Класс: 7.
Предмет: английский язык.
УМК: “Английский в фокусе” 7 класс; авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули; издательство: М., Express Publishing, Просвещение”, 2009.
Тема учебного занятия: “Компьютерные игры”.
Место урока в учебном плане: Module 5, “What the future holds”, Extensive reading.
Продолжительность учебного занятия: 45 минут.
Тип учебного занятия: урок.
Тип урока: урок-дискуссия.
План-конспект урока
Цель урока: обсуждение положительных и отрицательных сторон компьютерных игр, выражение и аргументирование своей точки зрения.
1. Активизировать лексику по теме “Компьютеры”.
2. Развивать лексические навыки в чтении по данной теме, по теме: “Прилагательные”.
3. Формировать навыки направленного аудирования по тексту: “ Имитация реальности”.
4. Обучение и проверка сформированности монологической и диалогической речи по теме, умения выражать свое мнение.
5. Активизация грамматических навыков употребления настоящего простого времени.
1. Развитие способности к анализированию изученной информации, умения выражать свое мнение относительно пользы и вреда компьютерных игр, находить аргументы в поддержку своей точки зрения и опровергать позицию оппонента, делать выводы.
2. Развитие памяти.
3. Развитие мотивации к изучаемой теме.
1. Формирование уважения к мнению других людей; умения вести дискуссию, диалог, соблюдать речевой этикет.
Режим работы: фронтальный, индивидуальный, парный.
Виды упражнений: языковые, условно-речевые, речевые.
Оснащение урока: CD 1 (M.5, ex.2а), компьютер (презентация), мультимедийный проектор, рабочие листы учащихся (раздаточный материал).
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Установка учителя.
Teacher: “Good afternoon! Today we’re going to speak about different types of computer games, we’ll talk about positive and negative effects of them and virtual reality in general. You are to listen to the text about video games simulating reality . So the objective of our lesson is to discuss all bad and good sides of computers in our life. You may see the objective on the screen.
(Презентация , слайд 2). I hope you’ll take an active part in the lesson.
2. Introduction. T-P1; P2; P3
При выполнении данного задания используется слайд № 3.
Учащиеся смотрят на экран, слушают речь учителя и высказывают собственные мнения относительно тезисов, приведенных в презентации. Teacher: Our life is greatly influenced and perhaps even dependent on computers nowadays. One can not but agree with it. Computers are important for our work, studying, free time. You know children spend a lot of time playing computer games that affect them differently. Some people say these games are useful, others think they are dangerous and harmful. I’d like you to express your opinion on some statements that you can see on the screen. (Слайды 3-8).
1. Computer games develop fast thinking, learning, reaction.
Pupil I: I think it’s true because children have to analyze the situation in the game and invent the best options, for example, where the character of the game should go or how to drive the car correctly. It must be done quickly.
Pupil II: I don’t agree. Real situations and knowledge are different from computer ones.
2. Computer games lead to social problems.
Pupil I: People who use the Net and play games a lot sometimes can’t find friends in real life and feel comfortable at parties, in the classroom and so on. They are too shy and can’t mix with people.
Pupil II: But they can find friends on the Net and partners for their computer games. They can be very popular in the social nets.
3. Computer games make children be aggressive.
Pupil I: I suppose it depends on the person. Some people say that such games help to delete negative emotions.
Pupil II: It’s right because usually aggressive boys are interested in these games. They become more violent.
4. Repetitive tasks in games make children less intelligent.
Pupil I: It’s nonsense because the games have got many options and you must make decisions in the other situations. Games may help memory, abstract thinking.
Pupil II: I agree with the statement. You always do the same things, only the pictures change but the task is the same: you must fight or kill or drive somewhere. It does not help to be cleverer.
5. Children can become dependent on games.
Pupils 1: I’ve got a friend who plays games all the time. He does not go for a walk of learn well, he just plays. He spends time very strangely. He does not want to do anything else.
Pupil II: It depends on your friend. He is not interested in studying, people, communication. It’s his problem , not the problem of games.
