Конференция на тему "Социокультурный компонент в лингвистике". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цели урока:

  • Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство толерантности и уважения к языкам стран изучаемого языка, объяснить, что все языки одинаково важны.
  • Развивающие: развивать умение работать в группе, чётко выражать свои мысли на изучаемом языке, Развивать монологические и лингвистические компетенции.
  • Обучающие: научить различать американский английский от британского, сравнить лингвистические особенности трёх языков.

Задача: повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранных языков.

Ход урока

1 этап: орг.момент, постановка цели.

У: Good afternoon, children! Nice to meet you here today. Welcome to the international linguistic conference. The topic of our conference is “Sociocultural components in linguistics”. It’s high time to introduce yourselves.

2 этап: введение в тему.

Well, we have come from Great Britain. My name is Iren and I’m captain of the group. All the members of the group are good friends (buddies). They all are very intellectual (eggy-head) and we’re ready to increase our intelligence (open our mind) here at the conference. Thank You.

Hi! I’m Nastya, the captain of the group from America. All these guys and chicks are my buddies. As you guess they are also rather egg-headed. Nevertheless we all are ready to open our minds at this conference. Nice to meet you!

3 этап: творческое задание

У : We’ve heard two greetings in British and American English and realized they’re rather different. As we are in charge of this conference we’ve prepared some tasks for you.

As the conference is taking place in Russia we suggest you to translate quite an easy story from Russian into British and American English and draw a picture of a person associated with this description. We hope you’ll find it interesting.

Сэм очень тихий и симпатичный человек. Он никогда не теряет контроль над собой и редко сердится. Он не лентяй. Кроме того, он знает, как вести свое дело с финансовой точки зрения, употребляя некоторые хитрости… Безусловно, он тоже стареет. Его волосы были рыжими, а теперь седеют, но он умеет восстанавливать потраченные силы отдыхом. Он рано встает, делает гимнастику, никогда не ест фаст-фуд и рано ложится. Поэтому он всегда в форме. Со своей работой в колбасном магазине он справляется без особого труда, успевая все сделать до того, как его сменят. Сэм вполне счастлив, - он достиг цели своей жизни».


We would be grateful to you if it takes you not more than 5 minutes.


Читают обе группы.

Sam is a real cool cat and a yummy guy. He never blows his stack and hardly ever flies off the handle. He isn’t a bum. What’s more, he knows how to get away with things… Well, of course, he is getting on, too. His hair is carrot just beginning to go pepper and salt, but he knows how to make up for lost time by taking it easy. He gets up early, works out, never eats junk food and turns in early. That is why he isn’t a wimp. He takes care of the hot dog stand like breeze until he gets time off. Sam’s got it made; this is it for him.

Sam is really a calm person and very handsome. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. He is a hard working person. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks… Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is red just beginning to turn gray, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He raises early, exercises and goes to bed early. He always eats healthy food. That’s why he keeps fit. He manages his frankfurter stand without visible effort until it is someone else’s turn to work there. Sam is successful; he has reached his life’s goal.

Let’s find linguistic differences between these two versions.

4 этап: Презентация выполненных работ.

5 этап: Рефлексия. Лингвистический разбор составленных текстов.

- Have you noticed any stylistic differences?

- I can say that the British version is far more formal.

- In its turn the American one is rather informal and more acceptable for me.

- Then you for --- your interesting investigation. How long have you been learning Russian?

- For 5 years already.

- And you?

- For 4 years, miss.

- Then we’ve got an amusing linguistic experience.

6 этап: Творческое задание. Рифмованный перевод лимерика.

У: You’ve surely heard about limericks connected with both British and American folklore. We suggest you translating this one into Russian and then compare their structure. By the way, do you know what a limerick is?

A limerick is a humorous rhyme consisting of 5 lines.

We’re ready.

Переводы By the way, do you know what a limerick is…

Oh, yes, it’s a…

7 этап: Рефлексия. Разбор лимериков.

We think that you have opened your minds greatly and you increased your intelligence during our conference.

It was surely very productive. But let’s summarize the information you’ve got:

We’ve investigated such aspects of linguistics as stylistics, word – formation of three languages. The importance of studying linguistics in order to study the language deeper is obvious. Unfortunately we’re short of time and have no possibility to discuss more.

To sum up we’d like to say that there is no leading language at all. Both American and British English are equally important and popular. Right is the man who said “The more languages you know the more human you are”.

8 этап: Подведение итогов. Вручение дипломов участникам конференции.

У: Thank you for participating in our conference. We hope to see you at our next conference. These are participants’ certificates. Good bye.
