, I believe. One is that you think old Mother Goose is a good friend of yours, and loves you all very much. And you're quite right about that. I love every one of you as much as I love—plum pudding. And the second reason why you are all smiling, I guess, is because you think I am going to show you a Christmas Play. And you're right about that, too.

Are you ready, all of you? Be quiet, then, for now it is going to begin...

Ведущие хором при выходе на сцену:

Christmas is here, Christmas is here. Merry Christmas, Mothers! Merry Christmas Fathers! Merry Christmas, Children!

Ведущий 1. Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests! There are many holidays in our country and English-speaking countries. Our party is devoted to the most beautiful holiday – Christmas, which is loved by children and adults! (слайд №2).

Ведущий 2.


Christmas days are white with snow,
The winds are laughing as they blow.
Across the ponds and lakes we glide,
And over the drifting snow we ride
And down the hills we gaily slide
And shout with all our might:
“Merry Christmas!”

Ведущий 1. (Слайд №3) Christmas is a religion holiday. It is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who was very kind and who loved children very much. Many Christians go to church to sing carols and to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day.

Ведущий 2. December 25 was chosen as the birthday celebration as Christ’s Mass.

(Cлайд №4) X-mas. This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos.

Ведущий 1. Do you know that the Christmas story comes from the Bible? The baby Jesus was born in a stable. His mother was the Virgin Mary and his father was Joseph. The wise man gave Jesus gifts of gold. Because of this event the Christians celebrate Christmas. Let’s see how it was.

(Cлайды №5, 6) Сценка “Christmas Hope” (приложение)

Видеоролик (YouTube: It’s X-mas Day; X-mas Carol with Lyrics and Music)

Ведущий 3. (Cлайд №7) As far as I know people prepare for this day beforehand. They buy presents, decorate their houses and send greeting cards. Today we shall find out more about Christmas in Great Britain.

Ведущий 4. Most people are on holiday in the UK and stay at home with their family on Christmas day. Christmas is a truly magical season, bringing families and friends together to share their much loved customs and traditions. Do you remember the symbols of Christmas?

Ведущий 3. (Cлайд №8) Yes, some of them. For example, Christmas Tree, candles.

Ведущий 4. Any more ?

Ведущий 3. Children, can you help me? What other symbols do you know? (Ребята называют разные символы рождества)

Thank you, children. And do you know what they symbolize?

Ведущий 4. Of course, yes. (Cлайд №9) When people shop for turkeys, crackers and presents, they also pick up holly wreathes.

Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves and red berries. People use holly to decorate their homes. It is a very old tradition. Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during the dark cold winters. They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house.

Ведущий 3. Oh, how interesting! I have never heard about it.

(Cлайд №10) But I know that on Christmas Eve some people light candles in their windows. The Bible says that Mary had trouble finding shelter on the night Jesus was born. The candles symbolize a welcome to cold and tired travelers.

Ведущий 4. I see. I am sure we must help people in need. Do you remember this poem?

It's Christmas time around the world;
You'll hear the Yule bells ring.
It's time for giving, time for love;
It's time for hearts to sing.

Ведущий 3. (Cлайд №11) Carol singing, or Caroling, is singing carols in the street or public places. Christmas carols are special songs which are sung during the Christmas season. The songs are about Jesus and the time when he was born. It is one of the oldest customs in Great Britain, going back to the Middle Ages when beggars, seeking food, money, or drink, would wander the streets singing holiday songs.

Ведущий 4. Let us listen to the famous Christmas carol Silent Night”! (дорожка №3), (слайд №12). Две ученицы исполняют песню, используя минусовку.

Ведущие 5, 6.

Ведущий 5.

It’s winter time!
It’s winter time!
Decorate a tree!

Ведущий 6.

What tree?

Ведущий 5.

The Christmas tree!
Decorate the tree!
Take some crackers!

Ведущий 6.

Take some bells!

Ведущий 5.

Take some stars!

Ведущий 6.

Take some lights!

Ведущий 5.

Take some baubles,
And put them on the tree!

Ведущий 5. (Cлайд №13) The traditional Christmas tree is a fir tree. The decorating of the tree is usually a family occasion, with everyone helping.

Ведущий 6. Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, lights and small ornaments which hang from the branches. Chocolate coins or chocolate shapes are also hung on the Christmas tree and the presents are put under the tree.

Ведущий 5. And we can't imagine the Christmas Tree without snowflakes. (слайд№14)

Ведущий 6. And what winter without snow!

Исполняется песня “Let it snow” (дорожка №4).

Сценка о Санта Клаусе

Звучит начало музыки к танцу (дорожка №5), выбегает ученик 3 со словами

Santa Claus is on his way. He's coming.
Santa Claus is on his way.
He's coming here today on his sleigh.
Jingle bells are ringing. Santa Claus is singing.

Santa Claus is on his way. He's coming.
Santa's coming here today.
Everybody knows it's Christmas cause
Santa Claus is on his way today.
Santa Claus is on his way.

Музыка усиливается, (слайд№15) появляются олени и исполняют танец, в конце которого появляется Санта Клаус.

Santa Claus: Come down, my little deer! Hello, everyone!

Merry Christmas to you,
Merry Christmas to me,
Merry Christmas to all your friends,
Where ever they may be.
Merry Christmas to school
And to your teachers too.
Merry Christmas to every one!

Ученик 1: Hello, Santa! We are happy to see you! How are you?

Santa: Fine, thanks. And you?

Ученики все вместе: We are OK. Have you got any presents for us?

Santa: Of course, yes. But first you must answer my questions.

Ученики: With great pleasure.

Santa: My little deer, help me, please. I am too old to read. My eyes hurt.

(Cлайды 16-22) Олени загадывают загадки.

Santa: Oh, you are very clever! Here are some presents for you! (Дает подарки из мешка)

Ученик 2: Santa, we have a present for you too. It’s a poem!

Два ученика рассказывают стихотворение “Twinkle, twinkle little star…”

(Слайд№23), (дорожка №6)

Santa: Thank you, it’s my favourite Christmas poem.

Ученик 3: And one more present-a song! Jingle Bells! Join us, everyone! (слайд№24)

Все исполняют песню “Jingle Bells” (дорожка №7)

После песни все участники концерта желают всем:

Merry Christmas! (слайд№25)



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