6. Computer games are one of the most important factors in developing children’s IQ. (Researchers show the present people have IQs 15 points higher above their parents).
Pupil I: 11.
Vocabulary: (необходимый словарь представлен в рабочих листах учащихся).
To depend on (be dependent on)
Violence (violent)
Communicate (- tion)
To develop(- ment)
To influence
Social problems (nets)
To agree (disagree)
To suppose
To support
3. Развитие умения направленного аудирования с полным пониманием текста учебника по данной теме.
Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись и заполняют пропуски в тексте, выбирая из предложенных вариантов в учебнике.
Text: “Simulating reality”, Module 5 “Extensive reading”, т (ex. 2, p.53).
Дотекстовый этап (Before Listening)
1) Обсуждение, вводящее в тему текста.
Discuss and answer the questions:
1) How can people simulate/imitate reality?
2) Why are these simulations useful/useless/harmful?
3) Who can train, learn test anything with the help of the simulations?
2) Работа с заголовком текста и новыми словами.
Look at the title and the new words from the text, please. Try to understand what the text will be about. Which problems will be discussed in this text?
Word list: (слова представлены на доске или в рабочих листах учащихся Task 2 с переводом и транскрипцией)
to develop
flight simulator
to function
to train
to simulate reality
3) Представление учителем темы текста.
The text will tell you about video computer games that can simulate some difficult, dangerous situations which can happen in the real life. The games help people to practise, train, learn new things.
Which simulation games do you know?
Why are they helpful for people?
Would you like to learn anything using these games?
4) Этап слушания текста (While listening)
1) Listen to the text and complete the sentences with the words that you may see below the text. (Упражнение на направленное аудирование из учебника / см. ниже текст с упражнением/)
2) Listen to the text and say which words were used to describe the following: (simulations, pilot training, faults, testing).
3) Complete the sentences, please: Задание на рабочих листах (Task 3)
1) Sim City, The Sims, MS Flight Simulator are popular_____. (video games)
2) We use computers for fun, studying and_____. (testing)
3) Pilots practise their skills before entering______. (the cockpit)
4) Engineers use computer simulations to design and test____. (new products)
5) During real life testing people sometimes put their lives at_____. (risk)
4) Listen to the text and find the Russian equivalents to the English words:
A. 1. simulate reality 2. fault 3. function 4. skills 5. to train 6. to develop 7. (plane) cockpit |
B. a) недостаток в) тренировать/ся с) развивать/ся d) имитировать реальность е) умения f) функционировать, действовать g) кабина (самолета) |
(Задание представлено на рабочих листах учащихся - Task 4).
5) Послетекстовый этап (Follow-up activities). Этап обсуждения текста.
1) Agree or disagree with the statements. Explain your point of view.
1) Simulating reality can help in some situations.
2) Simulating reality is dangerous, it involves people into the virtual world.
3) Computer simulations are useful for some professions.
4) Computer game can’t predict trouble in the future reality.
Try to use the expressions from your Work- sheets to support your point of view.
(Словосочетания представлены на рабочих листах учащихся - Task 5)
It’s absolutely right that…
I quite agree …
It’s true that…
It’s completely false that…
I think/ suppose/consider…
I can’t support your point…
I can’t understand…
2) Imagine that you are a journalist who has been at the presentation of the new computer game “Mercedes Simulator” and has already played one game. Describe your impressions, feelings and thoughts about it. Is it useful? Why yes /not? One group of the class will support the idea of this game, the other will deny it. You have some time to think it over and tell your arguments (слайд № 9 презентации).
(Каждая группа представляет свою точку зрения, на слайде представлены некоторые словосочетания по теме).
Group 1:
We suppose that this computer simulation is extremely important for every future driver because it provides many variants of dangerous road situations. The driving rules for each situation, when you make a mistake, are given so you can check yourself and remember this particular rule. The road signs are also presented and it ‘s very useful for the inexperienced driver. Computer graphics are excellent and visual effects are terrific. Computer driving theoretical and practical tests are reality nowadays and we can’t turn a blind eye to it. Computer simulations are a part of our life , they can prevent a lot of crashes, real human tragedies, avoid crimes on roads and make our life safe. Repeated actions in these games help to form a skill and automatic skills are a sign of great experience. You know that even future doctors first should train on special dolls not on people. It’s also the question of safety. Extra training in different options is certainly necessary. This game presents all new functions and opportunities of “ Mercedes” car. The player feels himself like in a real car, he learns to make decisions and think independently. This game doesn’t promote violence , it helps to develop brain and memory.
