Урок-обобщение "Время жить в Марий Эл"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В последнее время во многих провинциальных городах сложилась тенденция, когда молодёжь в поисках лучшей жизни уезжает в крупные города, хотя их малая родина нуждается в них. Не является исключением и Республика Марий Эл. Поэтому задача учителей заключается в воспитании у детей стремления жить, получать образование, и работать в своём родном крае. Этой цели и служит привлечение материала регионального компонента при изучении иностранного языка. Знакомство с культурой стран изучаемого языка происходит путём сравнения имевшихся ранее знаний и понятий с вновь полученными знаниями о своей стране, о своём крае, о своём городе, о самих себе.

Данный урок по теме “Моя малая Родина” проводился в 10-м классе при изучении большой темы “Россия и страны изучаемого языка”. Я работаю по учебнику Happy English.ru. (авторы Кауфман К. Кауфман М.). На уроке обобщаются ранее полученные знания о географическом положении, населении, промышленности, известных людях, достопримечательностях Республики Марий Эл. Отрабатывается пройденная лексика, совершенствуются навыки чтения, монологической и диалогической речи. Проводилась групповая, фронтальная и индивидуальная работа с учащимися. Обладая навыками владения компьютерными технологиями, учащиеся показывают созданные презентации, посвящённые родному краю. Работа на данном уроке позволяет развивать творческие способности и познавательные интересы учащихся.

Образовательные задачи урока:

  1. Учить мыслить логически, развивать внимание, память, речь.
  2. Развивать активность и самостоятельность в условиях коллективной деятельности.
  3. Развитие умения сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, делать выводы.

Воспитательные задачи урока:

  1. Воспитывать чувство гражданственности, патриотизма, любви и гордости за свою малую Родину.
  2. Воспитание толерантности и уважения к людям других национальностей, к их культуре, традициям и обычаям.

Практические задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствовать навыки коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи, чтении.
  2. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.
  3. Учить учащихся создавать проекты с использованием компьютерных технологий.

Методы: побуждающий диалог, наглядный, практический.

Оснащение урока: листы с заданиями, компьютер, плакат с кроссвордом, портреты известных людей республики.

Ход урока

Оргмомент: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! I hope you are well.

I would like some pupils to start our lesson today. Kristina and Alexei will recite a poem “Hymn to the native land” in Russian and English languages.

Гимн родному краю.

(А. Коломейский)

Край прозрачных озёр и широких полей
Где марийской природы частица.
Край талантливый, сильных и добрых людей.
Край, которым нельзя не гордиться.
Ты цветом России державного стяга
И солнца лучом золотым озарён.
Цвети же и здравствуй живущий во благо,
Наш славный, любимый марийский район.

Hymn to the native land.

The land of lakes, so deep and clear,
The land of fields, so vast and green,
The land of forests, full of elks and deer,
The land of beauty has never been seen.
The land of people, sincere and kind,
The land of labor, simple and hard,
We wish Mary El a prosperous road to find
And be glorified by a talented bard.

Во время чтения стихов показывается презентация с видами республики Марий Эл.

(Приложение 1)

T: Children! Guess what the topic of our lesson is.

P1. “Our native land is the Republic of Mary El”.

Фонетическая зарядка: T: Do you know any proverbs of native place?

P1. East or West – home is best.

P2. There is no place like home.

P3. Every dog is a lion at home.

P4. It is a foolish bird that soils its own nest.

Речевая зарядка: T: Boys and girls! Will you answer my questions?

  1. What is your place of birth?
  2. How long have you lived in the Republic of Mary El?
  3. Where were your parents born?
  4. Are you Russian? What nationality are you?
  5. Are there any people of Mary nationality in your family? Who are they?
  6. Are there any pupils of Mary nationality in our school?
  7. What nationalities live in our Republic?
  8. Do you speak about our Republic at the lessons? What lessons?
  9. Can you speak Mary language?
  10. Do pupils of our school learn Mary language?

Повторение пройденного материала:

T: At the previous lessons we read the text about the Republic of Mary El. Let’s revise some facts. Use the exercises in the lists on your desks.

Task 1

Which statements are true or false?

  1. The Mary republic is both in the European and Asian parts of Russia.
  2. It’s located on the left bank of the river Volga.
  3. The distance from Moscow to Yoshkar-Ola is less than 1,000 km.
  4. Most of the people are city – dwellers.
  5. People of many nationalities live here.
  6. The main industry is wood processing.
  7. Agriculture is represented by cattle-breeding, grain-crops, vegetable, potato, flax growing.

Task 2

Fill in the table

The total area  
The boarders  
The population  
The number of regions  
The main industries  
Famous people of art, music and literature  
National holidays of Mary people  

T: Children! Do you know who the head of our republic?

P2. Yes, of course.

T: Who is the president of our republic?

P3. Leonid Markelov is.

Работа с текстом.

T: Look in your cards, read the President’s biography and use the words given to form the word that fits in the space in the same line.

Leonid Igorevich Markelov was born in 1963 and spent his (1)… and (2)… in Moscow.

After (3)…school in 1980, he worked in Moscow State university of the (4)… of Defense. In 1981 he entered this university.

In 1986 Leonid Igorevich (5)… the university and served in the army as a prosecture in Mary E. In 1992 he retired and started working as a (6)… in Mary El. Markelov was (7)… on January 14 in 2001 and became president of Mary El. Markelov was elected to a second 4-year term in 2004, (8)… 56% of vote. In 2007 Markelov joined the party (9)… Russia”.


T: Let’s check up this task.

P1, P2 ,P3. Child – childhood; young – youth; finish – finishing; Minister – Ministry; finish – finished; law – lawyer; election – elected; receive – having received; unite – united.

T: Taking part in the meeting with young businessmen of our republic, Leonid Markelov said:

“It is time to live in Mary El”. Translate his words.

P2. Время жить в Марий Эл.

T: I think that his words are actual, because a lot of people leave our republic for big cities in search of well-paid work. Do you agree with me?

P3. Yes I, do. It is time to live in Mary El, because it lacks young high-qualified specialists in many fields of industry and agriculture.

Контроль домашнего задания (диалогическая речь) T: Let's check up your homework.

You were to make up a dialogue and discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities and in your native place.

Dialogue 1

P1. Hello! Nice to meet you!

P2. Nice to meet you too.

P1. Where did you spend your summer holidays?

P2. I went to Moscow to visit my relatives.

P1. Really? Tell me.

P2. It was a real adventure for me.

P1. How wonderful!

P2. We had much fun. I saw Red square, Kremlin, St.Basil’s Cathedral. We went to the Bolshoi theatre to see the exciting ballet “Nutcracker”. I enjoyed it very much. And what about you?

P1. I was in the camp. It’s located on the bank of the beautiful lake Yalchik. I had much fun too.

P2. But to my mind if you want to have good rest you should go abroad, to the seaside or to the country.

P1. I can’t agree with you. I had a nice time enjoying nature. Fresh air, the beauty of lakes and forests, a good company of friends – all this gives you much pleasure and relaxation.

P2. Oh, yes. I heard that in our republic there are all opportunities for having wonderful time. There are a lot of modern sanatoriums, boarding houses and camps on the banks of beautiful rivers and lakes.

P1. And besides, people from other cities and regions come to our place to spend their holidays.

P2. I agree with you.

Dialogue 2

P3. Hello,

P4. Hi.

P3. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been all this time?

P4. I have been in Moscow. I am studying at the university there.

P3. Oh, that’s great. As for me, I entered Povolzhsky State Technological University in city Yoshkar-Ola.

P4. What are you going to be?

P3. I will be an engineer. Do you like studying in Moscow?

P4. Yes, I do. Moscow is a big educational centre of our country. There are a lot of different institutes, colleges, universities. The students can get good education.

P3. Although, in our republic there are a few institutes, but they train good specialists in different fields of industry. For example, Povolzhsky State Technological University takes the leading place among the best universities in our country.

P4. You should be proud of it.

P3. Right you are. I can add that there are modern lecture rooms, well-equipped laboratories, qualified tutors.

P4. I wish you a great success!

P3. So do I.

Решение кроссворда.

T: Let’s relax and solve the crossword which you can see on the blackboard.

Учащиеся выходят по одному к доске и вписывают слова в кроссворд.

  1. The name of the town in our Republic which has the longest name? (Kosmodemyansk)
  2. The President of our Republic? (Markelov)
  3. The name of the district where Sheremetyevs’ castle is. (Yurino).
  4. The capital of our Republic? (Yoshkar – Ola)
  5. The name of the town where ships are made. (Zvenigovo)
  6. The name of your home town. (Volzhsk)

T. What word can we find in the table?

P. The word Mary El.

Показ презентаций учащихся.

T: I would like to change a bit President’s motto: “It is time not only to live but to have a rest in Mary El. Our republic is famous for its good places of interests. Some of your classmates made projects about Mary attractions. Let’s watch them.

Ученики выступают с проектами: “Шереметьевский замок в посёлке Юрино” (Приложение 2), “Марийские озёра – место отдыха жителей Марий Эл” (Приложение 3).

T: I think it was useful for you to learn some facts about Mary sights.

Выдвижение ключевой проблемы и обсуждение её в группах.

T: Well, children. I can repeat the motto of our lesson: “It is time to live in Mary El.” I agree with it. A lot of work is being done and will be done by the government of our republic to supply all necessary conditions for people’s life, their personal development, professional growth. You should work in groups. Discuss and prove the statement: Why is it time to live in our Republic?

Group 1. It is time to live in Mary El, because the local authorities do all the best for industrial and social development of our republic. In the towns new enterprises are being built. There will be vacancies for working people.

Group 2. It is time to live in Mary El, because our high institutions train good specialists for different fields of industry and agriculture. Modern well-equipped lecture rooms, libraries, canteens and comfortable hostels are available for students who study there.

Group 3. It is time to live in Mary El. The people have good opportunities for doing sport and to keep fit. Modern sport complexes such as ice palaces, tennis courts, swimming-pools, stadiums have been built in Yoshkar-Ola, Zvenigovo, Mary Turek, Morky.

Group 4. It is time to live in Mary E. The people can spend their holidays in the camps, boarding houses, hotel complexes on the bank of beautiful lakes and rivers. The guests of our Republic are suggested to make excursions to our famous museums, art galleries, theatres, parks. They can visit Kremlin in Yoshkar-Ola, Sheremetyevs’ Castle in Yurino, see a lot of monuments.

Итоги урока.

T: Well. Children! We spoke much about our republic at the lesson. We came to conclusion that it is unnecessary for young people to leave our republic. There are good opportunities for studies, work, rest, keeping health and going sport. I hope that most of you will stay in your native place after finishing your studies. Our lesson is over. I will put the following marks…… Your home task is to write a composition “My native land”.