Group 2:
We can’t agree with you because reality and virtual world are different things. Drivers must study in real situations on the road, life-like and computer – like reactions and abilities are not the same. It’s seems to us that you may perfectly drive your car in the game but it ‘ll be the other variant in life. Computer effects, even the best, ones are not good for eyes and healthy education is not in front of the screen but, of course, in a car in an open air. People need a living teaching with live people. Our group thinks that games are only an imitation of teaching and for having real knowledge people should learn in reality. People need warmth, understanding, communication and only teachers or coachers can do it. Computers can’t become people, friends, it’s impossible. People become people and members of society when playing, talking and helping people. There is a saying: ”There is only one luxury in the world - the luxury of the human communication” and we totally agree with it. “Computer sun” doesn’t shine in the street and doesn’t give heat. You have to act and take part in the social life, you can’t jump behind the screen, like Alice in Wonderland behind the mirror, and live there. You have got only one life not “10 lives” as it is in the computer games. If your real Mercedes hits a man and you don’t understand that it’s not a game what will happen to you and who’ll help you?
3) Write a short annotation to the new computer simulation “Ocean diving”. Describe good and bad points of it.
4) Try to prove why computer simulations can be helpful for pilots, drivers, engineers, architects, sportsmen.
4. Questionnaire. Group survey.
Учащиеся отвечают на предложенные вопросы и составляют свои вопросы. Затем работают в группах и представляют результаты всему классу.
Now I’d like you to work individually and be prepared to answer some questions from your Work – sheets, after it you are to think of five more questions, divide in four small groups, ask and answer the questions in your group, present results to the class. Try to be active in your discussion and give ideas to the group.
(Рабочие листы учащихся - Task 6)
1) Do computer games’ skills help you in learning?
~ Yes
~ Partially
2) Do you think some games are necessary for
~ quickness of reaction
~ memory
~ practical skills
~ intelligence
3) What useful things do you take from computer games?
~ new skills
~ analyzing
~ abstract thinking
~ new information
~ intelligence
4) What negative things do games bring us?
~ anti- social behavior
~ dependence on ready answers
~disability to adapt in the real life
~ feeling discomfort
~lack of real knowledge
5) Do computer games influence your life?
~ Yes (they take time)
6) Are you dependent on the games?
~ You play every day a lot
~ You buy or download new games as they appear
~ You make friends with people who play games
~You find information in this sphere
7) What are the most popular games now?
Presentation (example)
Group 1.
In our group 75% think that computer games help in learning.
50% of students consider games useful for reaction, 50% - for practical skills.
75% think positive result of games is in developing abstract thinking ,negative effect of them is lack of real knowledge.
All students in our group don’t think that they are game- addicted.
The most popular games in our group are “ Doom”, “ War craft”.
5. Оценка работы на уроке. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: I’m satisfied with your work at the lesson.
I’m pleased with the answers. Thank you for your
participation. Your hometask for the next lesson is
SB ex.5, p.53, WB p.33-34
1. Эванс В., Дули Д.-УМК Spotlight-7; издательство: М., Express Publishing “Просвещение”, 2009.
2. Романова Л.И. “Английский язык: Будь готов к ЕГЭ”, М., Айрис-Пресс, 2005.
3. Ньюбрук Д., Вилсон Д. “FCE Gold Plus”, изд. Pearson Longman, 2008.
4. Чаадаева М. А. “Английский язык”, М., Айрис-Пресс, 2004.
5. Иллюстрации:
http://www.whitewarez.info/wallpapers/3916-game-wallpapers.html http://talk.readmas.ru/tag/kompyuternye-igry
Видеоролик: “Computer games can help kids learn”